    HomeUbuntuHow to install Vesta Control Panel in Ubuntu Server

    How to install Vesta Control Panel in Ubuntu Server

    How to install Vesta Control Panel in Ubuntu?

    What is Vesta Control Panel?

    Vesta is a simple and clever Hosting Control Panel. It is an easy to use open source web hosting control panel that currently supports Ubuntu Linux , Debian 7, CentOS, and RHEL . It packs a bunch of features by default to allow you to host and manage your websites with ease on your Virtual Private Server.


    How to install VestaCP?

    How to Install?

    Prerequisites :

    • A Private Server maybe a VPS
    • Internet Connection on VPS
    • Freshly Installed Ubuntu 14.04

    Installation :

    We are using 1GB VPS Package from Godaddy which is completely self managed with no CPanel or anything, just a freshly install Operating Server, so we are going to install Vesta Control Panel Using Putty and SSH access, if you are on Ubuntu with GUI then you can also use these commands with Terminal.

    Step 1 : Make sure that you have a freshly install Ubuntu 14.04 with root Access.

    Step 2 : If you are also doing it on a VPS same as me then you need to download and Open Putty (Putty is a SSH Client), you can download putty from the below link, and if you are on Ubuntu where you can use Terminal then skip these steps and head directly to Step 7.

    Download Putty SSH Client

    Step 3 : Now head over to your Server Control Panel and note down you IP Address.

    Step 4 : Open Putty and Enter that IP address and click open, it will give your security alert just click on Yes.

    SSH With Putty
    SSH With Putty

    Step 5 : Now enter your username for SSH root user followed by password, generally username is ‘root’ and password is what you choose during installing OS (in my case username is ‘maitpatni’ that i chose during Ubuntu installation).

    Step 6 : After logging in if you see just like below then you have been successfully logged in.

    Accessing VPS with Putty
    Accessing VPS with Putty

    Step 7 : Now execute the following commands one by one to update your server to latest version, you can either do this using Putty or with Terminal.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

    Step 8 : Next execute the below command to download the VestaCP install script.

    sudo wget

    Step 9 : Now after downloading the script chmod +x script to make it executable.

    sudo chmod +x

    Step 10 : Next begin the installation by executing the below command.

    sudo ./

    Step 11 : During installation it will ask you various information like your name, email, domain name etc., just fill all of them till the end, the whole process will take time depending on your internet speed and your system performance.

    Step 12 : That’s it, in the end it will give you a successful installation message, you can access your Vesta Control panel by going to https://Your-IP:8083 . Your username and password will be your displayed in the end with the login address,head to your browser, enter that address into it and then type id and password given by Vesta to aceess Vesta Control Panel interface.

    VestaCP Installation in Ubuntu
    VestaCP Installation in Ubuntu

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    If you are not satisfied then you can try virtualmin, it is also a control panel but with more features and compatibility, follow our guide using the below link for virtualmin.

    If you face any problem then comment below and don’t forget to subscribe to our mailing list for more tutorials like this.

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    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya is the Founder and Chief Editor at Broodle. He loves helping people around him to get through the day to day trouble they face with technology. So that, they can love technology as much as he does!
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