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    9 Rules and Tips for Writing a Great ‘About Me’ Page

    It’s never easy to write about yourself, especially in the format as brief and concise as an ‘About Me’ page. But this is a mandatory part of your digital self and you need it just like you need an ID in real life.

    Most people make serious mistakes while designing their ‘About Me’ sections, which makes them look unprofessional and negligent. This can harm your reputation and even chase away a solid portion of the followers. That’s why we decided to show you 9 rules for writing a great ‘About Me’ page.


    How to Craft a Perfect ‘About Me’ Page

    ‘About Me’ pages vary in size and content, depending on the niche you are dealing with. Despite the versatility, there are still some general rules that you need to follow in each situation. Here are the 9 most important tips in that regard.


    • Understand Your Audience

    Before you write anything down, you need to make sure that you know the target audience. Addressing a group of high school kids is not the same as presenting yourself to the audience of college professors or 40-something single ladies. In each case, you have to understand their life goals, traits, and values if you want to come up with a good content.



    • Keep it Short

    Although it seems strange to reduce your entire life experiences to only a few hundred words, this is actually more than enough for a good ‘About Me’ page. Try to keep your statement under 250 words because everything more than that will be too boring for an average user. Bear in mind that the Internet surfers don’t exactly enjoy reading so don’t think that your page will be an exemption.



    • Grab the Readers’ Attention

    The best way to make your ‘About Me’ page stand out from the rest is to grab the attention of your readers immediately. For instance, you can create a strong punchline at the beginning of this page. The way you do it depends on your area of work, inspiration, and creativity. If you don’t really know how to craft a good starting line, you can take a different approach and add a nice image that fits your personality the most.



    • Use Your Own Voice

    Customers and followers don’t want to interact with a robot. They want to know that there is a real person behind the website and you should use your own voice when introducing yourself. Don’t use industry jargon or buzzwords and avoid scholarly terms or complex expressions (unless you are targeting this type of audience). Just keep it natural and show them who you really are.



    • Share Your Values

    The ‘About Me’ page gives you a perfect place to reveal personal and professional motives. Why do you write a blog or run a business? Let your visitors learn this and share your values with them. For example, you can tell them a short but sweet story that made you turn the new page in life. It’s a great way to establish closer relations with potential customers and generate more leads.



    • Don’t Make it All About You

    Although the page is called ‘About Me’, it doesn’t mean that you have to be completely egocentric. Instead, tell people things about you and your life that they can relate to easily. If you are addressing fitness fans, let them know how your products or services can improve their performances. Give them the motive to follow you and don’t make this page all about you.



    • Paint an Honest Picture of Yourself

    The target audience will recognize immediately if you are cheating or not, so make sure to paint the honest picture of yourself. If you are a serious kind of person, don’t post the picture in a clown costume. Okay, this may be a little exaggerated but you get our point. Anyway, be yourself and the audience will appreciate it.



    • Don’t Try to be Funny if You are Not Funny

    Humor is probably the most efficient way to win over the hearts of potential clients. However, it can also ruin your efforts if you are just trying to be funny when you are not funny at all. Once again, remember that honesty plays a crucial role in ‘About Me’ pages.



    • Proofread

    Before you make your ‘About Me’ page official, you need to proofread, print it, and read aloud. No one will take you seriously if you make spelling mistakes or typing errors. Therefore, you have to be careful with this one. If you don’t trust yourself or don’t have enough time to do it, you can look for expert help from writing services to make it 100% correct.


    Every marketer, entrepreneur, or blogger needs a well-designed ‘About Me’ page. It’s a matter of image and professional credibility. In this article, we showed you 9 rules for writing a great ‘About Me’ page. Keep these tips in mind and let us know in comments if you have additional inquiries about this topic.

    Editor's Pick

    Ecbert Malcom
    Ecbert Malcom
    I am a resident author at Broodle.
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