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    7 Ways on How to Build a Brand from your Blog

    Creating one’s own website and uploading content is something just about everyone does nowadays. In the blogging world, there are comparatively fewer bloggers who actually take the time out to consider what goals they would like to achieve with their blogging prowess.

    The same stands true for personal bloggers as well. Business blogs that are run solely for the purpose of promoting a company or organization tend to commit the same mistake. Often, the company blogs end up being just another stilted advertisement gimmick which tends to put the customers off the brand rather than attract them.

    The good news is that you can enhance a blogger brand with some effective techniques. This helps Building a blog brand not only benefits the blogger but it also creates the right brand image. On the other hand, it is also a fact that it takes a lot of time, effort, and thought process to ensure that the blog posts are absolutely relevant and helpful to create right the right perception of a brand.

    brand from blog, 7 Ways on How to Build a Brand from your Blog

    To make this job easier for you, we’ve rounded up here some useful tips that will guide you to build your blogger brand:


    #1- Choose A Relevant And SEO-Friendly Blog Name

    The name of the blog is not just helpful in attracting viewers, and hence possible clients, but it is also essential in order for viewers to gauge what the blog is actually about. This makes it much easier for the readers to navigate and find their way to the relevant blog when they do a quick online search for their needed items.

    If a blog name is SEO-friendly, it would automatically generate more hits and hopefully more results. Also, the name of the blog tells the visitor what to expect. If it’s a quirky, informal kind of name, one would know and expect to be presented with the same type of tone overall. If the name is professional, a serious attitude is expected.


    #2- Pick A Unique URL

    WordPress and Blogger are all too common now. They are free and popular, however, so don’t break the budget buying your own URL if your blog is still in its early stages.

    As an alternative, one’s blog and website could easily merge, making a whole new name altogether. This would be easy and unique, and probably much appreciated by potential customers.


    #3- Incorporate Other Media

    Blogs used to be wholly text-based, with a few images and links thrown in sometimes. However, blogs now have to cater to all sorts of posters and audiences with different tastes.

    A blogger can now easily embed videos, presentations, audio, and much, much more within their text. However, they should also take care to present the correct references with perfect honesty. If using images from Google, for example, only those which have been ‘labeled for reuse’ should be selected for illustration within a blog.


    #4- Create the Taglines

    Every company has a tagline, and so should a branded blog. While it doesn’t have to be the same as of the company it’s supporting, it should reflect the same values and ideals. The tagline is also a way to focus the blog and make its image clear. Keywords are also used within taglines, making the blog more searchable.

    Additionally, a tagline also creates a personal vibe within the blog, making it more relatable to the customers.


    #5- Select an Apt Blog Design Theme

    Any basic free online blogging platform would give its users a plethora of options for themselves. Once you pay and upgrade, the options only start getting more varied and increase in number.

    The proper theme can really help in setting your blog brand. Options like a column format, embedded widget, tagline position, boxes, and images format etc. can help you to set the tone for whatever your blog is about.


    #6- Choose Suitable Colors

    In order to bring forward a certain image of your blog, the color palette is also available for enhancing your chosen theme. Even if one isn’t an expert or professional graphic artists/designer, they can easily deck out their blog in the relevant colors. These could, for example, be the colors of a sports team that your blog represents.

    Choosing the colors, themselves, however, can be a bit tricky. The selection should be tasteful, with preferably not more than two or three colors ruling the roost. It would be up to the image, product, or service of the organization to decide whether the colors should be bright and bold, soft and delicate, or clear cut and professional.

    Everything on the Internet is perceived through the ease of use and convenience. Make sure your colors don’t clash, nor the colors of the text make it too hard on the eyes. It doesn’t take long for a viewer to navigate away from a website and colors are one of the main factors for putting off a potential customer.


    #7- Infuse Visuals in Your Blog

    Graphics and visual representations are now much more widely used in blogs than ever before. This is because the average Internet user has a very limited attention span. They need to see the information rather than manually read and process it.

    Thus, pie charts, graphs, or striking images should be a large part of one’s blog content. Icons, backgrounds, gifs, videos, etc., could also play a role in taking a blog brand to the top of the market game.

    Designing a blog professionally could be achieved by hiring a graphic designer whether through a company or an individual freelancer. Websites like ‘Fiverr’ and ‘Upwork’ have several qualified designers who would be open to designing a website or blog for a minimum payment.

    Alternatively, there are several low-cost or even free online design kits, so that just about anyone can design their own blog as they see fit.


    Wrapping Up…

    Branding is a complicated business, but it cannot be avoided. Even if one doesn’t do anything with a blog, that very choice still speaks volumes about the general attitude of the company or blog owner. Branding itself is a continuous process, and for it to be positive requires a lot of effort and time, along with following the suggested tips given above.


    Author Bio

    Anna Gunn is a Professional Writer at UK Assignment Help Deal and Social Media Marketer. She is an expert blogger who can write blogs on a range of topics related to digital marketing, blogging, and online business trends. She has a liking for cycling and spends her free time in trekking. You can contact her on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

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