If you want to be more successful on the internet, there are many blogging tips you can follow. If you do e-commerce and sell products or services to customers, make sure you have an e-commerce fraud prevention plan. Search engine optimization is a must throughout your website, whether you sell anything or not, and a well-designed website will make sure it’s easy for visitors to click through your pages.
However, one of the best ways to get more visitors to your website is to create a blog! The question is, exactly how do you create the kind of content that engages readers so they want to keep coming back to your site for more?
Must Read: 6 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2021
Provide Value
The number one thing you need to do if you plan on starting a blog is to provide value to your readers. It’s definitely not true that some content is better than no content at all. You want to write something that people are actually interested in so they read your article from start to finish.

A few tips for creating massive amounts of value in an article include:
- Write a list post
- Collaborate with others to create content
- Curate items you think your audience will love
- Create a tutorial
- Provide insider knowledge on something
Dig into your site’s analytics to discover which posts are the most popular. Then, you can use those posts as inspiration when creating new content.
Start an Email Newsletter
You don’t want to rely on readers to randomly visit your website in the hopes that you have posted a new blog article. Sharing your posts on social media is a good idea, but the algorithms for these platforms can mean your followers aren’t seeing them either. Take a more direct approach and start an email newsletter instead.
When you have an email newsletter, you can send messages to members of your newsletter list every time you post a new blog article on the website. Provide a link in the message and they can get to your new post with the click of a button.

This method is only effective if you have a decent email list! Work on building your email list by offering an incentive for people to join and use landing pages on your site. Then, keep them around by not filling their inbox with too many emails.
Write a Series
Books in a series and TV episodes in a season keep readers and viewers coming back for more. You can do the same with your articles when you take this idea and apply it to your blog.

In addition to creating standalone articles, you should also consider writing a series. Take a topic and break it down into multiple parts so readers want to come back for the next part. Wet their appetite by previewing the information you’re going to cover in the next blog, and tell them exactly when it will be posted so they can come and read it immediately.
Post Content Predictably
If you want readers to be interested in reading the articles on your blog time and time again, you have to stay at the front of their mind. They have to remember your site and think about the articles on your blog, which means posting often.

That doesn’t mean you have to post multiple times a day, or even once a week! You have to determine how often you need to blog based on your schedule and your readers. Then, create a schedule so you post new blogs predictably. Readers will key into this schedule and they’ll be ready to read your latest post as soon as it is published.
Encourage Engagement
Engagement is so important if you want to build loyalty. The best way for readers to engage with your content is to spend some time formatting and digging into your comments section.
A few ways you can get more comments include:
- Make sure your blog comments section is enabled
- Ask readers to leave a comment at the end of every article
- Provide comment instructions
Then, make sure you interact with your readers by responding to their comments. Thank them for interacting with your post, answer questions, and don’t be afraid to ask them questions too!
Starting a blog is a great way to get more people to visit your site. With the right strategies in place, you can get those people to come back time and time again, which increases traffic and builds your readership.