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    How to Make Google My Business Work For Your Small Business?

    For those of you who are just starting your small business, GMB can help you grow it. It is a tool that allows managing how your company looks and appears on both Google search and Maps. So, if you want to put some effort into growing your business early on, Google My Business listing is a great idea. You should make sure that all the important information regarding your small business shows up when you google it. However, make sure that it’s all optimized, complete and accurate. People who google a certain product or service are in most cases, very close to purchasing them. That is why it is of utmost importance to learn how to create your GMB account and make sure the listing is as strong as possible.


    What exactly is GMB?

    GMB is an acronym for Google My Business. It is offered by Google as a free online tool that can assist you with how your small business appears on google search, maps or google+. It allows potential customers to search for your business easily and then potentially interact with you. So, the main goal of GMB is to assist you when it comes to how your company appears on others’ search network. Working on this appearance leads to a better first impression and experience for your potential customers.


    Apart from its main purpose, Google My Business is also helpful when it comes to tracking the interaction of customers and their experiences. Moreover, GMO can be used to promote and post about your new products or upcoming events that you are going to launch. In that way, when customers are presented with all that information about your business, they can decide whether they’d like to interact with you.


    To improve your small business, learn how customers search

    If you want to know how your customers search locally, there are three factors in total to take into consideration:

    1. Pertinence
    2. Location or range
    3. Distinction



    When searching locally, the pertinence is based on what the user is looking for. So, if your services are relevant to the search user you’re on the right path. If you want to give a boost to the GMB listings, think about what you’re offering. Are you only offering he wants but not the solution and vice versa? Try to enhance the relevance of your services. Start by adding all the right categories that are relevant to your business. Moreover, upload some high-quality images to your site so that the users can see what you offer. Lastly, it is very important to create a description of your small business but make sure that it is SEO-focused. There are a lot of helpful tips to improve your local SEO, so inform yourself if you’re new at it.


    Location or Range

    The location of the search query is the second most important factor when it comes to the locally based search. If you are unfamiliar with the term query, it is basically the term that a user types when searching for certain information. So, sometimes pertinence and distinction may be overlooked by search users just to get a quicker solution to their problems. Therefore, your GMB can help your small business by providing a business card that is going to be located on the right-hand side of a google search engine. This means that all of the important information about your small business will be immediately available for search users. The information includes the name of your company as well as the location and phone number. Add the areas that your business can service for someone that’s searching from far away.



    five stars, a customer review which is very important for your small business

    A distinction has to do with your company’s reputation. This includes the information about your business’s history and both positive and negative reviews that you received. If you want to improve your company’s distinction, you should make sure that you have some links to known brands and organizations.

    Finally, if you are planning on relocating your business somewhere else, you might need some professional assistance when moving your office. Contact Premium Moving company and their experienced movers will make sure that your relocation process is well-managed.


    Helpful GMB features to boost SEO for your small business

    Google My Business can be very helpful in terms of improving your company’s digital presence to search for users. Since more and more people are deciding to go digital every year, these features have become a standard. So, here are some important features that help you interact with your clients:

    • Information
    • Photos
    • Messaging
    • Reviews



    When setting up your GMB, the business information section is something you should focus on. Since this is going to be the main and most important factor of your GMB account, providing correct NAP information is crucial. Additionally, for your business description on Google, it’s important to include the top keywords so that you can contribute to the local SEO.



    This is a relatively old feature but constantly incorrectly used by business owners. When used properly, a nice set of photos can give you an advantage over your competition. Since people are pretty visual, providing high-quality professional-looking photos leaves the best impression on customers. People don’t like to see blurry images that are constantly used by some companies. This is the time to stand out with your set of photos.



    two people shaking hands, protruding out of laptops and representing messaging, an important factor for your small business's GMB

    This is another helpful feature that enables customers to ask questions, send message requests, etc. It resembles the messaging system of Facebook which is a great communication tool between a business company and a customer.



    The review section a website allows customers to leave their impression of the company. They can leave negative, neutral or positive comments and these can be viewed by other customers as well. This will show them that your business is serious and sincere, giving everyone the opportunity to express their opinion.

    Editor's Pick

    Ecbert Malcom
    Ecbert Malcom
    I am a resident author at Broodle.
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