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    From single click to multi touch technology – The Journey of User Interaction


    Mobile apps have brought the world to our fingertips: this is something that we had accepted years back. And today, we mobile users have been made ourselves accustomed with using our basic hand gestures to interact with the app. In this article, we are going to discuss how a single click has evolved into a multi-touch technology and the measures that app designers should take to make it seamless.


    The days when the users hovered and touched the app to initiate an action are long gone, today they swipe, slide, pinch, and expand. This surge in gesture-based interactions has brought in a complete change in how the apps are designed today, adding it in the strategy of all major application development company, globally. In fact, it is soon becoming a prerequisite of a successful mobile app. Gestures are more than an entertainment quotient, they give users familiarity and an ease of use: a feeling of interacting with a physical object.

    The three other reasons that have made gestures the new clicks are –


    While it is easy to interact with buttons through a single click, gesture movements are as easy as they come. The hand movements that we use on physical objects are more or less same as what we use on mobile phone.


    It is much easy for the user to delete an item by swiping it as compared to clicking on it once to select and then again to select the delete option from the pop up. Gestures can offer a highly delightful experience for the users.


    Greater Space

    Gestures limit the number of buttons appearing online. It gives more space to the app to add in content.

    Gestures have definitely made app interaction much easier and natural for the users. As for the developers, the level of potential that gestures show is the highest. While single clicks have been tried and tested, you can add new gestures to bring forth an action: ones that have not been seen before. And because the concept is still new, the chance of experimentation is very high here.

    Now that you know the potential that gesture-based interaction holds, let us see how you can exploit the UI design.


    How to ensure that your gesture based interface sees the morning sun

    Before we get to the point where we discuss how to make your gesture interface easy to use, there are some factors that point towards what can go wrong in the glorious interface design. Here it goes…


    Scope of confusion

    What happens with gestures is while a swipe would mean A for one app it would mean B for another. For a user who is on more than three gesture based apps, it can get very confusing to judge which movement to make to initiate an action.


    Lack of Measurability

    Unlike button led interactions, it is difficult to judge where the user came from in gesture-based interface. There is no record to create a path if for some reason app performs differently.

    Now, while you cannot do much about the lack of measurability, you can remove the chance of confusion. Which brings us to our last segment – how to make your gesture interface easy to use and a success.

    You should give the users visible hints demonstrating the gestures that they should use and the action it would initiate. With the help of animations, you should tell the users exactly what they have to do, without giving them a scope to guess the next move. For the ones who forget, have a demo tab on any one corner or place it in menu.


    Are gestures the future of all mobile interactions? Yes. Are they the next Clicks? Yes. Gestures are all – facilitator, source of entertainment, and a massive time saver. It’s time you incorporate gesture-based user interface in your app.



    Author Bio: Tripti writes for ChromeInfotech, a leading mobile application development company. She has three years experience writing on education, real estate, and career. She now aims to know the nitty gritty of the fast-paced mobile and technology world.

    Boost Lead Conversion With These Content Writing Secrets


    Most marketers know a lot about where, when and how to distribute their promotional materials, but doesn’t necessarily make them top notch writers. Turns out that being a good writer is just as important.

    A marker’s job isn’t limited to distribution and planning and outsourcing isn’t always a viable option. At some point you’ll need to update your status, respond to comments or create infographics. As a marketer, you’re good at those things, but any good marketer must also be a good writer.

    Use these simple steps to help you get there quickly and professionally.

    The Process of Creating Content Made Easy

    Before you get started, it’s important to understand the creative writing process. Ask yourself what your target audience wants to see and how you can be better and different than your competitors.

    You aren’t wring an infographic, post or article for the fun of it. You’re writing it to help further your success and promote your campaign.

    Use following steps to get there.

    1. Planning the approach
    2. Conducting in-depth research
    3. Organizing the content format
    4. Writing
    5. Editing

    These five simple steps are all it takes to be successful. Let’s look at each one in depth.


    Step 1: Planning the Approach

    Pretend for a moment that you’re trying to promote a website that sells fitness products. With an idea that you can do so by encouraging healthy eating and exercise, you have a plan to help people live better lives. The truth is that every marketer in the business is doing the same so you’re going to have to get more specific and bring things down to actions. That means making your content interesting, easy to apply to real life and engaging enough to keep the reader wanting more. Here are some tips for getting that done right.

    • Consider the project outlined in your marketing plan by reading through it and formulating an idea of how to implement it. You can do this mentally or write it down. Then try to come up with a concept that hasn’t been done before. Think about what others have done and try to create a new and exciting angle on that. Keep the goals you want to achieve in mind as you go forward. This plan should be about the general ideal, which you can expand on and get more specific with as you progress.
    • Now you need to narrow down your focus. The main reason for this is because trying to hold on too much information at one time can be overwhelming and get in the way of the creative process. Choose one aspect of your general idea to focus on. Then decide on one question that your post will answer and you have the foundation for a topic right at your fingertips.
    • If you’re still struggling, go to the Internet and try to suss out where there might be a gap in the information that’s available. That could be exactly the topic you need to write about. Try to get into the head of your audience and ask yourself what answers you’d be looking for if you were the average reader. Avoid trying to rephrase topics from your competitors. Your readers have likely already read that and won’t want to do it again. Your content should be totally new and original and should aim to guide your audience exactly where you want them to go – straight to you.



    Step 2: Choose Your Best Idea and Research

     Going online will give you a load of research you can use. The trick is finding reliable and reputable sites to guide you in composing your marketing information. In general, you can trust sites that end in .pub or .edu or .gov. These are often written by top researchers in the field, such as those who work for universities, medical institutions or government entities. Use these sites to gather quotes, statistics, case studies, news stories and articles from the most authoritative sources on the Internet. They should each support your main point.


    Google Scholar is a great place to go for backup when it comes to scientific studies that back up your claims. Be sure you reference and give credit where it’s due when you complete your writing. You can do this in the text itself or collectively at the end of your article, post or etc.


    Step 3: Organizing the Format

    Now that you have ideas and sources that back them up, it’s time to create the format of your piece of writing. This can vary depending on the type. For example, an article is going to be different than a social media post so keep that in mind because your audience is bound to be very different as well. Overall, you need to organize your ideas and sources into a format that is clean, readable and outstanding enough to get your reader’s attention.


    Like all pieces of writing, you will need and introduction, a body and a conclusion, though they will differ in length based on the type of post you’re creating. Using multiple subheadings is always a good idea because it breaks up large chunks of text and makes it more appealing to the reader.


    You will need to have a call to action at the end. This encourages the reader to take advantage of the services or products you have to offer by giving them an easy opportunity to do so. Phrase your call to action in such a way that it tells the reader what to do in a way that imparts a sense of urgency so they are more likely to do it now, rather than waiting until later or completely forgetting about it.


    Step 4: Writing the First Draft

    Now it’s time to write an outline, which is the foundation of the post. Create it and then follow it, but let yourself be a little bit flexible. If you come up with a better idea as you go, there’s no reason not to go with it. Simply update your outline and then keep going. You can cross out what you had before and write above it rather than making an entirely new outline, which will slow you down. The main thing to do is to stick to the main ideas you have in your outline.


    If you find yourself stuck as you work on your first draft, take a break to allow your brain to recharge and refresh, then come back to it later. Find something to do that is relaxing and that has nothing to do with the post. Call a friend, walk your dog, watch a movie or have a cup of tea. Other ways to step back include reading a book, cooking a meal or working on another project you have going. You might find that you get a new source of inspiration while you’re doing other things. That might be all it takes to go back to your post and finish it up.


    If you are still stuck, you can now consider outsourcing the work. The Assignment Masters writing service is a top notch tool that can help you finish the project. You will be matched to writers who have experience and expertise in the topic you need a piece written on.


    Step 5: Make It Perfect

     Do not ever publish your first draft!

    Go ahead and do a spelling and grammar check. After all, you lose a bit of credibility if your writing is filled with mistakes. However, it’s also important to read the piece and see it from the eyes of your audience. Pretend you know nothing about the topic and look for gaps in the information or areas where you state the obvious or repeat yourself. Now you know exactly where to add material or to cut it out. Do those things before you even think about publishing your writing.


    Use Hemingway Editor, a tool that helps you with the editing process. It will help you create a perfectly readable post by marking certain sentences in red that you should get rid of. Of course, you can also ask other people to read the material and offer you tips and suggestions about what can be changed to create a perfect post.


    Congratulations! You are Ready to Publish

    If you followed these easy steps, you likely have a piece that is ready for publishing. Once it’s published online, be sure to spend some time promoting. You can do this via social media or your personal website or blog. Then make time to respond to comments and stay engaged with your audience. Since you’re a marketer, that’s something you already know how to do.

    5 Ways to Make Your Blog More Successful


    Having a blog is somewhat of a fashion trend these days, which has both its good and its bad sides. On the one hand, the internet is so much richer with bloggers from all spheres sharing their knowledge, influence and outlook with thousands of followers. On the other hand, everybody believes they can run a successful blog which is unfortunately, not the case. In order to have a blog that gets attention and significance, some writing talent is required and more importantly, you need to know what to write about. In the world where creativity seems all but gone, it is increasingly more difficult to find fresh ideas that many people can benefit from.

    If however, you’ve got a great idea what you want to write about and you’re eager to start your blog today, we’re here to help. There are some more technical steps you can take to make your blog more successful and we’ll talk about them today.



    #1 – Find Your Sweet Spot and Stick to It

    Finding the main topic of your blog, the one around which all other will revolve isn’t an easy task. However, it is necessary to decide what you write about and stick to it and later you can naturally expand your interests and subjects, but when you’re starting, go with one attractive topic. This will make it easier on you to determine your targeted audience, after which you’re opening the doors to thinking about what kind of tone you want your blog to have and what kind of relationship you want to establish with your readers. It all starts with finding something you’re passionate and know a lot about, because your view and your knowledge provide you with a unique perspective of the matter. Besides, if you’re not writing about something you feel strongly about, why write at all?

    #2 – Don’t Forget about Your SEO

    Search engine optimization is something that should very much preoccupy you if you want to see your blog gaining more and more readers every day. You need to be SEO-savvy when it comes to incorporating keywords into your blog post, both when it comes to the title and the body of the text. One other crucial thing is link building, because if you produce high-quality content that proves to be useful, more top-ranking sites will be interested in sharing your blog posts and your links with their vast community. If you want to get a clear picture of how good your blog’s ranking is, just use a VPN or incognito browsing mode to see objectively where your blog stands in the scheme of things.

     #3 – Mingle with Other Bloggers

    While running a blog will require much less live social interaction with people (good news for all the introverts out there), you will still need to nurture relations between you and other bloggers in your niche. It all starts on a healthy mentality of sharing, so for starters get in contact indirectly – by posting comments on other people’s blog posts and getting genuinely interested in furthering the communication. Don’t be the spammer who’s simply looking to promote his/her blog by cramming the blog links into every comment, but try to really contribute with what you have to say. Other bloggers will notice that you’re actually trying and will likely check out your blog and the same goes for their readers. If things go well, you can exchange links or even write guest posts for each other. Speaking of which…

    #4 – Spend Some Time Writing Guest Posts

    As we mentioned, if things go well with you making good connections with fellow bloggers, you can invite them to write a guest post for your blog and more often than not, they will invite you to do the same. This is an excellent opportunity for promotion and one you shouldn’t take lightly, because you have some new readers to razzle-dazzle. The more you write guest posts concerning certain topics, the more will your reputation grow on the grounds of you being a very good source of information in your niche. Then organically, more and more people will turn to your blog and to your opinions and voila, your blog will become more successful every day.

    #5 – Make Your Content Easy to Share

    You need social media buttons on your blog and you need them now. Social networks have become essential in promoting anything and everything, so you want to give your readers every opportunity to share your writing with the world. Incorporate buttons for sharing on Twitter or Facebook, and if your blog is more visual, then add that Instagram icon there too, it can’t hurt. You should use any tool that can positively promote your work and these buttons are a basic you need to have covered.

    Building your blog’s reputation will require time and diligence, but it can be done and done well. Find your voice, always keep exploring what’s new and interesting in your area of expertise, produce high-quality content and keep improving yourself every day and the results will show quickly.

    By Michael Conley

    Official MoKee Android 7.1.1 Nougat for Xiaomi Redmi 1S (Armani)


    Official Android 7.1.1 Nougat for Xiaomi Mi Redmi 1S (MoKee ROM) (Armani)

    Official MoKee Open Source

    Android 7.1.1 Nougat for Xiaomi Redmi 1S Through Official Mokee Rom (Nightly)


    MoKee Open Source is the biggest non-profit Android Open Source development team in China, with members from all parts of the world. MoKee follow the latest development from Google closely and improve various parts of Android according to the user habits.

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    Installation Instructions

    Step 1: Download the ROM/Gapps/Firmware zip files from the download section below.

    Step 2: Copy ROM/Gapps/Firmware zip file to sd-card (internal).

    Step 3: Now Boot your device into custom recovery (TWRP recommended).

    Step 4: From Recovery menu select backup and take a full nandroid backup.

    Step 5 : Now firstlt flash the Firmware zip file.Reboot recovery

    Step 6: Now again reboot into recovery mode and wipe system, data, dalvik cache and cache.

    Step 7: Next Flash the Custom Rom zip file.

    Step 8: Now again wipe cache/dalvik.

    Step 9: Flash Gapps and then again wipe cache/dalvik.

    Step 10: Finally reboot your device.

    That’s it,  your device will boot with Android 7.1 Nougat.


    Steps for updating TWRP Recovery to Letest Version:

    1. Start in recovery mode (twrp).
    2. Tap install.
    3. Down right side, select images.
    4. Select twrp-3.0.2-1-armani.img (Download from Downloading Section below).
    5. Select recovery.
    6. Flash.











    List of All the Custom Roms for Xiaomi Redmi 1S

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    Do share your reviews and queries about this Rom in the comments below.

    7 Reasons to Start Visual Content Marketing Campaigns


    Content marketing is extremely popular nowadays. Lots of brands and businesses use this online promotion strategy in order to leverage their marketing efforts and obtain impactful results. As the marketplace is constantly shifting, new mini-trends arrive, and we should definitely pay attention to them as soon as they become visible. Some people hire best writing companies that create blog posts and articles for their audience. It is an effective way of promotion, though including visual content is very important as well, because it naturally increases reach.

    In the present moment, lots of successful companies choose to integrate visual content into their content marketing campaigns. This is the latest content marketing mini-trend that proves to be crucially important for nowadays companies’ results.

    If we look at the numerous statistics, we can notice some interesting ones. For example, 46% of marketers state that photography pieces are critical for their content marketing campaigns. Another fact would be the fact that 34% of the interviewed marketers believe that their visual elements are the most important form of content that they use for their marketing campaigns.

    During today’s article, we will analyze why visual content can improve your overall business results. As you’ll notice, there are many benefits that come with the use of this type of content:

    #1- Visual Content Improves Social Engagement

    If your marketing strategies involve the process of communication between you and your customers, visual content should help with this aspect. Whenever you’re adding relevant pictures, videos, and infographics, you will certainly provoke more reactions from the content consumers.

    This engagement can improve many aspects of your business. When a potential customer becomes involved, he’ll most definitely focus his attention on your brand.

    #2- More Readers

    Researchers have found that colored visual content improves your visitor’s desire to read a specific piece of content by a stunning percentage of 80%. Imagine what that means; if you could improve the number of readers, it’s obvious that you get more chances to attract them towards your business’ products and services.

    #3- Makes it Easy to Remember a Brand

    It must have happened to you too. Whenever you see a new brand’s name, you’ll often forget the exact spelling. In some cases, you’ll fully forget about it, and that’s not good for that brand’s owners. It has been reported that people can only remember 10% of the information that they hear within three days.

    If there’s visual content…a highly relevant picture, for example, the retention rate increases up to 65% three days later after they have consumed the information. So in order to make people remember you, make sure that you combine more types of content!

    #4- Better Return on Investment

    Visual content has many benefits, and one of them is the possibility of obtaining a better return on investment (ROI). The marketing campaigns that you’ll perform must drive targeted traffic towards your brand’s main website.

    If you can capture your potential prospects’ attention with relevant and helpful visual content, your ROI will look better. Here’s an interesting fact: 51.9% of marketers from all over the world report that their video content is returning the best possible ROI.

    #5- Your Content Can Become Viral

    Any content piece can become viral as long as it provides the enough value to be worth sharing around. Did you know that humans have an actual need of sharing stuff with their close friends and to their families? Well, we can leverage that need and create exactly the type of content our social media followers would like to see and share.

    Infographics, as an example, receive 3 times more shares and likes than any other type of content. Articles that contain more images receive double amounts of social shares compared to those that contain zero images. And lastly, with visual content you’re most likely to generate 40X more shares on all the social media platforms compared to content that doesn’t contain visual elements.

    #6- Visual Content Sparks Human Emotions

    Big companies understand human behavior. The art of selling has been extremely analyzed by professionals. Consumer psychology is the art of understanding how humans think and make decisions when they face a purchasing decision. You probably know by now that our feelings often dictate our actions and behavior.

    Well, as marketers and business professionals, we can leverage this knowledge and apply its cause-and-effect factors immediately. Visual content is the best way to inflict emotions. Images, videos, infographics, and even animations speak more than a thousand words could. They’re much more impactful and valuable as a content choice than any other content forms could ever be.

    #7- Increases Your Traffic, Followers, and Sales

    If the visual content that you add in your marketing campaigns generate more viewers and readers for your website, it’s absolutely logical to state that your website, e-mail, and social followers’ numbers will rise. If you grow a huge followers’ database, you can expect to “capture” repeating customers that will buy your services for the long term.

    It all adds up to the same thing: revenues. If you can improve your social engagement, your followers’ numbers, your strategies, and your brand’s awareness, you’ll be able to generate more revenue!

    If you’re serious about staying innovative in today’s marketplace, I’d urge you to consider using visual content whenever you perform marketing campaigns. As you’ve probably understood from the facts, this type of content can make a huge impact.

    You can improve your brand awareness faster, engage your loyal customers better, and earn more money in the end. Of course, in order for these tactics to work, you must dedicate long hours and work as hard as you can.

    Top 7 Tools & Services for a Successful Blogging Career

    In the present moment, blogging is extremely popular among marketers and businessmen of all types. Its popularity is caused by the current digital media boom that we are currently experiencing. The technology environment is extremely advanced compared to what it used to be a few years back, and online trends have started to rise and multiply.

    People create blogs for many reasons. Some do it for the money; some do it for passion, and some people just like to write. In fact, most of the time, people will try to combine the reasons and get money while still having fun writing about something that they’re passionate about.

    It’s not only individuals who use blogging as a revenue-generating activity. The big brands are also taking advantage of the benefit that blogging brings. Brand awareness is one of them, followed by customer loyalty and profitability.

    You see, when you start a business, the first thought is: how am I going to promote it? Well, the first thing you can do about it: is starting a blog, provide value, and make money in the meantime.

    During today’s article, we’ll take a look at the benefits of blogging, and some of its disadvantages, and then we’ll proceed and find out how to improve our blogging experience with the use of some special writing tools.

    The Benefits of Blogging

    Many fresh bloggers believe that their blogging activity will be part-time. It’s not long until they realize that they can reach massive success through better implications. So they start spending more time writing content, networking and promoting their activity.

    Why do they do so? Because blogging has a lot of benefits and potential rewards. Let’s take a look at some of the most powerful benefits of blogging:

    1. A Successful Blog Generates a Lot of Money

    Of course, we start with the money in mind. Even though this isn’t the best approach, most people are looking for the profitability of starting something so big. Now, when we speak a “lot of money”, this can be a subjective concept. Some may be happy with 5000$ per month, while some want to earn six figures monthly.

    1. Once it’s Set, You Will Work Less

    Usually, after a blog establishes itself on the marketplace, the activity will become much smoother. There are lots of things that can be automated, many helpful tools (read more), and many possibilities of transforming the whole blog into a passive income-generation machine. Therefore, you can work way less and enjoy more of your free time.

    1. Everyone Can Have a Blog, and Write about Anything

    The beauty of blogging is the fact that every person with a bit of talent can turn his or her passion into something much greater than he or she could even imagine. About the money, well, everything can be monetized, so that shouldn’t be an issue. In order to start, you just need a brain and an internet connection!

    Useful Writing Tips & Tools That Will Boost Productivity

    Before getting into the specifics, here’s what you need to know about content nowadays. If you are expecting to have blogging success, you must deal with the marketplace’s standards.

    First, you need to ensure that your content is relevant and valuable. That’s the first rule. Second, it must be impeccable; that means no grammar, spelling, structure, or style mistakes. Readers will always run away from these types of unprofessional aspects.

    Third, before you even start blogging, make sure that you commit to providing valuable content on a consistent basis. That means that you can’t miss posting new content each week. It always has to be active!

    Ok, let’s proceed to the tools that will totally improve your blogging experience and improve your chances of success.

    #1. Grammarly


    Remember what we’ve talked about in your content state? It must be impeccable in order to ensure that your reader has a pleasant experience while consuming it. Grammarly is an awesome tool which focuses on correcting grammar mistakes within your text.

    You can use it on the browser, implement it in your Word processor and in your Web Browser, and you can also use it on a mobile phone. I really believe that this app can be useful for any type of writer and blogger.

    #2. HemingwayApp


    Grammar is one of the many aspects that make a text qualitative and professional. HemingwayApp focuses on crafting your content differently from most of the existing writing tools. With this software, you can practically improve the readability aspect of your text.

    The tool will highlight those sentences that are hard to read, bad structures, and style mistakes. Use it in order to ensure that the reading experience of your blog visitor goes really smooth.

    #3. Evernote


    More like an organizer app, Evernote helps you stay on track with your writing schedule. You can create lists, tasks, deadlines, and so many more things that will make your overall writing lifestyle easier. If you have more people writing for your blog, you can use Evernote in order to manage the team by assigning tasks and sharing updates.

    While the app is not totally made for writers, and more professionals use it, I believe that bloggers can truly benefit from it!

    #4. Stayfocusd

    Here’s a great browser extension that keeps the distractions away. You have probably experienced a lot of distractions during your workdays. It could be the urge to check Facebook notifications, answer an e-mail, or do something else with your working time.

    That can often turn unproductive; therefore, making certain that your full focus is on the task is essential for your productivity. Use Stayfocusd in order to block all the website links that you believe are going to distract you.

    #5. Google Analytics


    A professional blog should always focus on testing new promotion ways, new content ideas, and new audience approaches. With Google Analytics, you can analyze all the possible stats.

    You’ll see who visits your blog, how long they stay, what they enjoy more, and so on. Afterwards, you can optimize your activity according to the statistics and create a better blogging experience.

    #6. Google Trends


    Don’t know what’s popular now? Head to Google Trends and inspect the graphics showing current marketplace trends. See what people discuss, and what they care about most in the present moment, and find new blog post topic ideas. This service is free and extremely useful!

    #7. AustralianWritings


    What if you want to be a blogger but writing isn’t your main forte? No problems, as there are good solutions for your issue. You can use AustralianWritings in order to order professional SEO content writing services. Personalized blog posts according to your needs!

    You can also choose your own writer, communicate with him or her on a constant basis, and fill your blog with well-crafted content.


    In order to advance towards a successful blogging career, you must make sure that you’re constantly developing your skills and traits. Also, pay attention to your online promotion strategies and find out the best ways to optimize your efforts. Becoming a successful blogger isn’t easy, but far away from impossible.

    7 Tips to Become an Expert Travel Blogger

    Travel blogging primarily involves touring to various destinations around the world, then keeping an up-to-date online journal of these travels for readers to envy, share and add to their bucket list. To become a professional travel blogger and to earn a living from doing what you enjoy can be quite difficult. There is a multitude of travel bloggers out there, but very few of them are experts at what they do. This may be an indication of how challenging travel blogging actually is. Competition is a bit high, so standing out takes a lot of work and effort on your behalf. Despite the challenges of standing out, you can definitely become an expert travel blogger through devotion and persistence. Let’s look at what it takes to find success in this field.


    A lot of people’s primary question is ‘how to make money’, but that’s not what you should be asking at all. In blogging, the thing that’s most important is blogger’s relationship with their audience – the active readers who generate a blog’s traffic
    People on the internet aka your potentials readers are tired of crappy content overflowing the world wide web. It’s so much easier to write a bunch of nonsense and present it as a good quality content with the help of pretty pictures and catchy headlines that have nothing to do with what people are actually looking for when they type something into google. They’re looking for answers to their questions, ways to solve their problems and find the information they actually need. The most important thing for every blogger is to provide their readers with valuable content. Not too long ago people realized they can make money on the internet, and suddenly everyone stopped caring about quality and started focusing on quantity. So don’t be one of those bloggers who only care about money and remember why you started blogging in the first place. The Internet is primarily about sharing and community, not about money, and you should always remember that.
    What’s the use of having a massive audience and not having quality content to deliver to them? You will be losing your audience twice as fast as you gained it. Generating good quality content ensures you remain relevant to your audience and sleep well at night knowing that you’re a decent person. Do your research extensively to determine what people are searching for the most when it comes to traveling. Are people asking the same questions under your every blog post? Well, it seems like you can get an idea for your next post just from that. Take time to communicate with them and you will soon find yourself with a big following as people will appreciate you taking the time to respond.
    The way you structure and presentation of your content is equally as important as the content itself. Take the time to make your thoughts and words make sense, people appreciate that. You can always tell when someone doesn’t care about what they put on their blog. Paying close attention to overall formatting, headings, bullet lists, high-quality pictures, links to other people’s relevant content to compliment yours, grammar, punctuation and much more – all of goes into a good quality content.

    Also Read: A Guide to Starting Your Travel Blog

    Be Adventurous

    To have things to write about, you can’t just go somewhere and lay on the beach drinking margaritas. Your readers can do it themselves. Go places, research, describe your experiences on your blog. Be a friend who shows exciting new places to people. Tell a story. Make them want to pack their bags and immediately go on an adventure.

    Good SEO

    SEO is the process of tweaking the contents of your website to have a higher ranking in search engines like Google giving people better exposure to your work. You can be the best travel blogger on this planet, give amazing advice, have the most beautiful pictures from the most exotic places in the world, but without SEO people will never learn about you since, as it was mentioned before, there is a huge competition on the internet these days.
    You can learn SEO basics yourself as there are multiple sources available, or outsource this task to professionals, but you should definitely never neglect it.

    Guest Posting

    Guest posting plays a huge role when it comes to building your blog or a personal brand. Find good quality blogs in your niche and write for them. The content you submit should be even better than the one you put on your own blog since your audience knows you and your abilities, but when you guest post on a different website, you need to show the people who are not familiar with your work that you have valuable content to share. When choosing which blog to guest post on, take into consideration which option will give the best return on investment of your time. Likewise, it is important to choose a blog relevant to the content you are blogging about, in this case, traveling.

    Read! Read! Read!

    You need to read before you can write. No one will tolerate a content written by a third grader. Actually, that is what all bloggers need to do. Read. A lot. By reading you start to adapt different styles of writing, improve your grammar and punctuation, learn new words and phrases you can then incorporate into your writing and exercise your imagination. Read not just books, but other blogs to help you understand what’s relevant at the moment and get ideas for your future posts. It works wonders.


    At last, let’s talk money. We’re all human beings and need to survive in this cruel world. Having financial stability is important. It makes you more flexible in your decisions, gives you opportunities and experiences you otherwise wouldn’t have. Now, travel bloggers are different from the regular ones. You actually need money to go places to then write about them in your blog.
    When you have a loyal audience of people who are engaged in your content and receive valuable information from you for a long time, you can start working with brands and make money from what you do. But it’s always important to work with people that you know will provide your readers with high-quality goods and services, so be careful when choosing brand deals and sponsors. As a travel blogger, look into brand deals with airlines and hotels since it will make your life so much easier.
    Gaining popularity as an expert traveler blogger is a journey that takes time. You cannot become an expert at anything overnight. It requires patience, tolerance to failure and lots of persistence as well. If you follow this path, then be ready to exercise the suggested traits. It’s normal to fail a number of times before success comes your way.

    How to Increase Writing Productivity AND Forget About Procrastination


    Procrastination is the arch-enemy of productivity in writing. And we all do it – especially us writers.

    So when the success of our careers is invariably linked to our productivity, how do we learn to effectively shove procrastination out of our way and get on with the work at hand?

    Well, for starters, you need to first understand what procrastination actually is.


    Simply put, procrastination is a powerful, emotional response to something you need to do that you really don’t want to do.  And for writers, being at your computer with virtually infinite entertaining distractions just a couple of mouse clicks away, the short-term enjoyment of bouncing around the internet instead of getting down to business can have heavy productivity consequences.

    Fortunately though, procrastination is just a product of the way we think about things.  It’s just something we do, it’s not who we are.  And by simply reshaping your mindset, you can reduce your procrastinating habits and greatly amp up your productivity.




    #1 – Set A Schedule

    Locking down a writing schedule is an excellent way to beat procrastination.  Sure, there are a bunch of different ways to get your writing in, but ultimately it’s about scheduling, and whether it’s in a notebook, you smart phone, or you laptop, writing your schedule down down is the way to go.

    The key is to treat your set times to write as you would any other serious commitment.  You don’t have to go big at first either, just start with 15 minute blocks of writing and go from there.  What’s important is that you train yourself to stick to a writing schedule.

    Studies have shown that the most productive writers write daily, for a maximum of 90 minutes with set breaks and endpoint.  Forming an almost military-like adherence to your schedule will eliminate the second guessing when figuring out when to write and keep you from wasting time with distractions.




    #2 – Rewards

    We all love rewards.  And by giving yourself something to look forward to once you’ve knocked out a writing session is a great way to keep you focused.  So instead of jumping onto YouTube to watch a couple fun videos or having a cupcake before you start writing, save the fun activity as a reward for completing the task at hand.

    The key is to motivate your present self by rewarding your future-self.  Work hard now, and your prize can be as little as an hour way.

    Another reward method is almost purely psychological.  Just visualize the great feeling you’ll have when you’ve completed your block of work and use it to motivate yourself to stay focused on what you want to accomplish.

    However, if you like the idea of a reward that takes the task of writing a given project off your hands, seeking out professional writing sites that offers custom writing is always an awesome way to go.

    #3 – A Clean Workstation

    Going as minimalistic with your work-space as possible is a powerful way to stay focused.

    It’s the same concept as when people who are trying to lose weight throw all the junk food in their house away and replace it with snacks that will help them reach their goal.

    So by putting your iPhone in a different room, straightening up any eye-catching clutter, and removing any other potential distractions, you’ll be far better able to keep your mind on your writing.





    #4 – A Clear Head

    Nagging or wandering thoughts can be a serious distraction for writers.  So you need to practice what the masters of mindfulness teach you in order to let those thoughts flow through your head without disturbing your focus.

    One way to do this is to create what David Allen calls a ‘tickler’ file.  By writing down the random thoughts that pop into your head and then putting the file away for you to address later, you can stay locked onto your current task, and most importantly, stay on schedule.



    #5 – Free-Writing

    When you can’t get going because of anxiety, you’re feeling overwhelmed, or you’re just flat-out scared to write, then give free-writing a shot.  It’s simple, just write out whatever pops into your head.  By getting something, anything, onto the page without worrying about content, form, or grammar, you’ll be able to shed off those inhibiting feelings, allowing yourself to then get to the work you need to do.

    Remember, just write anything.  Don’t review it or judge it.  You’re just trying to make the blank page disappear.  Once you do that, your anxiety will go away.



    #6 – Avoid Perfectionism

    There’s no doubt that perfectionism is the enemy of productivity.  Just the stress of feeling your work needs to be perfect is enough to keep you away from getting anything done.  So the key thing to keep in mind is that most of the time ‘good’ is ‘good’ enough.  Sure you need your writing to be well-structured and read smoothly, but having irrational expectations or obsessing over readers throwing your work in the garbage due to minor nits, is a surefire way to mentally freeze up and waste hours not getting anything done.

    So just stay relaxed, trust your talents, and understand that making mistakes or needing to improve in certain areas is part of the process of becoming a better writer.  Most writers are far tougher on themselves that their readers are to them anyways, and if you can keep your own inner critic in check, you definitely give your level of productivity a big boost.





    What can make writing such a tough gig is that it’s purely mental.  This leaves a whole bunch of opportunities for your mind to sabotage your ability to work, which leads to the procrastination monster setting in.  But, obviously, it doesn’t have to be this way – if it did how could we have so many prolific writers out there.  So just stay cool and follow the tips in this list.  With some practice you’ll start to see huge spikes in your writing productivity and procrastination will be a thing of the past.

    Top 10 Free Tweaking Tools for Microsoft Windows 7

    Windows 7 is considered to be an impressive machine while performing day to day tasks. It offers extensive features and services though some users prefer to have certain changes according to their choice and needs. You can apply little tweaks to change system’s behavior, looks, and other features to optimize and personalize it. Let’s discuss top 10 free tweaking tools for Windows 7 to optimize and personalize it for better performance.


    top 10 windows tweaking tool


    #1 – Ultimate Windows Tweaker

    This tweaking utility for Windows resembles the TweakUI utility from Microsoft. This freeware tool works on the lines of old TweakUI utility concept and is available with additional features for Windows Vista and 7. This tool offers not less than 150 tweaking settings and variables which include the menu pop-up speed, system tray icons, control panel security settings, and lot of other tweaks that you normally can’t do. This 380 KB portable application can help you tweak a number of things in your system.


    #2 – Regedit

    Registry stores your system configuration information in a hierarchical database. You can use this tool to add or edit registry keys and values, import or export keys for backup or reference, restore the registry from a backup and for many more things. You can also use this tool to speed up Windows 7 taskbar, tweak Aero peek, customize the login buttons and to do various other things. This tool can help you do a lot of tweaks effortlessly for better system performance.


    #3 – God Mode

    Windows 7 includes a hidden developer shortcut named God Mode, which is used to provide instant and direct access to features and other options of the operating system. To activate God Mode on your system you need to add a new folder on your desktop and save it with the name God Mode {ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}. This action will change the folder icon into Control Panel icon and when you click on it you will be able to see every configuration option available in your system’s control panel. It creates a master list of all the menus and sub-menus of the control panel at one place. It is necessary to understand GodMode option doesn’t add any functionality to your system but it only helps to collect all the tweaks and controls in one place.


    #4 – TweakNow PowerPack

    This free utility can help you tweak and fine-tune your system’s operating system and Web browser. It offers a safe and easy way to clean your Windows Registry. The suit offers more than 100 tweaks hidden in the windows secret section. You can use these tweaks to customize your Windows effortlessly. Using Virtual Desktop module, you can tailor your computer screen to your mood and work requirements.


    #5 – EnhanceMySe7en

    This Windows third party tweaking utility offers a complete package for your Windows 7 system. You can do from very basic to most advanced tweaks using this tool. Using this tool, you can customize, tweak and enhance your Windows 7 system easily. It offers a variety of tweaking features like disk clean up, disk defragmentation, Windows registry edit and lot more.


    #6 – Tweak Star

    This tweaking tool works effectively with Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. It offers tweaks in your system based on the analysis of its current status. It offers 8 different categories like Windows, File System, Configuration, Network etc. to apply tweaks. It also helps you create a registry backup and to do lot more things.


    #7 – Xdn Tweaker

    This free utility works perfectly on windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7. It offers hundreds of options to tweak your system for better performance. It also helps you perform some quick optimization tweaks to the Internet explorer.


    #8 – Windows 7 Little Tweaker

    This is a simple yet effective tool to perform some great optimization tweaks to your Windows 7. This tool is specially designed for Windows 7 and offers extensive features. It offers all tweak options in simple interface all you need to do is to click on them to apply them.


    #9 – Giga Tweaker

    This free utility offers a range of tweaking options related to security, system, restrictions, file and drives, start menu, visual effects and lot more. To apply these tweaks in the main window all you need to do is to click on the particular category from the left sidebar. It offers additional tweaks like to create system restore points, tweaks for memory management and much more. You can open its console to see all the changes that have been done to review those changes.


    #10 – SetteMaxer

    This portable utility consumes minimum system resources and offers great tweaking options. Using this tool, you need not make manual changes you require as all tweaks can be done instantly using this tool.

    You can use these amazing tweaking tools for Windows 7 to customize your system according to your needs. These simple tweaks can help you increase your system performance effortlessly.

    7 Questions First Time Readers Are Asking About Your Blog


    Running a blog can be confusing. You do not know what to write, you do not know how to write, you do not know whether you need to communicate with your audience or to be a neutral writer, and you cannot determine the strategy to follow. If you are a new blogger still having no experience in writing for a big audience, your problem can be even worse. You need to learn all the marketing tips and tricks to promote your blog, you need to communicate to other bloggers but you do not know how to reach them, and you need to spend money on advertising, but you are not sure that your efforts worth the results. And again: you have no idea how to create a content that will attract the attention of the readers.




    To start the blog successfully, you just need to remember several important things. These things are the questions that your first-time readers will definitely ask about your blog. Make sure that the content in your blog provides answers to these questions, and you will be able to make a confident step forward the success.


    #1 – What are you writing about?

    Several years ago, a personal blog was kind of a diary where you could post information that was not connected with a certain field of interests. Today, a successful blog should have a certain topic uniting all posts and ideas of the blog. Of course, you can write posts that are not connected to this topic, but the overall number of themed posts should be bigger.

    The topic of your blog will determine your audience. If you are writing about health food and sports, do not expect that your audience will support your intentions to write about nightclubs. However, in this case, you can write about the travels: everyone wants to know how to combine active life with a proper nutrition and regular exercising.


    #2 – What is special on your blog?

    Every marketing guide highlights the necessity of unique content. However, your content should be unique not technically but bring new ideas and give your readers something special. They do not want to read the information that they have already known. They want to read something unexpected and unpredictable. If you can develop your ideas in this way, the success of your blog is inevitable. Always provide your readers with some benefits: give them ideas and facts that they can hardly find in similar blogs.


    #3 – Who are you?

    Credibility is a key factor for your readers to follow your recommendations. If they do not trust you, they will never take you seriously. To increase your credibility, do not forget about an introductory post and About Me page. Share your experience, post real photos, give links to your social accounts. When your readers see that you are a real person, they change their attitude to what you write.


    #4 – Do you care about your readers?

    A blogger is not a writer. A writer can allow a thought that his or her readers should follow his desires. On the contrary, a blogger should always follow the desires of the readers and take care of them. This is not the easiest task to accomplish but it has a huge effect on the popularity of your blog. First, make sure that your current content is relevant to the topic of your blog. Your readers came to your site using certain search words, and you should always know what exactly they tried to find. Do not forget to check the metrics of each your post. The data will demonstrate you what your visitors expect from your blog.


    #5 – Where are the posts? Why are there so many posts?

    There are two problems of bloggers: someone writes too many posts, someone writes once in awhile. Both problems have a negative effect on the reputation. Of course, there should be a note of anticipation. You should not annoy your readers with your posts. But at the same time, they should not forget about you. Your main task is to find a proper balance for the regularity of your writing. Besides, you need to check the best time for posting so that more people can see a fresh content from you.



    #6 – Where are the people?

    A post automatically becomes popular when it gets at least a couple comments. It is enough to show other visitors that people are interested in the ideas of the author of the blog and they want to discuss them. It is more likely that a person will read a post that already has some comments or shares than a post that has no reaction. Invite your readers to communicate. Ask their opinion or advice, support the conversation and always answer their comments. The success of your blog is determined by your ability to keep a dialogue with your visitors.


    #7 – How can contact the author?

    You should not only tell about yourself, but you should always give your visitors a chance to contact with you not in the comments, but via other methods. Of course, it is better to provide your social contacts so that your readers can follow you on Facebook or Instagram. If you want to keep your life separated from work, you can create different accounts to support your blog. Additionally, provide your email so your readers can reach you to discuss some issues or to offer you cooperation.

    Blogging is a responsible and time-consuming job. To run a blog successfully, you need to be a writer, have a good taste for selecting proper visuals, be a little bit of a photographer, a good communicator, and an experienced psychologist. These skills improve over time, but even at the beginning of your career, you can use some tricks that will enhance the quality of your blog. Check whether your blog answers these 7 questions, and if it does, we can congratulate you with making the first and the most important step to success!