    HomeBusiness SuccessAdd Automation to Your Recruiting Process with Staffing Agency...

    Add Automation to Your Recruiting Process with Staffing Agency Software

    Hiring the right candidate for a position requires quite a bit of time and effort on your part.
    Because just one position can yield hundreds of applications, scanning through resumes and
    determining qualifications alone can take countless hours to complete. From there, selecting
    candidates, verifying their information and scheduling interviews involve even more work.
    Finally, even after you have chosen a candidate, you still have to go through onboarding and

    For companies trying to fill positions, it might be especially challenging to commit the time
    needed to make the best choice when it comes to hiring. Fortunately, incorporating automated
    services into staff augmentation services can reduce your time spent narrowing down your list of qualified applicants.

    How Can Automation Help?

    Hiring managers can use automation for every step of the recruiting process. For starters,
    automation technology combined with staffing agency software can sort through numerous
    resumes simultaneously, scan through the information therein, and use the data to determine
    which applications contain the information the position calls for, from applicant location to years of experience. Typically, only one out of every ten applicants is qualified for the roles for which
    they apply, so being able to accurately pull qualified resumes from the pile can reduce so much
    time off of the process.

    In addition, to resume scans, automation can determine whether a candidate meets the additional qualification criteria associated with the open position. This way, once hiring managers have compiled a list of qualified applicants, they can ask a series of pre-qualification questions to further narrow down their search and improve their likelihood of choosing the perfect candidate for the position. Hiring managers can also keep candidates up to speed regarding the status of their application.

    Finally, automation can help streamline the entire process by allowing you to conduct interviews with a small pool of qualified individuals. Instead of spending time trying to get in touch with applicants and working out potential interview times over the phone, automated tools in staffing agency software can send interview requests and offer candidates a list of available interview times to choose from.

    Once a time and date have been determined, the interview can be scheduled and the hiring
    manager will receive a notification after the fact. Because recruiters and hiring managers are usually not heavily involved in the scheduling process, they can tackle other important tasks
    throughout the workday and take part in the interview when the time comes.

    With automation now becoming the norm in the business world, it’s no wonder that companies
    are choosing to automate lengthy, menial tasks like sifting through mountains of resumes before finding a single one that fits the role being offered. In a successful business, time needs to be put to its best use, and thanks to automated services taking care of the more time-consuming parts. In the recruiting process, companies can focus on tasks that require a human approach. Technology can locate desirable qualifications in an applicant, present the options available, and allow human recruiters to make the final decision without having to tackle the challenging parts of finding a new hire.

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