    HomeBlogging7 Reasons to Start Visual Content Marketing Campaigns

    7 Reasons to Start Visual Content Marketing Campaigns

    Content marketing is extremely popular nowadays. Lots of brands and businesses use this online promotion strategy in order to leverage their marketing efforts and obtain impactful results. As the marketplace is constantly shifting, new mini-trends arrive, and we should definitely pay attention to them as soon as they become visible. Some people hire best writing companies that create blog posts and articles for their audience. It is an effective way of promotion, though including visual content is very important as well, because it naturally increases reach.

    In the present moment, lots of successful companies choose to integrate visual content into their content marketing campaigns. This is the latest content marketing mini-trend that proves to be crucially important for nowadays companies’ results.

    If we look at the numerous statistics, we can notice some interesting ones. For example, 46% of marketers state that photography pieces are critical for their content marketing campaigns. Another fact would be the fact that 34% of the interviewed marketers believe that their visual elements are the most important form of content that they use for their marketing campaigns.

    During today’s article, we will analyze why visual content can improve your overall business results. As you’ll notice, there are many benefits that come with the use of this type of content:

    #1- Visual Content Improves Social Engagement

    If your marketing strategies involve the process of communication between you and your customers, visual content should help with this aspect. Whenever you’re adding relevant pictures, videos, and infographics, you will certainly provoke more reactions from the content consumers.

    This engagement can improve many aspects of your business. When a potential customer becomes involved, he’ll most definitely focus his attention on your brand.

    #2- More Readers

    Researchers have found that colored visual content improves your visitor’s desire to read a specific piece of content by a stunning percentage of 80%. Imagine what that means; if you could improve the number of readers, it’s obvious that you get more chances to attract them towards your business’ products and services.

    #3- Makes it Easy to Remember a Brand

    It must have happened to you too. Whenever you see a new brand’s name, you’ll often forget the exact spelling. In some cases, you’ll fully forget about it, and that’s not good for that brand’s owners. It has been reported that people can only remember 10% of the information that they hear within three days.

    If there’s visual content…a highly relevant picture, for example, the retention rate increases up to 65% three days later after they have consumed the information. So in order to make people remember you, make sure that you combine more types of content!

    #4- Better Return on Investment

    Visual content has many benefits, and one of them is the possibility of obtaining a better return on investment (ROI). The marketing campaigns that you’ll perform must drive targeted traffic towards your brand’s main website.

    If you can capture your potential prospects’ attention with relevant and helpful visual content, your ROI will look better. Here’s an interesting fact: 51.9% of marketers from all over the world report that their video content is returning the best possible ROI.

    #5- Your Content Can Become Viral

    Any content piece can become viral as long as it provides the enough value to be worth sharing around. Did you know that humans have an actual need of sharing stuff with their close friends and to their families? Well, we can leverage that need and create exactly the type of content our social media followers would like to see and share.

    Infographics, as an example, receive 3 times more shares and likes than any other type of content. Articles that contain more images receive double amounts of social shares compared to those that contain zero images. And lastly, with visual content you’re most likely to generate 40X more shares on all the social media platforms compared to content that doesn’t contain visual elements.

    #6- Visual Content Sparks Human Emotions

    Big companies understand human behavior. The art of selling has been extremely analyzed by professionals. Consumer psychology is the art of understanding how humans think and make decisions when they face a purchasing decision. You probably know by now that our feelings often dictate our actions and behavior.

    Well, as marketers and business professionals, we can leverage this knowledge and apply its cause-and-effect factors immediately. Visual content is the best way to inflict emotions. Images, videos, infographics, and even animations speak more than a thousand words could. They’re much more impactful and valuable as a content choice than any other content forms could ever be.

    #7- Increases Your Traffic, Followers, and Sales

    If the visual content that you add in your marketing campaigns generate more viewers and readers for your website, it’s absolutely logical to state that your website, e-mail, and social followers’ numbers will rise. If you grow a huge followers’ database, you can expect to “capture” repeating customers that will buy your services for the long term.

    It all adds up to the same thing: revenues. If you can improve your social engagement, your followers’ numbers, your strategies, and your brand’s awareness, you’ll be able to generate more revenue!

    If you’re serious about staying innovative in today’s marketplace, I’d urge you to consider using visual content whenever you perform marketing campaigns. As you’ve probably understood from the facts, this type of content can make a huge impact.

    You can improve your brand awareness faster, engage your loyal customers better, and earn more money in the end. Of course, in order for these tactics to work, you must dedicate long hours and work as hard as you can.

    Editor's Pick

    Ecbert Malcom
    Ecbert Malcom
    I am a resident author at Broodle.
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