Lewa OS 5 Custom Rom for Micromax A114 Canvas 2.2 and MyPhone Agua Cyclone.
Before proceeding further please make sure that your handset is rooted and have install CWM Recovery, if not then visit below links to do so :-
Lews OS 5 :-

Rom Features :-
- Clean Lews OS Version 5 Port
- Completely Lewa OS Themed
- No Tweaks Added
- No Bloatwares
- Lewa OS Boot Screen
- 5MP Front Camera *2560 x 1920*
- Xperia Honami Keyboard
- Zipaligned
- Rooted
- Unsecured boot.img
- USB OTG Working
- Storage Swapped
- Data Connection Working
Screenshots :-
Installation Instructions :-
Step 1 :- Firstly Make Sure to take backup your Nandroid with CWM Recovery.
Step 2 :- Download and Place Flashable Zip of Rom into root of your SD Card.
Step 3 :- Now go to Recovery by Pressing Vol+ and Vol – and Power Button simultaneously.
Step 4 :- Do a complete data wipe, cache and delvik cache clean.
Step 5 :- After That go to Install Zip from SD Card and Select ROM File.
Step 6 :- Wait for it to Flash.
Step 7 :- After that Reboot your phone, First boot will take time.
That’s it, Now Enjoy Lewa OS in your device.
Downloading :-
File Name : LeWa.Cyclone.zip
Size : 306.30 MB (321174758 bytes)
Update 1 (FIX) :-
Download the below zip for GPS and Storage Fix, Just flash it with CWM without doing any wipe or cache clean afterRominstallation.
Credits :-
- MyPhone PH Developers
- MyPhone Cyclone Group
- XDA Developers
- fayt023
More Roms for Micromax Canvas 2.2 A114 and MyPhone Agua Cyclone
If you face any problem or found any bugs then please comment below.
the rom is good but not perfect , it just like miui rom . but not too much ram and battery consumable like miui . eagerly waiting for KITKAT ROM
Here is the KitKat Rom –
Thanks for trying.
Cheers 😀
but that is even worst
I can’t make account on xiaomi in my miui rom.plz help me how to create xiaomi account.
Create your account online on MIUI site and then log in into from your device.
not working corupted file
Rom is very nice.. I loved this rom.. Only one problem i m facing is when we record video.. It is not fluent. Video after recording when we watch it plays by stoping at each frame.. Please its a request to fix this.. I want to stay with this rom.. Thanks in advance
Great rom, very less bugs
Sometime camera crashes when changing resolution
some system apps doesn’t support landscape mode..
But im gonna keep this rom
Very stylish rom for Micromax canvas 2.2
Thank You MyPhone PH Developers and MyPhone Cyclone Group.
please give me screenshot of settings option
the links are not working