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    Top 7 Free eBooks to Read on SEO and Social Media

    It does not matter whether you are new to SEO or have been doing that for a while, you need to stay updated, as the technologies are getting more advanced, and you might be way behind them. That is why we highly recommend you giving the latest books on SEO a read and see what fresh ideas you can get from there, and which your particular strategies you should abandon.



    So, here is a list of eBooks that elaborate on SEO and Social Media

    You can download all of them entirely free of charge and apply their principles to your business right away.

    1. We would recommend you starting with an eBook called “SEO Myths You Should Leave Behind in 2015.” As you know, strategies of the SEO gurus change as the requirements of the search engines as well as customers’ expectations become different with time. That is why those businesspeople that try to apply the popular trends of the last several years to their business are more likely to fail in the course of a marketing campaign. The authors of the book in question disclose the secrets all SEO managers should be aware of not to let their business fall victim to outdated information.
    2. Another valuable eBook we recommend each SEO person read is called “The SEO Survival Guide.” The authors tried their best to disclose a complicated subject of SEO with all of its pitfalls and hidden traps. You will be introduced to different aspects of SEO you did not know before. On top of that, you will get a chance to learn more about the content requirements, relation with the target audience as well as updates of the search engines and how you can make your product recognized by them.
    3. Another free eBook worth reading is called “Fishing Where The Fish Are” by Chris Brogan. In it, the author warns about the underfunded niches that will not be your best choice for the business. The main idea of the book is to help social media marketing managers stay focused on those areas of social media that have plenty of customers instead of trying to attract clients in places that have none. Chris Brogan creates a thorough plan you can apply to your business to promote it, expand the level of your visibility on the market as well as enhance your presence on the market.
    4. One more book you should know about is “Real Time” by David Meerman Scott. He is an author of several quite popular blogs as well as the one who wrote a bunch of useful eBooks. This particular one is very helpful, especially if you agree with his point that Marketing in the social media is not viewed as something that is valid only now, and not the future. This man presents a grand strategy he had developed for his own business and explains how you can use it for yours. On top of that, it is very easily read considering his writing experience.
    5. You might also consider reading another great book about content creation and social marketing. The book is called “Keyword Research. A real-World Guide”. It was written by Copyblogger. They know what they are talking about when it comes to creating a quality content that will attract new users to your website. Also, they are up to speed on choosing the perfect keywords that will help you get promoted and recognized by the search engines. Feel free to register with the resource to get this book if it sounds like something you need to gain a better understanding of.
    6. The sixth free eBook that can improve your knowledge about SEO and social media marketing strategies is “How To Enhance Your Internet Presence With Social Media.” The book was written by the Hubspot, and considering their reputation, the book is actually worth a read. This piece of writing is brilliant, as the authors included all the knowledge required to build up a strong presence on the terrain of Internet. The good thing is that this professional reading is quite short but rather informative. They chose four leading social media giants including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube and provided special strategies for each one of them. No empty talks or promises. Only chosen and proven over time tips.
    7. Finally, the last book we will introduce you to here is also written by Copyblogger. Its name is “How to Create Compelling Content,” and it is all about content. The authors try to present the best tips on how to create excellent content and optimize it for the search engines. You will be surprised that a book disclosing crucial points of content creation and users’ engagement is very simply structured. However, the content of the book is stunning. The issues the authors talk about in the book include those about Google search engine requirements, keywords search and optimization, traffic conversion, links ad sharing along with copywriting basics and other useful tools every SEO manager should be aware of. It is very neatly structured and divided into logical parts, so you will have no troubles finding the only part you are interested in and skipping those you think you have already mastered.

    Make sure to pick the books you believe will be useful for promotion of your business and using the tips by the prominent leaders and gurus of SEO before you even start writing.

    How to find and Reset the Network Name (SSID) Easily

    Every wireless network has its own network name or SSID which is set by default by the router manufacturer and can be changed later according to the owner’s wishes. The network name is quite useful when you need to find the network you want to connect to. If you are using the router out of the box, then the SSID is normally printed on a label on the router along with the wireless network password. However, if you have changed the SSID then you can check it in the router settings page.


    How to find the Default SSID?

    If you have never changed the network name on your own, chances are that you are still using the default SSID which is predefined in the factory. In the past, router manufacturers used their brand name and assigned it to the router during the production stage. So it was normal to see SSIDs like D-Link, Netgear, Linksys and so on. However, today most modern routers have unique network names. All you have to do is to check the box in which the router was packed or look for a label on the router (usually under the router). Here you can also find the network password, the default login IP for the router along with the login username and password. If you don’t have the box or there is no label, take a look at the router’s user manual.

    If you want to check what is the actual SSID of your router you have to access the router configuration page. To do this you actually have to login to the router. However, to do this you will have to use a PC or laptop which is physically connected to your router with an Ethernet cable. Once you connect the router and the PC, launch your browser and type the IP found on the router package or label (generally in the URL bar. When the login page appears type the default username and password. Of course this applies if you haven’t changed any of these in the past. Otherwise you can use the combination of the following words: admin and password. These are most often used as a combination to login to the router. Simply try any of these.


    How to login and reset the SSID?

    So, when you login to the router’s configurations page take a closer look at the menu on the left. You want to access the Wireless part of the menu. In there you will see the SSID. If you want to change it, you can do it there. However, after you do this make sure to reconfigure your devices which were previously connected to the network and connect them to the new SSID. If you ignore this step all the devices you have used previously in your wireless network will be disconnected from the same network. Another thing you have to know is that changing the SSID and protecting the network with a password is essential step which increases the security of your wireless network.

    If for some reason you can’t login to the router you will have to reset it to the factory settings. This will erase all the changes made by the user and bring back the predefined factory settings. This also means that you will have to configure the router all over again.

    Although some steps may be slightly different, the hard reset of the router is pretty much the same. For example, you need a pin to press the reset button which is usually hidden at the back of the router. After you press the button, keep it pressed for 10-20 seconds. After you release it the router will boot up again and you’ll have to wait till the router LED lights stabilize. After theta you will have to login with the default login details and make all the necessary changes.

    8 Useful Ways to Draw Organic Traffic to Your Blog

    No matter how experienced and talented you are, there are always moments in your writing career when people seem not to be interested in your content anymore. You post, and you post, but nothing goes better. This situation might be a sign for you that there is something you need to improve or work on.

    #1 – Content changes

    Some people that the problem might be in the content you are posting. As you know, several types of content are considered the most popular among the readers. Therefore, posting this kind of content might improve the situation.

    • Lists. Users like lists. They are easy to read and memorize. It is like getting valuable information in a very short and comprehensive manner.
    • How-Tos. The main reason for a constant popularity for this type of content is hidden in the fact that most users go online to find out how they can manage to do something. The searches vary from how to treat a disease at home to how to run a large corporation on your own. Whatever you are writing about, make sure to show your readers how you do what you do and how they can join you there.
    • Lists with useful links. You can take your time and create a list of the resources you consider useful for your target audience (remember to add your own blog to this list). Not only you will make your followers happy, but also yield trust to your blog. And also, those you added in the list can spread a word about your blog on their pages as well.
    • Interviews. If you are currently in a niche that allows you to add interviews to your blog, then go for it. It is a name game, Once a name of a famous person appears in your articles, you will draw the attention of those who love the person in question as well as make raise awareness of your brand among regular readers.
    • Infographics. With the advanced technologies we see today, people are less likely to read long posts. They would rather learn the valuable information you want to share with them from a picture that both contains all the information and is interesting to look at. This will increase your chances of them sharing your posts on the social media.
    • Reviews. If you have already built up a reputation of a person that is familiar with the matter on a deep level, then you can leave your reviews on products or services related to your blog.
    • Podcasts. Finally, you can create the podcast to make your blog more valuable to the readers. You will provide them with the information they need and will save them time by setting up the podcasts.


    #2 – Mobile version

    It is common now that people read more from their tablets or any other mobile devices. If your content is not available or is difficult to read from a mobile phone, you are losing a significant number of potential followers. Therefore, if you want to make your blog more attractive, make it mobile-friendly. See if the platform you are using supports mobile formats, or if not, you can even consider a different platform. No matter what you decide, you need to reach out to readers with mobile devices.



    #3 – Repurpose your blog

    If you set a goal of sharing great ideas with homemakers but soon realized that this niche is too crowded, maybe the best solution for you will change the concept of your blog. Opt for a less popular niche and try to become the best one there. There are bloggers that entered this business year before you, and it is inevitable that they are recognized as the leaders of the market here. So, instead of trying to outdo yourself, choose a new topic, repurpose your blog and start all over again. However, make sure to repurpose it smoothly not to repel your current readers.

    #4 – Opt for a better topic

    It might be that you chose to write a series of posts about something you find interesting. However, your readers might be of a different opinion about it. If you used to have a lot of followers before, but experience difficulties now, consider asking your followers about it or changing a topic to something less narrow or more innovative. On top of that, you can search for better ideas and tips by Google Trends, Feedly, etc. to see what users are interested in and what you can offer them here.

    #5 – Add more pictures

    People are more likely to read your blog if it does not only consist of large text parts but also has some bright and fun pictures that explain the main idea and entertain the readers. So, consider going to a stock or start creating images yourself for your blog.



    #6 – Create videos

    The idea behind it is the same as for videos: they require less effort to grasp the concept from a video than from reading an article. So, use this for your own benefit: start filming videos where you talk about the topic of your choice or upload videos by famous bloggers to do this work for you to yield more traffic to your website.



    #7 – Consider guest posts

    When you ask prominent bloggers to write for you, you are boosting the popularity of your site thanks to the name play. Ask prominent people to write for you or offer the same service to them: you will both benefit from this experience, and you will have fun!

    #8 – Use social media

    Social media is what you should use a lot to promote your blog. Create separate pages for your business and increase your influence on the market with the aid of social network giants like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

    Reduction of traffic on your website happens to all the writers. Use it as a sign that there is something you need to change about your blog to strengthen your current influence and attract new ones.

    Facebook – Making Users Unhappy and Jealous Since 2004

    Facebook, the app you browse through when you are travelling on your bus or the train on the way to work, school or wherever else that you have to be. It is one app that most smartphone users have on their devices. So frequently is this app being used by everybody that smartphone manufacturers tend to have this app preinstalled on their smartphones. Furthermore, statistics have proved that regular Facebook users tend to use it the first day in the morning before they get out of bed and the last thing at night before they go to bed. It is also the app that they turn to when they have nothing to do and even when they should be doing something else.



    The Danish Study

    While all the aforementioned facts about Facebook would not sound really shocking to almost anybody aware of the power that Facebook holds over people, the facts being presented up next will without a doubt shock them.

    According to a rather recent study, it has been reported that 1095 Danish people participating in a study conducted by an institute in Denmark, where they were asked to stay away from Facebook for a week, i.e. 7 days. Later, it was reported that 94% of the people participating in the study were unable to stay away from their Facebook using and reverted back to their addiction in no time.

    Furthermore, the Danish institute behind the study have said that Facebook was a “nonstop portal of news” that was responsible for distorting a person’s view of facts and reality. To add to it, the small 6% of the people that stuck to the rules and did not use Facebook for a week said that they are more satisfied with the quality of life that they had lived for the past week.


    Facebook is not only responsible for decreasing its users’ quality of life but it is also said to inspire all sorts of jealousy and envy in response to people having a very active life on social media with hundreds of likes and comments. Based on the statistics, it has been reported that 50% of Facebook users envy other users that tend to post amazing posts every single day. On the other hand, happy posts generated envy in 30% of Facebook population while the people with success stories were envied by 40% of the Facebook users.

    Lack of Concentration

    People addicted to Facebook tend to over look everyday important things in favour of using Facebook. They waste their precious time that would be better spent working on their assigned tasks and getting ahead. Furthermore, it has also been observed that the people who would turn away from Facebook and reluctantly start working on their assigned tasks, they would do so half-heartedly and would not concentrate on their work properly, which will not only result in lack of productivity but also have a negative impact on their future.

    Feeling Inadequate

    It is one thing for Facebook users who are addicted to it to be more stressed than the people who do not rely on their peers and their Facebook profiles to live their lives, it is entirely another thing for them to feel resentful of the things that others have and have them destroy their whole life over it. They envy them and they stress out over the fact that what is wrong with them. It is things like these that happen to be the reason why people wonder about the things that they do not have, which their friends and peers take for granted. It is things like these that are not only responsible for creating anonymity and ill feelings between people but is also the reason why people develop superiority and inferiority complexes at a young and tender age.

    The Bottom Line

    Facebook is that one app that is being used by almost everyone, regardless of their age, colour, creed or the place of their birth. When so many people coming from different background and different point of views come together on Facebook, things are bound to get ugly. While adults may perfectly be able to navigate these treacherous trenches, it is kids that might be gravely impacted from such things, things that may follow them for the rest of their lives. This is why, parents to teenagers and younger children need to look out for their children to assure that no lifelong negative impacts may plague their lives. For this purpose, even if parents have to make use of parental monitoring applications to aid them in the process, they should not hesitate at all.

    Author Bio:

    Elizbeth is a senior writer and blogger with extensive potential of doing well. She loves to write on different topics like technology, gadgets, news, and also write on teenage issues and their solutions. Currently she is working on internet monitoring software to protect kids form dangers of online activities. Follow he on twitter @elizbethsewell6

    Top Best Blogging Platforms for Blogging in 2016


    Blogging is a dream job for a lot of people. You can do what you love and enjoy every second of your working process. If you have writing skills, an excellent taste and feel like starting a blog, you need to choose your niche and start it. However, once you figure out what you are passionate about, what content is your best choice, and who your target audience is, you need to choose one of at least a dozen of platforms you can have your blog on. We know that it is not an easy decision and there is a lot to be taken into consideration when deciding on the platform. That is why we have chosen to help you with this tough choice and present the best services you can have your blog on. You can go through this list and depend on the type of your content, target audience and any other special expectations, pick one that fits your requirements.




    A list of the Best Platforms for your Blog


    #1 – We will start with a platform that is a No. 1 choice for at least a quarter of all blogs on the Internet. Its name is WordPress. The reason why it is so popular is that it is incredibly easy to use. You do not need to create a site; you can just get one of the templates and enjoy the process. However, it can be easily customized to meet your expectations and requirements. On top of this, this platform has great tools for SEO optimization and subscription options. Therefore, if this is something you want for your blog, go with WordPress. It is 100% worth it!


    #2 – Another great option for you is Tumblr. This is a platform where you can post anything that comes to your mind. If you feel like sharing some quotes or adding your favorite track to their news feed – this is what you need Tumblr for. This network is universal and can go with any type of content. Users can follow each other, chat, share videos and upload pictures. All this in just one platform, can you believe it? So, if you think that your blog will fit into this atmosphere, then sign up with Tumblr and enjoy the journey.


    #3 – The next platform, Medium, is quite the opposite to the one mentioned above. This platform is for sophisticated users only. You can post your ideas on Medium right away. No extra effort required; everything is quite simple and very user-friendly. The interface is “minimalistic,” according to the words of the creators of the platform.


    #4 – If you need a blog for business, you can opt for LinkedIn Pulse. This is a place where talented professionals can share their ideas and create a positive brand with these ideas. If you want to be discovered as an excellent specialist and a person deeply familiar with a subject in the certain area, then start a blog here and create a professional network with people of the same niche.


    #5 – You can also run your own blog with the aid of Squarespace platform. They offer a great number of opportunities for bloggers including a possibility of creating a customized blog space. They provide users with around-the-clock support and diverse themes. This platform is also easy to use and designed for bloggers. They also offer features like team contributors and mobile platform for the bloggers to write down thoughts no matter where they are at the moment.



    #6  Weebly can be your other option. You can create and customize your websites with it in no time. You don’t need to create your own website. All you need to do is to choose a form from a list of Weebly customized themes and add your content there. They also offer you some tools to keep track of the subscriptions and traffic on the website. One can add widgets to the site. So, if you want to have an easy to use website with all the marketing analytics tools on it available, opt for the Weebly – and you will never regret this choice.


    #7 –  If you are writing about traveling experience exclusively, you can choose Polarsteps. This platform was designed specifically for bloggers that share their adventures while conquering the world. The website keeps track of your geolocations and automatically creates an interactive map. You don’t need to “check in” or anything; just turn your GPS on, and keep moving – the Polarsteps will do the rest for you. You can also share the information on it with a selected circle of people by choosing relevant options in the Tools.


    #8 – Another great option is a platform called Wardrobe. It feels like it was designed specifically for those of us who can’t help it but get distracted by all the little details when posting content. If you are one of such people, choose Wardrobe – and you will never regret it. The platform is very simple to use and has a range of themes you can use for your blog. A great thing about this platform is that there is an opportunity to schedule your posts. So, you do not need to have Internet access all the time: just write everything in advance and schedule for a perfect date.


    #9 – Finally, you can create a blog using platform. This is probably one of the best ideas for blogging; this platform is designed in such a way that you are posting things in a notepad, and from there it gets posted on the Internet. It is extremely easy, especially for the users of Evernote: the idea of the platform is similar to the interface of the service in question. Just keep writing thoughts down for them to get uploaded to your website automatically.

    We hope our list of the best platforms for the blog will be useful to you!

    Chinese, Use Mobile Apps Twice More Than The Internet


    Internet, this is what the whole world is swooned by as of now and it is growing rapidly. Usage of the internet has become a norm for every one of us; maybe without it everything seems to be a void. We cannot imagine a world where there did not exist an internet. Life will become clueless, as the internet and technology is the basic necessity of the next generation and for that matter, no as well.

    All the countries are adapting to the changes which are happening around them. The biggest revolution which has happened in the past few decades is the technology, internet and smartphones. Without these three major things, existence of the mankind will be in an utter havoc. It is a proven fact that people have existed in the past and have lived great lives even without these. But, now the scenario has changed, people think that these are the driving forces of today’s world.

    Smartphone usage has been on the rise and the apps designed for these devices are also increasing. In a survey taken, it is stated that people spend almost 90 percent of the time on the smartphones. They are filled with many apps which fulfill the requirements of an individual. Without the apps, we can clearly say that, these devices are just like any other normal phone used for making calls and texting.

    Social media is one of the biggest platforms where we can find almost everything we want to know about. The Chinese have excelled in the usage of the social media when compared to the other Asian countries along with the US and Europe. Surprisingly we can see that they are not prominently using Facebook or Twitter. They are using the applications which have been designed by the Chinese tech gigs, like Sina Weibo (China’s Twitter) and Renren (China’s Facebook).

    China, is leading the charts in the usage of the mobile apps when compared to the other countries. It is has doubled in the current year as compared to the previous year, 2015. We can say that people are using the mobile apps and the internet at almost an equal amount of time. The sale of smartphones has been increased by 11.6 percent when compared to the previous year.

    The Chinese spend less amount of time online with their PC’s; instead they are on their smartphones. Americans are spending around 45 hours on an average per month on their smartphones. But, the Chinese have surpassed the Americans in this run; they are spending around 49 hours. It is not a big number, but it may change, as there is an increase in the usage of smartphones and the mobile apps.

    Let’s check out with the stat for the person who use their smartphones, is it daytime or the nights? Youth, from this generation prominently uses their smartphones in the nights. In common, if we look into the analysis, Americans are prone to use it noticeably in the day time. Chinese, use their phones late towards the end of the day, which are late evenings or nights.

    Gone are the days, when people use to watch TV shows, soap operas and entertainment on the TV. As, everything is available online, people tend to watch it online. An internet package which is available to the commoners is more cost effective than the cable TV or the D2H connections. People in America still watch their favorite shows on the TV. But, people in China are drifting towards watching them online on their smartphones.

    Gaming, social networking and news, these are the most used mobile apps in today’s trend. There are millions of apps available for the users to download and spend quality time. But, there are a few apps in the store which remain to be the highly rated and recommended apps. When it comes to America, we can say that it is Facebook and Twitter. China also has its own mobile apps for messaging like WeChat, QQ and a few other apps.

    More than 70 percent of the internet usage is done on the smartphone apps. In the current trends we can see that the technology is switching to the digital mode. Investment towards the mobile apps, smartphones, tablets and all the digital products are growing rapidly. The demand for these in the market is going to get higher and higher in the days to come.

    The citizens of China use the internet mostly on the smartphones, which is a whopping 94 percent of the users .It is just 70 percent in the US when compared to the Chinese. There are people who just own a smartphone and not a PC; it is a fact that a smartphone does everything a PC can do. There are around 19 percent of the population of the China who own just a smartphone, whereas in the US it just a mere 5 percent.

    This is the scenario when compared with the US, but when it comes to comparing with India.  It is clear that the Indians are at par in the usage of internet and mobile apps. The difference of usage by the users from the respective countries is just a few hours, China lags by an hour or an hour and a half. But, this is a lead to the big companies to make great business in India.

    Tech gigs and the business heads are enthusiastic about the possibilities having a great business in India. In the time, where the economy of the world is depleting, it seems to be a ray of hope. Unfortunately the number of smartphone users is comparatively lesser to that of China and Indonesia. But, they are a few companies who are not keen on investing in India, as the internet speed is just 2.5Mbps.

    Another surprising fact is that the people, who use smartphones, don’t stick with it alone. There are a few, who do watch the television simultaneously while using their phone. In simple words, we can say that, they have mastered the skills of multi tasking. 78 percent of the users stay active on social media on their smartphones rather than on any other mobile apps.

    Statistics have been taken by the officials of the Internet Network Information Center in China. The penetration rate of mobile search and desktop search is at a close call. Users who do a search on their desktop search engines are around 82.3 percent and its counterparts are at 77.1 percent which is the mobile search engines.

    The smartphone usage is prominent with the mobile apps, social media and information from a search engine. There are a few other things which we can see, advertisements on the mobile apps. Advertisers are making huge profits by posting their ads on the mobile apps. China is considered to be the fastest growing market in the mobile advertising industry. In the second quarter of 2016, the market expenditure shockingly reached 931 percent. On a global market scale the rise of the investment is 103 percent.

    Social networking, messaging and gaming, these three are the most prominent apps which all of us are using presently. The demand for these apps is never going to fade away. Technology is fast growing and everything related to is going to have a major effect on the people.

    Digitization is what the whole business industries are working on, as they are aware, that it is selling point for the business. If, the internet connections are going to get faster in the near future. Then we can be sure of the fact that the people from all over the world be online 24/7. That is the impact which the internet and the smartphones are going to have on the mankind. So, go ahead and get ready for the next generation mobile apps to sweep us off and make us happy.


    The Most Useful WordPress Plugins For Writers & Bloggers

    If you are a writer you should really check out these WP plugins to help you with your writing.

    Each has a different use but can help you write and save your writing so you never have to worry about losing a blog post or article again.

    Some of the plugins in this list are for free WP hosted sites but some are for paid-hosted WP sites. If you are serious about writing you really should have a paid hosted WP site. If you can’t afford one just yet then do use the plugins that are for free WP hosted sites on this list.


    WP Plugins you can use for free Hosted WP


    • WPSEO by Yoast – this is a well-liked plugin that provides a wide-ranging list of methods to expand your SEO as well as including detailed analysis, statements, and proposals. There is also a paid version that runs around $69.00 and adds on a redirect executive, many keyword emphases, as well as assistance.


    • WP Editorial Calendar –another popular plugin which allows you to arrange, program, and plot your posts. The drag and release calendar allows you to edit your scheduled posts, see a full 31 days of deliberate posts, and administer jobs by more than one writer.


    • Google Analytics by Yoast –This complete analytic tool allows you to easily incorporate any advertising you wish on the web through the plugin, it allows A/B divided analysis and provides understanding into your demographics and readers. The paid version ads in AdSense tracking, support that is 24/7, and custom sizes which allow for additional thorough analysis. It costs around $89.00 per site.


    • Social Networks Auto Poster – that’s right this plugin allows you to automatically post your latest posts to social media. The paid edition starts at $49.95, which also has Google+ integration, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and scheduled postings.


    • Updraft Plus–offers many customizable features to backing up your site the way you want it, with more than a dozen features such as Microsoft One Drive, Google Drive, and Dropbox. It also allows you choose which plugins or portions of your website you want to protect. The paid version runs $70.00 per site but allows several storage places, no ads, and support through a forum and email.


    • Akismet –a great spam filter for comments. Spam comments can harm your rankings so this program will stop that. It is continually updated to adjust to modifications in spamming methods and technology. Paid accounts start at $5 a month which consists of email and live-chat support, progressive spam statistics, as well as more inspections for spam.


    • Image Inject –looking for the right image can use up a lot of time most of us do not have but image inject gives you a way to search for images directly from WP on Pixabay (over 150,000 available images) and Flickr (over 200 million available images). Image inject also adds the proper attribute links which also saves you time.


    • Nimble Portfolio –this plugin helps blog owner’s show off their top work in a stunning visual way. It is also joined with YouTube and Vimeo for videos and can aid in providing PDF previews.


    These plugins will get you started, once you use these you will be looking for others. Just be aware some are for free hosted WP and some are for paid hosted WP sites.


    Any writer can use these plugins

    Any writer, not just bloggers can use these plugins including ghostwriters, people who write papers for others, and so on. Even trust my paper who writes student papers and more uses these or other trusted plugins when they have a student ask write my paper.



    Anyone who is a writer needs these plugins to save time, make their SEO better, and have the analytics that is included with them.

    There are even more plugins available just make sure that you get ones that are within your budget. With plugins, you can write even better.



    About the Author: Janet Anthony is a blogger from Kansas City and content writer at WritingDaddy who has been writing professionally for five years now. She mostly writes about blogging, social media, and self-development. Her motto is “What you do today can improve all your tomorrows”. Find Janet here: twitter

    10 Ways Marketers Can Attract & Appeal to Millennials [Infographic]


    Just as with every generation, millennials bring to the table their very own expectations and abilities. Following are ten things that you can do to more effectively market and appeal to this group.

    Millennials are the group that were born as early as 1977 to as late as 2000 and are just starting to enter the workforce. The members of this particular group are 75 million strong and are being raised at a time when everyone is so focused on children- and the impact on businesses is obvious.

    Overall, it has been proven that millennials have lots of confidence. This could be due- at least in part- to the focus they received from their parents when they were growing up and the high level of expectations that have been placed on them. In addition, they found independence with the invention of cell phones, internet, and a variety of other electronic forms of communication. Millennials are definitely the very first generation that has grown up entirely online. Therefore, when it comes to reaching them, the marketing mix that is used has got to start evolving. Just as you would probably expect, this group is the most technologically literate of all.

    Millennials and Socialization

    Friends sitting on grass and eating at music festival

    When it comes to socialization, this group is also quite different. They are very team-oriented and would prefer to band together to socialize and date instead of pairing off with each other. They tend to work quite well in groups, which they would prefer doing instead of working individually. This group is also quite well when it comes to multi-tasking and are the ones that will typically study or work while also listening to the radio or watching TV. This gives marketers all the more reason to make sure that you are using all possible forms of media marketing available and make sure that your message stays consistent on all levels.

    Millennials and Academics

    As far as academics go, this is the group that really got into playing sports, going to school, and also enjoying social activities. They believe that it is necessary to “go green” and are most likely to be supportive of anything that is good for the environment.

    Millennials and Work

    When thinking about work, this group expects there to be structure. They are willing to acknowledge and respect various titles and positions and would like to have a relationship with their boss. Millennials are in need of mentoring and will respond quite well to personal attention. If you are managing this group, you must understand that they prefer structure and stability. Any mentoring of millennials should be formal, with an authoritative mentor and set meetings.

    Marketing and Appealing to Millennials

    Now that you have a bit of an understanding about the target market you are trying to appeal to, you must think more about where they tend to go for information and how they act. The truth is that this group tends to log into their social media accounts several times each day. They are sending messages to their friends and uploading videos- are you there too?

    Listen to Them

    First of all, in order to reach this group, you must be listening to their conversations. This is where most of the businesses these days fail- they are not paying attention to the conversations that this group is having about their company and their products/services. You can sign up for Google Alerts and find out what people are mostly blogging about.

    Create Social Media Accounts

    In order to reach this group, you have got to get your name out there. You must make sure that you have a presence on social media. However, you must also keep in mind that you can’t always be marketing- you want to avoid being too commercial. Millennials can see right through you when you do that. Instead, you want to be natural and help them to understand what your company is about and exactly what it is that you stand for.

    Communicate on a More Personal Level

    Instead of just speaking to your audience- you also want to give them a chance to speak to you. Create a two-way conversation. This can be through allowing them the opportunity to rate your products/services, share comments, and even share their experiences with your company with others. You must give them a forum where they can socialize.


    Infographic provided by

    Make Sure That Your Message is Consistent

    No matter how you are marketing to your audience, your message must always remain consistent. You want to avoid saying one thing and doing something entirely different or changing your message on a regular basis. If you do this, you are definitely not going to be able to build the trust that you need to ensure that you have lifetime customers.

    Always be Creative

    Marketing that is creative is much more likely to gain momentum quickly. By using platforms such as YouTube, Delicious, and Flickr, you can be sure that your message will be shared and distributed quickly. However, you should never force an issue. Instead, create something that is fun and meaningful- which will make it worth sharing. Then, before you even realize it, millennials are going to be sharing information about your company and your products/services.

    Make Sure You are Techno-Centered

    As mentioned earlier, you must keep in mind that this group is the first one to grow up completely immersed in the internet and other related technologies. They are constantly checking their smartphones- and most of them have multiple digital devices. Therefore, you must make sure that your website is optimized for mobile devices. After all, this may be the first time they learn about your company. In addition, if you want them to be making an online purchase, you must make sure that the process is quick, easy, and efficient.

    Make Sure to Offer Access-over-Ownership

    Since this group has been through two of the greatest downturns of the economy in the history of the nation: September 11, 2001 and the Market Crash of 2008, over half of this population seems to find that paying bills online is a challenging task. Therefore, they tend to be a bit more frugal and will choose access instead of ownership. This means that instead of buying movies and music, they are more likely to choose subscription companies that allow them to access music, movies, and more for free- or at least a discount. Therefore, you can make their lives so much easier by offering them less expensive options for access, such as an app.

    Allow Them to Express Themselves

    One important thing you must keep in mind is that this group of individuals believes in self-expression. If they like your brand, you must realize that their friends/followers are going to know about it. Therefore, you can help them make choices that will be beneficial for your own business by offering informative and creative content that they will share across all of their social media outlets.

    Don’t Just Inform, but Involve Them

    This group enjoys engagement, so you shouldn’t simply market to them. You must inform them and make sure to get them involved as much as you can. For example, if you have a company that sells personal hair color products, you might want to consider a contest for those that use your products to post their pictures and tips. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it’s a good idea to create a forum where your consumers can chat with others and share their thoughts and opinions.

    Make Sure that You Have a Good Cause

    While it’s true that this group has gone through the two greatest economic downturns in history, they are still quite idealistic. Therefore, marketing that is related to a good cause is more likely to catch their attention. If they feel like they would be making a big difference in the community, they will be more likely to use your company’s goods/services. Therefore, you must somehow connect your company to a community or even global cause to appeal to this group.

    Final Thoughts

    One of the things you must understand is that it’s definitely not going to be an easy task to market to millennials. In order to make sure you are successful, you must understand that they are very dependent on socializing and hold the opinions of others in high regard. While most of the marketing to this group must be centered online, you shouldn’t let go of the traditional media such as direct mail. Just because marketing has evolved, traditional marketing can also be quite effective, as long as they are used in conjunction with one another.

    Buying a Power Bank for Your Mobile Device? Here is What You Need to Know


    The importance of mobile phones in today’s world doesn’t have to be explained. There is a wide selection of mobile phones with different characteristics and performance. Depending on their needs, people choose a different mobile phone.

    We use them for texting messages, calling, browsing the Internet, and playing games and so on. All these uses and advanced features make the mobile battery drain very quickly. This is one reason why we have to buy a good quality power bank. Here are some tips which can help you when you decide to buy a new power bank.


    Power Bank Buying Tips

    When you decide to buy a power bank you have to follow the next few points. The five vital things to consider are listed below:

    1. In order to compare power banks made by popular brands you have to know the basic terms.
    2. The battery in the power bank has to have good capacity in order to ensure long battery ife.
    3. The battery size has to be taken into consideration since you are going to carry it everywhere.
    4. Make sure the connections are suitable for the device you use.
    5. Make sure to check all the extra features you can get with the purchase.

    This are the top five things you have to take care of when you decide to purchase a power bank.


    Power Bank – Basic Terms

    Understanding the terms, numbers and units related to the power bank is essential. For example, when we talk about the battery capacity we have to say it in mAh(milliampere-hour). So, when you are choosing a power bank make sure its capacity is equal to the capacity of the mobile phone battery or exceeds it.




    It is also good to know the power output and it is calculated in amps (A). It is recommended to buy a battery that has a higher output.


    The Way You Use the Power Bank dictates the features You Need

    During the buying process you have to take care of the materials the power bank is made from. Make sure to choose durable and strong materials. The power bank is something you carry all the time in your bag so it is highly recommended to buy a power bank with a case made out of aluminum.

    Paying attention to the visual look of the battery is important and it is something you shouldn’t ignore. This means that if you plan to carry the power bank in your pocket you should avoid buying one that is not thin. However if you carry it in your bag or backpack, it is recommended to buy a larger one. At the same time it is possible that you can enjoy some extra features when you choose a larger power bank of higher capacity.


    Take care of the compatibility of your device and the power bank

    You will definitely feel bad if you buy a quality power bank and then realize it is not compatible with your device. For example, most power banks on the market today come with a standard USB port and there are built-in cables. So before you make the purchase make sure to check if they are compatible or it is a complete waste of money.

    When you buy a higher priced power bank you will possibly have the chance to enjoy some of the extra features like LED display, battery level indicator, built-in flash light, and so on. So, if you have time it is recommended to check all the extra features you can get for just a little more money than the standard power bank.

    How to Find Your IP and Network Hardware Addresses


    In the present advanced world, the internet becomes the most important thing for all the people to know things around the world. However, the internet is accessed in the wireless way through the router in the home network. So, if you are having the network connection in your home or office by the router, you may want to increase the security to it. When you want to make the secured environment for your network, you just need to customize the settings. To change the settings of the private wireless or wired network, you need to know its IP address of the router initially. In this article, you will see how to access the router hardware’s IP address in the most effective manner.

    When you have the private or the public network with the servers or the workstations, it may be assigned with the static and dynamic IP addresses. However, the private or public network can definitely use the router for giving the network. Of course, you may assign the addresses to the static when it is the public network and can give the dynamic IP address for the DHCP. In some cases, you may want to find all the IP addresses of the networked devices in the particular network. If you want to find the IP address of the hardware in the network you just need to follow the below mentioned technique.


    Connect to the Router to Know IP addresses

    If you are having the internet access of your router, you can connect your computer device to the router. It can help you to retrieve the IP addresses of all the networked devices in the easiest manner. When you do so, you can get the access to know the following information.


    • Static and dynamic IP address of the client
    • Host name
    • IP address
    • MAC address

    All of these things can be gained through your router that is connected in the network. However, it can only be done when you are having the web access to the router.


    Get the IP Address by Pinging the Computer

    There is an alternative way available for getting the information about the IP addresses of the hardware in the network. For this purpose, you have to try pinging your network from the computer connected to the network. When you ping your computer, it can show the arp table.

    You have to open the Run dialogue box on your computer by clicking Run option from the Start menu. In the Run box, you have to type “cmd” and enter.

    After that, you have to type “IPConfig” on the screen to find your network address. Here, your operating system can process your request and give the IP address by performing the logical AND operation on your IP address and the subnet mask.

    In this manner, you can use this ping method for finding the IP address of the devices that are connected in your network in the most effective manner.


    Give the Command to Know the IP Address

    If both above mentioned ways are not useful to find the IP address, you can try this following method. As the way, you have to use the “netstat –r” command for finding the IP address of all the network routes like However, this command may not be used when the printer in your network is having the problems in communication with the other networked device.

    By following these kinds of the methods, you can able to find the IP address of your network hardware devices in the most effective manner. If you want to get more details, you can search over the internet.