    HomeWeb Control PanelsWebminHow to Install Webmin in Raspberry Pi running Raspbian...

    How to Install Webmin in Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Jessie

    What is Webmin?

    If you have ever involved in Web Hosting field then you might have heard about CPanel, CPanel is a full featured easy to use most popular Web Control Panel for web Administrators, so you might be thinking why are we using Webmin instead of CPanel, well that’s because Webmin is absolutely free and Open Source and on the other hand Cpanel costs about $400 for a standard license. in short, Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely.


    How to install Webmin on Raspberry Pi?


    • Raspberry Pi Running with an OS (We are using Raspbian Jessie for this tutorial)
    • Connection to the Internet on your Pi
    • SSH Access


    Video tutorial:




    Step 1: Boot up your Raspberry Pi and use SSH to connect to it.

    Step 2: Make sure your pi is up to date with the latest version. Use the below commands to do so.

    sudo su
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade


    Step 3: Next install the necessary packages that are required by webmin, these are Apache Server, MySQL Server, PHP, Samba File Server, Bind9 DNS Server etc.

    sudo apt-get -y install apache2 apache2-suexec-custom libnet-ssleay-perl libauthen-pam-perl libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions samba bind9 webalizer locate mysql-server


    Step 4: Wait till the installation of above items complete, you can check you Apache installation by opening hostname or IP address of your Pi in your browser, it will display default Apache Server page. Now we will create a directory in Raspberry Pi for downloading the Webmin Debian installation package.

    mkdir installed-packages
    cd installed-packages


    install webmin in raspberry pi, How to Install Webmin in Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Jessie


    Step 5: Now download the latest version of Webmin using the wget command, Update the version number of Webmin with the latest one, you can find the latest version number on Webmin’s official website. Look on the top let side after the menu for the latest version and update it in the below line of code in place of webmin_1.840_all.deb.

    dpkg -i webmin_1.840_all.deb


    Step 6: Wait till the installation completes. It will display the Webmin Panel URL in your terminal windows. You access you Webmin panel by opening https://IP-Address-of-your-Pi:10000. Make sure the port 10000 is allowed by your router or as Webmin uses this port to listen to the browser requests.


    That’s it, you will be able to access Webmin Panel from your browser, use the same id and password that you used for ssh to login into Webmin panel.


    Optional: Change default public_html directory for your Webmin Virtual Servers:

    sudo nano /etc/apache2/suexec/www-data


    Change the first line from /var/www to /home to change your default public_html directory to /home.


    a2enmod suexec
    a2enmod actions
    service apache2 restart


    If you face any problem then comment below and don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list for more tutorials like this.


    Want to do more with your Raspberry Pi? Here are some of our tutorials to get you started with.


    install webmin in raspberry pi, How to Install Webmin in Raspberry Pi running Raspbian Jessie

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    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya is the Founder and Chief Editor at Broodle. He loves helping people around him to get through the day to day trouble they face with technology. So that, they can love technology as much as he does!
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