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    4 Ways to Keep To Find Out What Your Blog Audience Want

    Great content converts, sells and also help in search engine optimization (SEO). Does it sound familiar? Well you may spend most of your time brainstorming some of the most irresistible topics for your blog yet the resultant post goes totally ignored or you decided to throw in some random ideas and the comments and shares go wild.

    Well let’s face it, you not a mind reader. If you are wondering on the topics your readers may be longing for you to write about, or what type of freebie will drive more subscribers? There is a way out to keep your audience engaged and always yearn to keep on checking on the new stuff you have posted.

    Luckily, I have to be honest with you. You only have averagely two seconds to convince your readers that your blog contains what they need. Mostly, everyone on the internet is looking for a solution to some particular problem. Once they land on your website or blog post, you need to offer them the content that will help get an answer to the question that they. And how do you ensure that your content if fresh, outstanding, unique and always to the point? Discussed herein are some of the ways that can help you keep your readers engaged and like your content.

    1. Free Surveys.

    Do you want to mine your reader’s minds and get insights on what they like? Well, if this is your strategy then you need to sign up for a free survey service. Listed below are some of the companies that can help get started.

    PollDaddy: They do not limit the number of questions or respondents you can have. However, if you would wish to export your results, then you will have to pay $200 per annum.

    Survey Monkey: This service is free for 10 questions and a maximum of 100 responses. Nonetheless, if you want to receive more response you can sign up a fee of $26 per month.

    KwikSurvey: Pretty cool to work with. They have a free option that does not limit the questions or response you receive. Besides, they allow export of the results.

    Conducting surveys are probably the easiest way to know what your readers are up to and what probably can stir them up.


    2. Answer Peoples Questions

    In marketing, this is one of the toughest things to do. Answering people’s questions through forums and communities allows them to trust your brand and finally, you’re content. If you get to think about it, that’s how most websites survive. If your content solves, helps and answers questions, then you are going to earn peoples trust. The trick here is to find out what your target audience wants. Here are some of the ways you can do this.


    Keyword research

    Performing a keyword research may sound old, wine gets better when it ages. Thus, this is a proven method that yield results. In your niche, you can perform a search for related keywords. As well, Google trends can inform you about the type of interests people have on a particular item. Getting this data is key to identifying what solutions to offer to your readers.


    Social Networks.

    There is nothing that can beat social network signals when it comes to personal expression. If you are not looking at the right places, social media is always diluted. Social networks can be one of the direct indications of user interest on a particular content idea. The only tussle you have as a marketer or blogger is to look for the right places. Most businesses use Facebook pages, Twitter, Google + and LinkedIn to share their content.


    3. Listen More

    Your listening skills are extremely important when it comes to satisfying the needs of your prospective and existing clients. Listening intently to your clients gives you a lot of advantages. Besides listening to the needs and wants of your clients, you can get a lot of potential and valuable information that can help you focus on satisfying your clients’ needs through the content you write.


    4. E-commerce

    Mostly, this method applies product focused markets. If you are running a website for top-notch products for example Knee crutches, Generating content that is unique and interesting and can solve visitor’s problems may be difficult. Nevertheless, to achieve this, you need to head over to places that the associated products are being sold like Amazon or eBay and check on the client’s reviews, general chat about the project and their reviews. Through these reviews, you can find some interesting suggestions and tips that are insightful about the product. This is a highly specific information that you can hardly find for free. After getting the information you can organize it into a great masterpiece of an article which will help your audience out! Bingo! Through this method, you have just scored a point.


    To wrap it all, if wear the audience shoes, then you probably understand that people talk about what they require. And when you answer this in your content, no matter the length, then it will have served the purpose of offering solution to your audience; which ultimately is the primary goal of writing content.

    Editor's Pick

    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya is the Founder and Chief Editor at Broodle. He loves helping people around him to get through the day to day trouble they face with technology. So that, they can love technology as much as he does!
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