    HomeBlogging12 Handy Tips on How To Manage Multiple Blogs?

    12 Handy Tips on How To Manage Multiple Blogs?

    Those who are aware of blogging know how healthy and effective multiple blogs can be for your career in blogging. If you want to polish your career in blogging and wants to make a career out of it, then you need to follow some techniques and strategies for blogging and multiple blogging is one of its techniques.

    In the ever-changing blogging world, you just cannot stick to one formula for too long. You have to constantly evolve with time. With multiple blogging, you tend to speed up that process as you are working on more than one blog at a time.

    However, it is not always easier to manage multiple blogs at a time. When we talk about multiple blogs, it means more work, more resources and more time. Therefore, you should have the necessary skills to switch between the blogs and that requires time management skills, adaptability, and planning to name a few.

    But there are more things that you would need while you manage multiple blogs. Some of them are as follows:


    Manage Multiple Blogs |

    #1- Plan Your Blogging From The Start Of The Weekend

    Planning is the most important aspect of any matter. There is this great saying “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” – Abraham Lincoln.

    When you wake up on Monday morning just list down all your tasks. Give 5 minutes to your blogging and list down all the tasks which you have to follow that week. Not just list them down but prioritize your blogs and then act according to your priorities.


    #2- Keep Updating Your Blog Even In Small Chunks

    Bloggers know there is a thing called SEO (software engine optimization). This can only be effective if you keep on updating your blog regularly. If you keep updating your blog after one or two months, you’ll only lag behind the competition as Google keeps revising its algorithm on weekly basis.

    Therefore, you should keep updating your blog on a regular basis, even if you do it small chunks. It will keep your visitors engaged to your blog and they will find something new every time they come to your blog. All these would contribute to winning the trust of your readers and they might become loyal readers of your blog.


    #3- Schedule Posts For Each Blog

    If you have new content for your blog, just write it all and schedule it for the rest of the month. It means you get some idea just write all of the series and post it day by day. This will save your time and you will be able to divide that time into your other tasks. If you’ve WordPress blog, then you can use Editorial Calender Plugin there is this helpful plugin that can help you schedule your posts.


    #4- Using Ideas List

    If you cannot come with new ideas and your brain is stuck, just research online you will find many websites which have listed new ideas for blogging. Just go through them and choose which is the best pick for you and start writing.


    #5- Provide User-Feedback Entries

    If you are out of ideas and you need to post something. Just create a blog from your user feedback. You can gather information from comments and email feedback. Gather it and write in a way that your readers should love it. It will boost your blog traffic because they always want to see themselves getting mentioned on the blog.


    #6- Post Just Pictures

    This is really easy and quick. Just post pictures in this way you do not have to write. It is more effective in social media where people do not want to read a long post; they just want to see a picture.


    #7- 10-Minute Method

    Everyone has its own way of being productive and smart. The 10-minute method means you need to give 10 minutes to each of your blog. Give 6 minutes to draft a blog and then remaining 4 to post it. This method is effective in getting your concentration. If you restrict yourself from the time you are most likely to be concentrated as you have to complete your task.


    #8- Write Fast

    Try to write as fast as possible. Challenge yourself every day you write. Everyone can write, but speed is what that will make you superior from others. If you can write fast, then it will surely increase your productivity.


    #9- Practice Brainstorming

    Brainstorming is key here, but the way you brainstorm that matters. You have to be quick in everything either you are drawing your idea, writing it or recording it just be quick. You have to implement it as soon as possible.


    #10- Use Guest Posts

    People who are not part of your blog can play an important role on your blog. Use guests posts on your blog and you will say it will generate a great traffic to your blog. People are already familiar with your writing style so when you include guest post, people will like it because people like change.


    #11- Friends’ Interventions

    Friends’ intervention is also an effective strategy in multiple blog posting. In this way, you discuss different ideas with your friend and then, you have the other side of the picture as well. If you are writing about something, you only have one side of it. When you discuss it with some friend then you will get to know other aspects of that topic as well. It can lead you to new vision and exposure and you might have more than one idea for your blog.


    #12- This Is How You Can Implement It

    Just pick a topic and discuss it with your friend. His views can open new vision and exposure for you and you can write more about it. You can further interview your friend or your friend can interview you and then you can add comments about your experience. This is a different post so you can get many readers by this technique.

    The possibilities are endless, you just need to be smart, quick and up to date. Open your mind and be versatile.

    Editor's Pick

    Ecbert Malcom
    Ecbert Malcom
    I am a resident author at Broodle.
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