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    Android 8.0 Oreo For Xiaomi Redmi 1S (Armani) Through LineageOS 15.0


    Unofficial LineageOS 15.0 For Xiamo Redmi 1S (Armani) Android 8.0 Oreo ROM


    Unofficial LineageOS 15.0

    Unofficial – Testing – Oreo – PORT

    Android 8.0 Oreo for Xiaomi Redmi 1S through Unofficial LineageOS


    LineageOS is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 8.0 (Oreo), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.

    LineageOS is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. Linked below is a package that has come from another Android project that restores the Google parts. LineageOS does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.

    All the source code for LineageOS is available in the LineageOS Github repo. And if you would like to contribute to LineageOS, please visit out Gerrit Code Review. You can also view the Changelog for a full list of changes & features.



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    Installation Instructions

    Step 1: Download the ROM/Gapps zip files from the download section below.

    Step 2: Copy ROM/Gapps zip file to sd-card (internal).

    Step 3: Now Boot your device into custom recovery (TWRP recommended).

    Step 4: From Recovery menu select backup and take a full nandroid backup.

    Step 5: Now wipe system, data, Dalvik cache and cache.

    Step 6: Next Flash the Custom ROM zip file.

    Step 7: After that flash the latest version of file to get the Google Apps.

    Step 8: Finally reboot your device continue to the on-screen setup of LineageOS.



    Update TWRP Recovery to Latest Version:

    1. Download the latest version of TWRP recovery from the download section below and place it on your sd card.

    2. Boot your phone into the Recovery Mode.

    3. Tap install in TWRP Recovery and select the downloaded recovery.img file to flash it.

    4. That’s it, again reboot into the recovery mode to get the latest version of TWRP Recovery.













    List of All the Custom Roms for Xiaomi Redmi 1S

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    Do share your reviews and queries about this ROM in the comments below.

    Creating and Managing Your Own Writer’s or Author’s Blog


    Although writing is fun, it involves a lot of hard work and dedication. Apart from having an idea for a story, you have to do research, revise your work, edit it for errors, and probably rewrite it if there is such need. Considering all the pros & cons, many people prefer to avoid this venture completely. For most writers, the work ends when they land a contract but the older folks in the industry know better. For writers, a major part of the job lies in the promotion of their work. Either way, you need to work really hard. Interestingly, starting your own personal blog makes life easier. You can share your work with others with less effort and gain more. All you need is a good computer and a reliable internet connection.


    Pros and Cons

    Having your own writer’s blog puts you in charge. You can make your own schedule, add your own pictures, and use any layout – anything you like. You can practice new writing techniques on your blog and post whatever you like wherever you are, whether on your sofa or at the restaurant. More importantly, there is no limit to how much money you can make with your blog, especially if you have a great start.

    Although you get to establish your authority and do things the way you like, going solo means you will also have to bear the entire burden. There are hundreds of writers who make hundreds of thousands of dollars from their blogs annually but don’t expect to earn as much in one month. New blogs take time before they are able to gain authority through offering quality content.

    Notwithstanding, having a blog is cool and it is worth it. All you need is patience, hard work, and the right strategy.


    What About Video Blogging (Vlogging)?

    Just like a writer’s blog, a video blog is another popular way of sharing information with people and it is done in a video format. It is the popular trend nowadays. However, unlike with writer’s blog, you don’t need to write well to run a video blog – all you need is the right equipment i.e. a good camera, a mic, and a recognizable background set-up.

    Blogging, Content Writing


    So now you want to start your own writer’s blog but how do you go about it?

    • Decide on what you want to blog about. Before you start your blog, you must determine what you will write. This is called a niche. It is advisable to blog about a subject you know well.
    • Pick a domain name. After deciding on your niche, the next thing you need to do is choose a domain name. Ideally, your domain name should correspond to the content of your blog.
    • Purchase a hosting package. After choosing a domain name, the next thing is purchasing the domain from a web hosting provider
    • Hire a developer to build your blog from scratch or install WordPress. The latter option is obviously preferable because it’s cheaper and faster.
    • Write compelling content. The final and most important step you should take to be a successful blogger is to create abundant quality content that has value for the readers.

    Creating a blog is no easy task and success does not come overnight but if you are persistent, you will soon reap the benefits of blogging. Good luck!

    If you want to know more about famous modern writers as exemplars you can check out this article: Top 10 Successful Writers of the Modern Age

    7 Best Translation Apps for Travelling Around the World

    Travelling around the world has always been an exciting prospect. Meeting new cultures, creating friendships and everlasting memories is something that everyone should consider at least once. However, one particular aspect of traveling around the globe might prove difficult to those with little knowledge of world languages.

    You might travel to Russia, China or even Greece or Germany and have trouble communicating with the locals due to a language barrier. Luckily, the technology has advanced sufficiently to make up for that detriment so let’s take a look at some of the best translation apps that can help you out when you set out to travel the world.



    1. TripLingo

    One of the most versatile tools for translating phrases to different languages is TripLingo. This is a unique app on the translation market due to the fact that it relies on slang and street speech as well as academic knowledge of a language.

    You can combine both of these sets of information in order to better understand how people talk in their home countries. The free app comes with basic access to over 20 languages, and if you opt to pay for the full package, all of the content will be available to you on iOS or Android no matter where you go. It even includes a crash course in local culture for every country available, which is always a plus for travelers.

    Developer: TripLingo
    Price: Free+
    • TripLingo Screenshot
    • TripLingo Screenshot
    • TripLingo Screenshot
    • TripLingo Screenshot
    • TripLingo Screenshot
    • TripLingo Screenshot
    • TripLingo Screenshot
    • TripLingo Screenshot



    1. iHandy

    For those with iOS devices in mind, iHandy offers a decent translation app that you can use in your travels. The app comes equipped with access to 52 languages and comes in free or premium version, depending on your needs and preferences.

    What separates iHandy from other translation apps is the fact that it can translate entire sentences and dialogues seemingly on the fly. It also offers a full plethora of social media integrations, allowing you to share content you translated during your travels on Facebook, Twitter and others. While it may not look very professional or rich in graphics, this is a lightweight translation tool that any traveler will be lucky to have around.

    ‎iHandy Translator
    ‎iHandy Translator
    Developer: iHandy Inc.
    Price: Free
    • ‎iHandy Translator Screenshot
    • ‎iHandy Translator Screenshot
    • ‎iHandy Translator Screenshot
    • ‎iHandy Translator Screenshot
    • ‎iHandy Translator Screenshot


    1. Google Translate

    You can’t have a conversation about translation apps without mentioning Google Translate. With access to over 100 languages, voice recognition, and translation as well as photo translation, Google Translate is the reigning king on the market.

    The app can translate over a half of its languages using the built-in database, meaning that you don’t even need to be connected to the internet for it to work. As a bonus, Google Translate allows you to handwrite phrases and use language recognition to get the job done for you, all while offering you a way to Google search whatever phrase you might be looking at currently. The app can be used free of charge, courtesy of Google and is available on iOS and Android devices alike.

    Google Translate
    Google Translate
    Developer: Google LLC
    Price: Free
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot
    • Google Translate Screenshot



    1. Waygo

    For those who travel to China, Japan or Korea, Waygo is the essential travel app. The languages of south-east Asia are known for their picturesque quality, opting not to use western alphabet in their everyday life. This means that using translation apps might be hard for those who travel for holidays or want to explore these countries and then head back home.

    Luckily, Waygo is a perfect translation application that allows you to quickly take photos of Asian writing and get an accurate translation and pronunciation of said languages. If you visit established translation sites, you will notice a deficiency in these languages. While the app only supports three languages (so far), they are widespread enough for the app to be relevant on the market.


    1. Voice Translator

    While the name might not sound exciting, Voice Translator is a very popular and handy app for traveling around. It supports a dozen languages and the reason for such a small choice lies in its name – Voice Translator works with voice commands.

    It can easily facilitate conversations between people of different languages and translate their words on the fly. Even more than that, Voice Translator offers a cloud repository for every conversation you had and allows you to quickly access transcripts and audio files for future use. And while the translation isn’t always spot on, Voice Translator is a very versatile app that can help you get around no matter where you are headed.

    Voice Translator(Translate)
    Voice Translator(Translate)
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot
    • Voice Translator(Translate) Screenshot



    1. SayHi

    This is a voice-oriented translation application only available on iOS. As such, the developers had a chance to focus on adding more and more features that would make SayHi the go-to travel application. It supports over 100 languages with playback editing capabilities and translations in various different voices depending on your preferences.

    While the app doesn’t support slang, it does allow you to carry a conversation in two different languages in real time without worrying that something might get lost in translation.  This is a free application that doesn’t require any additional payments to be used to its full extent, and as such, it provides an adequate substitute to paid apps.

    ‎SayHi Translate
    ‎SayHi Translate
    Developer: SayHi
    Price: Free
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot
    • ‎SayHi Translate Screenshot


    1. TextGrabber

    If you ever wondered how you can translate signs, pictures, phonebook information or restaurant menus on the fly, then TextGrabber is the perfect app for you. The application has been built around the idea of using your camera as an input device for text that needs translation.

    It offers over 60 different language translation options and allows you to instantly click on any links that might appear as a result of the translation. You can even read QR codes and store any scanned text information for future use, which makes TextGrabber a very versatile translation tool. And while the app itself isn’t free, the amount of content and freedom you get by using it is hard to compare to any free apps that might be out there.

    ‎TextGrabber scan and translate
    ‎TextGrabber scan and translate
    Developer: ABBYY
    Price: Free+
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot
    • ‎TextGrabber scan and translate Screenshot




    Choosing the adequate application for your needs is all about taste and subjectivity. If you are completely unaware of the language your country of choice is using, you should invest in a paid app and be safe about what you are doing. These applications are more than just translation tools.

    They allow you to easily learn new languages by practically applying them while you travel around the world. Don’t be afraid of going someplace new just because you don’t know the local language. Equip yourself with proper translation apps and start making your travel dreams a reality.

    Essential Things to Know Before Buying a 3D Printer


    With more and more people trying to explore the amazing technology of 3D printing, there has been a tremendous demand for the 3D printers. One major reason behind the popularity of the printers has been the affordable price at which these are available nowadays. This has enabled a lot of people to experience the technology.
    However, before you begin the process of buying a 3D printer for yourself, there are quite a few essential things that you need to consider.


    Category of Printers

    3D printing in itself is a vast term which includes all the technologies that are needed for
    generating the physical materials. Out of all the 3D printing technologies, the popular one out of them is the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM).

    • Under the Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), a model is built by extruding and heating
    plastic which are assembled with each other layer by layer. A large number of 3D printers
    function on FDM. A reason for this is their wide availability. The whole process is nothing
    but collecting the plastic, melting it and then depositing it in the form of successive layers,
    one over the other.

    • Just like the FDM, Stereolithography is also an additive process. However, in this, the
    plastic is not forced out. The process will make use of the ultraviolet light for hardening a
    model from the pool of photosensitive liquid. This will result in a printout which is of a
    very high-quality.

    • The Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) process is quite similar to that of Stereolithography
    but instead of the UV light beams and the liquid, the process includes lasers and
    powders. A laser is implemented for melting the powder which will create a layer of the
    material that is to be printed. This will enable a few of the models to print the metal
    objects that is not quite possible in the above-mentioned processes.


    Size of the Print Bed

    The size of the print bed will have an impact on the size of the prints. The more will be the size of the bed, the cost of the machine will also be more. A bigger bed will enable you to print more at a particular time. This will prove to be quite beneficial as setting up the whole process for a print run will be a time-consuming job. The more print output which can be taken up at a specific time will always be better.


    Price of the Printer

    One of the biggest reasons behind the popularity of the 3D printers is the price at which they are sold. The price of a 3D printer will completely depend on the quality of the print output. Due to this, the ones which produce high-quality will naturally be more expensive. A few of the professional 3D printers will cost you pretty high. However, for getting a feel of 3D printing you can even opt for the cheaper models that are available for only a few dollars. With the rise in the popularity and the competition among the different 3D printers, it is quite obvious that their price will come down in the coming few years. The materials which are required for printing the products will cost you additional.


    Calibration or Auto Level

    A few of the users will be required to calibrate the printer bed. This will the user to put a piece of paper on top of the print bed and utilize the software for moving the print bed close to the nozzle until it makes a contact with it. The complete process will take up to 10 minutes. Most of the machines feature automatic calibration which and it is always recommended to spend a few of the extra dollars on it. With 3D printing, there are a number of things you can learn and make yourselves aware about.


    In The End

    A few of the points which are mentioned in this article are among the essential things which you should be aware of before buying a 3D printer. These will ensure that the choice of the printer you will make will be the right one. As buying a 3D printer will demand a significant investment from your end it is always advised that you make this choice right.



    Author Bio: Lance Clemons is the blogger by profession with 7 years of experience. He is
    associated with a Printzone an Online store for cheap printer ink in Australia. He is an admirer of sharing his innovative ideas with others on the technology trends.

    Android 8.0 Oreo for Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (Lineage OS 15.0)


    Android 8.0 Oreo Lineage OS 15.0 ROM For Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 (Mido)


    Android 8.0 Oreo – Lineage OS 15.0

    Android Oreo – Unofficial

    LineageOS is a free, community built, aftermarket firmware distribution of Android 8.0 (Oreo), which is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device.

    LineageOS is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed. Linked below is a package that has come from another Android project that restores the Google parts. LineageOS does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.

    All the source code for LineageOS is available in the LineageOS Github repo. And if you would like to contribute to LineageOS, please visit out Gerrit Code Review. You can also view the Changelog for a full list of changes & features.



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    Installation Instructions


    WARNING: This procedure will factory reset your device! Accounts, applications, settings, contacts, etc will be lost, so make sure to backup them before going further!

    Step 1: First make sure that you have flashed TWRP Recovery.

    Step 2: Download the file Rom zip file from the download section below to and place it on your phone.

    Step 3: Next Download the GApps for ARM64 from the download link below.

    Step 4: Now reboot your device into Recovery mode by holding Power button with Volume Up + Volume Down button simultaneously.

    Step 5: In Recovery mode first format user data, cache and Dalvik cache and do a factory reset.

    Step 6: After that choose to Install and install the ROM and the GApps zip files.

    Step 7: After the process completes reboot your device.


    That’s it, first boot will take time after that choose your language and complete the setup process.

    Note: This is a highly unstable build with many features not working and might contain bugs.










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    Share your experience with this ROM in the comment section below

    Top 3 Best Secure and Fast VPN for Windows 10


    Due to its popularity, Windows 7 was and still is the most used operating system. This is the reason most VPN providers are giving it more attention. However, things have started to take a turn in favor of Windows 10 as more and more developers are releasing their apps for the new platform. VPNs are amongst those apps and due to their popularity, as soon as a new one comes out, it sells like hotcakes. Seeing this high demand for VPNs, a lot of scam developers have also released their solution in the market, and people are not happy about it. They stumble upon a VPN that they think they can rely on, but it turns out to be a scam, and all of their effort, time, and money is wasted. Realizing how big of an issue this is becoming, we have outlined the best VPNs that Windows 10 users can get their hands on right now.


    1. FalcoVPN

    FalcoVPN Fast and Secure VPN Provider

    Despite being relatively new to the market, FalcoVPN has been able to make itself known worldwide due to its amazing offerings. It comes with several servers that help you access region locked content with ease. Furthermore, all of your information is channeled through multiple servers that are located around the globe, which means that anything you do while FalcoVPN is enabled is hidden from the prying eyes. That’s just the tip of the iceberg though as this app also offers IPSec, IKEV2, LT2P, PPTP, and OpenVPN security protocols. All of these protocols form multiple layers of security that help you keep safe from the online threats. The best part about this app is that you can get your hands on it for absolutely free. Almost all of VPN providers that are considered as the best Windows 10 VPN offer paid subscriptions, but that is not the case with FalcoVPN. You can get your hands on it for free and enjoy all of the aforementioned features without any hassle.

    2. TunnelBear

    TunnelBear Fast and Secure VPN Provider

    TunnelBear is another brilliant VPN solution that Windows 10 users can try out. It is especially great for people who don’t possess a lot of technical knowledge. This app provides a visual aid for every feature, which is a huge help. The features present in TunnelBear resemble the ones in FalcoVPN, except for one exception – servers. As good as FalcoVPN is, the server count is somewhat low. However, things are a complete opposite with TunnelBear, it comes with a ton of servers and all of them work flawlessly. Across the region access becomes easy through them and privacy is almost guaranteed. Unlike FalcoVPN however, TunnelBear is not free. It does offer a free trial, but if you are looking make use of all of its services, then you will need to subscribe to one of their paid subscription plans.

    3. VyprVPN

    VyprVPN Fast and Secure VPN Provider

    VyprVPN outshines every single competitor just because of its first-party nature. Almost every VPN that you come across relies on the third party for their features. However, that is not the case with VyprVPN. It functions on its own. The entire network belongs to itself, which means that they are not liable to anyone. Not being liable to anyone allows them to introduce privacy policies that keep all of the user information hidden from other entities. No one can even force them to reveal the data because they don’t owe anything to anyone. This feature alone makes VyprVPN worth it. However, that’s not the only offering it comes with. It is also equipped with over 140 servers that are spread in different regions, multiple security protocols, counters internet throttling, and it gives you access to blocked content. All of these features combined make for an epic VPN tool that is getting more and more popular and powerful with each passing day. So, if you are looking for a complete VPN solution, then you don’t have to look any further than VyprVPN.

    A List Of Top 10 Best Free Blogging Platforms!



    In the present time, almost every marketer is constantly engaged in blogging due to its endless opportunities. It is like driving a car that anyone can learn to hit the road of success. Whether you’re planning to grow your business or you want to share your inspiring thoughts to the rest of the world, blogging is the best way to make it possible. That’s why in this post we will talk about some worthy blogging platform that anyone can explore to read and write compelling and engaging content in record time.

    1. WordPress

    wordpress |

    Undoubtedly, WordPress is an easy-to-use professional blogging platform that is enabling users to manage the blog from anywhere. Any user can easily create a new blog post without any installation over WordPress. You will not need to learn HTML or any difficult coding. In fact, it has a ready-made system to facilitate user to create posts.

    Additionally WordPress offer free plugin and security updates to secure your content. So explore this search engine favorite platform today and build your own customized blog in the easiest way.


    1. Blogger

    blogger |

    If you want to create a unique and beautiful blog, then Blogger is the right choice. This veteran platform will empower you to publish your passion your way easily for free. Yes, you can create a beautiful blog that fits your style by selecting easy to use templates. Blogger will also facilitate you with a built-in analyzer to track your potential audience.

    In addition, it will provide you earning opportunity so that you will get paid for your hard work. Thus engage this Google platform in your creative writing session to earn income by posting your passion.


    1. Tumblr

    Tumblr |

    It is really a great platform to easily make a blog and post anything from anywhere. Any newbie could easily start and run a Tumblr blog to create interesting content. Tumblr will also help you to find other blogs as well as promote your content such as blog posts, quotes, images, videos and so on. By signing up on Tumblr, you will get a sub-domain like to share your beautiful thoughts.  Moreover, Tumblr will facilitate you with a lot of design, plugins, and extension.


    1. Medium

    Medium |

    Medium is nonstop blogging platform that provides content that matters. At Medium every user has a story to share and this is why it has grown in popularity. This is because regularly thousands of people share their ideas and perspectives via Medium.

    With Medium, you can also discover and follow blogs that matter to you every day.  Furthermore, Medium has introduced extremely easy to use features to publish great posts instantly.


    1. Ghost

    ghost blogging |

    This is a non-profit content publishing platform for professional people. Ghost is an open opportunity for a journalist to build and run an innovative online publication. It’s offering a downloadable version for free therefore its best platform for the passionate publisher. If you’re looking for a suitable platform for SEO purpose, then you can rely on it for rapid growth in the online market.

    So don’t forget to use this newest and fast track platform to share your creative writing skills with the potential audience.

    1. Squarespace

    squarespace |

    Yes, Squarespace is all in one online platform to reach and grow audience speedily. It will facilitate you with a wide range set of blogging tools so that you could easily interact with your audience and grow your following. Squarespace enables millions of users to stand out from the crowd to show their content to a potential audience.

    It will also help you to create and simply share your content on Facebook and Twitter. Thus, if you want to grow your follower’s list ultimately, then you must engage in square space.


    1. Wix

    wix |

    By Wix, anyone could easily build a website or blog even if s/he has zero design and development skills. This techy platform offers numerous features in term of stunning blog building. Of course, it will benefit you with everything that you need to create a stunning blog including free beautiful and stylish designer made templates.

    Moreover, Wix offers 24/7 customer support to make your blog creating experience easier than ever. Therefore explore this online platform right away to make a stunning blog yourself with easy drag and drop features.


    1. Yola

    yola |

    If you have an extraordinary plan for your blog, then Yola is the best choice as it will enable you to create a professional blog in minutes. With Yola, it’s become easy to generate more audience and grow popularity online. You can also grow your popularity online in minutes by Yola easy to use options. Yola provides a powerful and flexible feature to create, edit content online with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

    Furthermore, you can pick professional designs to customize your blog in a catchy manner. So, connect with Yola anytime to make a free blog and grow your online presence professionally.


    1. Contentful

    Contentful |

    It is a leading content management system that is benefiting bloggers across the world. Contentful will speed up your content generation process with powerful and user-friendly options. Currently, it’s benefiting bloggers with an innovative application that facilitates editors to rapidly create unique content on any platform.

    With Contentful, you can work on multi projects easily with nonstop expert’s advice. This is why it’s essential for you to discover this content management system to truly simplify your blogging experience.


    1. Jekyll

    Jekyll |

    This is a powerful online platform to simply transform content into the static blog in seconds. You can also import your busted blog for use with Jekyll for free. By engaging on Jekyll you will not need to learn database because its features allow you to create a blog step by step from scratch.

    Additionally Jekyll support bloggers with unique and helpful lightweight tools for the best results. If you want your leads to follow you, then you must start work with Jekyll.

    In the end, it could be said now that this post will help you to identify the right blogging forum. Share this information with your followers, as well to facilitate them in the best possible method.

    Is a Handheld GPS Device Superior to Your Smart Phone?


    Can a seemingly antiquated handheld GPS device be a better choice than your smart phone? If you’re strolling through the city to meet a friend at a new coffee shop, your phone might be just the thing to get you there on time. However, if you’re trekking, traveling seriously, or doing any wilderness hiking, you’ll find that a dedicated GPS unit is far superior to your smart phone. Don’t believe us? Here’s why:


    Battery Life

    GPS and map apps are notorious for draining your phone’s battery as fast as you can charge. When you’re navigating unfamiliar territory for long periods of time, the last thing you need is to lose your battery. In fact, if you’re in a potentially dangerous country or part of town or in the wilderness, losing your battery and your ability to navigate and map your position could be downright deadly! While extra battery packs are certainly available to boost your smart phone’s performance, you’ll find the reliable battery life on a quality, dedicated handheld GPS unit is far superior to using your phone.



    We’re taking a bit of a leap here, but we’re willing to guess your smart phone just isn’t as durable as a GPS unit designed to handle wilderness exploration. You can purchase additional materials to make your phone water and shock proof, but you’ll be much more confident with a handheld unit designed to take a fall or be immersed in snow or water. Again, when you’re doing strenuous hiking or traveling, having a GPS unit that can go the distance is vital to your safety and well-being.

    GPS Device Nevigation While Driving



    While some modern smart phones rival small televisions regarding screen size, GPS units typically have larger screens. If for example, you’re trying to navigate a winding road in Italy, you’ll thank yourself for having the foresight to bring along a handheld unit, as a phone will be much more difficult to use in this type of scenario. You’ll also need to be concerned with incoming calls interrupting your navigation at crucial junctures.

    Today’s GPS devices pack many of the features of a smart phone, including internet capability, real time traffic updates, and spots of interest. Plus, they have much longer battery life, are more durable, and are easier to see. These three characteristics make them excellent choices for serious traveling or wilderness hiking.



    How to Turn On Android Microphone Remotely with Monitoring App

    Android phones are very popular in the contemporary world. It provides plenty of groundbreaking features to the users. That’s why everyone wants to have Android smartphones in their hands. We know people from every age group are using the cell phone gadgets for better connectivity and for fast internet. They use plenty of instant messaging applications and do chats, conversations, VOIP calls, VOIP messages and text messages on their devices. We are dependent on the modern technology no time ever before. The most interesting and fascinating parts of the modern mobile phones are back and front camera, heavy microphones, and large screen displays. These modern devices have provided huge benefits to the people of the world.  But these modern age gadgets also the source of creating terrible issues in the lives of the young generation.

    They can talk to their friends secretly; they can do chat with online friends without their parent’s consent and make plans to meet with their online friends. Teens can make their whereabouts secretly and often got some horrible addictions such as sex abuse, drug abuse and plenty of other dangerous problems. So, how can we turn on microphone remotely in order to listen to the surrounding sounds and listen and record their calls remotely?

    Turn on Your Android Microphone Remotely

    If parents want to listen and hear and record Voices and the surrounding sounds on the target cell phone remotely, then they have to turn on the Microphone remotely. They can do it very easily with the help of the MIC bug of the TheOneSpy cell phone monitoring software. It is very different and user-friendly than the classic recording features of other spy software. TOS app does not need to send a hidden text message on the target phone in order to turn on the microphone of the mobile phone device. Android mic recording allows the user to make a MIC Bug from a cell phone monitoring app control panel and then can listen to the ambient sounds on the target device from 1 minute to 45 minutes. Following is the way to activate the microphone remotely of the target phone.

    Turn on the microphone of the device through MIC Bug

    • Initially, you have to log-in on TOS account through given credentials. Now select the MIC Bug from the features. It enables a user to record the surrounding sounds with the help of the microphone.
    • Users have to create a MIC Bug and fix the timings of bugging from 1 minute up to the 45 minutes. After that send command on the target android phone. Once the command is been received on the target phone, then MIC Bug will start bugging abruptly. The user can also send multiple commands at once in an order form. It means a user has choice create bugging according to their desire.
    • MIC Bug automatically starts getting Voices and sounds and then sends it to the dashboard.
    • The user can collect the recorded surrounding sounds of the target device from the TOS control panel.
    • One thing a user needs to know that the android phone device should be connected to the internet. In-case of limited connectivity, the target phone may not get the command from the user and status can remain on pending or fail.


    You can turn on the Android phone microphone remotely with the MIC Bug of the smartphone tracking app remotely.


    Tech Tip

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    How to Create a Mobile App that Improves Lives

    In this age of technological advancements, mobile apps have totally changed the way we live. Nowadays, it seems that modern consumers have a clear idea for how to break into the market.

    There are approximately 7 million mobile apps available in the leading app stores. With so many apps available to capture people’s attention, building another mobile app that entice users is undoubtedly not an easy feat.

    A study suggests that in the first quarter of 2017, on average, people use between 8 to 12 apps per day on their smartphones, globally. So, if you want to stand out in this highly competitive circle, you have to find some creative and effective ways to deliver a unique experience to people which they can’t live without.

    Here are some important tips to keep in mind while doing your next mobile app development project.

    Offer an Immense Value

    If truth be told, the unfortunate side effect of technology is that the human attention span has become troublingly short. A study says that an average human attention span is around 8 seconds.

    Keeping the numbers in mind, businesses need to come up with a unique selling proposition and give their users a reason to use your app. If you can’t be able to fully explain the purpose and functionality of your app, it’s a complete waste of time.

    No matter the type of app you are developing, it needs to be delivered as something that changes people’s lives for the better. Or at least, entice them by proving its usefulness.

    Let’s take an example of CM Security Master here, the company has a clear idea that Android phones are prone to viruses. So, they have come up with a plan to create a user-friendly privacy protection app that has the ability to scan your phone and determines risks in real time. It cleans out all the viruses so your phone can give its 100% functionality and your data is safe as well.

    Pro Tip: The success of a mobile app is totally dependent on how well you describe the effectiveness of your app and convey its value to the users. Get straight to the point.


    Connect with the Right Audience

    In this digital world, one of the main problems businesses usually face is bringing the right audience to your business. Mobile apps have an amazing way to make their own connection. Therefore, during mobile app development, create an authentic following which you can use later for your benefit.

    Your goal is to offer an immense value to the users which they can’t get anywhere else. Here, “for the people, by the people” approach works best. Mobile app development team behind Planet Peepz have wonderfully utilized this concept. They created discount shopping platform for service providers that is aimed to build a community in which both consumers and businesses can reap the benefits of cross promotion benefits.

    With this app, businesses can create their own ads, coupons, upsells and loyalty programs and can easily access free reservation and appointment software.

    Pro Tip: To successfully connected the right audience, you need to create a platform that gives a one-of-kind experience where users involved benefits and share value.


    Simplicity is the Key

    As I mentioned earlier that human attention span is getting low day by day. It’s no wonder that smartphones are playing a main role in this phenomenon. In addition, the usability and intuitive nature of your app also contribute greatly.

    Keep in mind that users’ time is precious. They don’t have enough time to read the tutorial and sift through directions. You need to make sure every single detail of your app can be easily Picked up and mastered within a minute.

    This is where simplicity comes. Obviously, no one wants to spend hours trying to find out how to use the mobile app to its fullest. Your app must provide a sense of instant gratification.

    Let’s take an example of Uber, the app is created to offer the simplest solution for greeting cabs. Users can get the results immediately and there is hardly anyone who can’t understand how the app works.

    Pro Tip: Mobile apps are meant to make people’s lives easier. Your app should be simple and easy enough so that people can easily understand how it works.


    To Sum All Points Up

    Developing an app these days is not an easy job. People are smart enough, they are not easily persuaded. Therefore, you need to set yourself apart, by telling them how your app can improve their lives.

    For this, you can take help from a professional mobile app development company that can guide you how to discover the ways to improve users’ lives and what elements can add more value to your app.