What are Backlinks ?
Backlinks, also known as incoming links, inbound links, in links and inward links, are incoming links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a backlink is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node.
Inbound links were originally important (prior to the emergence of search engines) as a primary means of web navigation; today, their significance lies in search engine optimization (SEO). The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (for example, this is used by Google to determine the PageRank of a webpage). Outside of SEO, the backlinks of a webpage may be of significant personal, cultural or semantic interest: they indicate who is paying attention to that page. – Wikipedia
From where you will get Backlinks ?
You will get Backlinks from some popular whois or server information websites. Google visits these sites very often, but the quality of backlinks may not be that good because these are not high Page Rank websites but you will get a decent number of backlinks to boost your site rankings.
How to Get 2000+ Backlinks for Free :
Step 1 :- First you need to go to the IMT Website Submitter.
Step 2 :- Scroll down and you will see a form asking your website URL for which you want backlinks. You can also provide keywords for your website and number of backlinks you need, however its an optional feature. It will also ask you for the limit of pages I recommend selecting the highest number available.

Step 3 :- After filling up your information just click the “Submit” button and you will start receiving backlinks for your site. The process will take time, so be patient and let your site rankings increase, while the linking process continues please don’t refresh or close your browser.

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