    HomeBlogging10 Subject Titles Which Should Never be Used in...

    10 Subject Titles Which Should Never be Used in Email Newsletters

    Do your email newsletters never get opened? Do your newsletters gets into the spam folder? Many small businesses have trouble figuring out how to engage their customers and potential users. How you communicate with them is important, and newsletter marketing is a big part of that.

    Whether you send a monthly or bi-weekly email newsletter, the likelihood of a user clicking the link to “unsubscribe” from your newsletter is 67%, according to an ExactTarget study. Here are some helpful tips on direct marketing via newsletters and how to leverage chances of getting into the spam on your customer’s inbox.


    1. Excessive familiarity

    Example: “Hi! Come visit us, we have a new collection of dresses! “ 

    Do not use the theme of greeting phrase. Because reading the topic, the recipient must be at least roughly understand what will be the letter. Instead a Welcome you can place inside the body of your message. Avoid over-familiarity. Much depends on your target audience if only teens 14-18 years, or students, the appeal to them “you” possible. However, if you have a more general audience blurred, the appeal to “you” can cause a portion of anger, and you do not want such a reaction to his letters?


    2. Unfinished phrase

    Example: “Only today! If you go to our site, you will receive … ”

    This technique is one of the favorite techniques of marketing because they feel that in this way creates the intrigue – the client exactly interested and want to know what he will get! In fact, everything is already tired of such advertising, its principle is easy to read and does not cause anything but irritation. Although once try a similar technique, you certainly can.

    3. Caps Lock

    Example: “Just for today! SALE FOR ALL! ”

    Capslock – another way to draw attention to his letter. But in a bad way. Because the caps in one line always looks like a scream – and no one likes it when it suddenly begins to scream. Therefore, respect your subscribers, use the text of the letter other means of identifying the main idea, and even more so, in any case, do not write in capital letters in the subject line.

    4. Errors

    Example: “During this week you will be able to buy a dress for prevlekatelnoy price!”

    The recipient of the letters you can forgive a typo – but frequent errors immediately translate your letter (and you) to spam or trash because illiterate writing a letter – it is disrespectful to the readers, as well as an indicator of what your organization is not very serious. If you can not deduct the letter and correct mistakes (and even more so if you are even the subject line can not write without them!), If you can do other work, whether or not you trust? That’s about it will reflect the client as soon as getting such a letter. Therefore, always keep an eye on what you send to your customers. If you can not do it yourself, contact the professionals (editors and proofreaders).

    5. Long Thread

    Example: “Today is the very day when you can go to our shop and take advantage of the big discounts that we give it to you!”

    Every day, people get dozens of messages to your email address. And since people very value their time, they are running over the list members want as quickly as possible to understand what a particular letter. Long (and hard to take) threads have a negative impact on the attitude of readers angered them. And your job when you send a mailing – to gain the recipient, and this is done primarily by means of the letter topics.

    Therefore, all long, blurred, poorly perceived by message subject, leave in the past – now is the time intensive and catchy phrases that are placed even on the mobile phone screen. Ideally, the subject line must fit in 35-50 characters.

    Another reason to give up the long topic – a significant increase in the probability of getting a letter in the “Spam” folder. And there is something it exactly no one will see or read.

    Still, want recipients to see the brilliant long sentence, you came up with? Then place it in the text of the letter.

    6. Emoji


    Emoji in Email Newsletters


    With smiles story is not as straightforward as in other cases: There is a study that letter icons really opens up more people than conventional letters. At the same time, Emoji should be used very carefully, if you do not want to pass for frivolous company sends out some baby pictures instead of writing the name. And especially never, under any circumstances, send a letter with some Emoji instead of threads!

    7. Pity or Anger

    Example: “Please urgently open and read this letter to the end.”

    Reasons why not to do so, are two: First, your purpose – not just to get the recipient to open the email, but to advertise their service to get to buy your product, etc. Secondly, reading your letter – it is voluntary, and try to persuade him pity (or ordering “! Come uncover letter”) immediately configures the recipient against you (as you would like it if someone in the mail tried to manipulate your feelings or made you do something?).

    In general, if you have a really urgent letter, then place in the beginning of the topic “Urgent!” – this is the normal solution. But if you do so you will entitle each letter is a good chance that most of your correspondence will go to the trash. Or do you just lose subscribers?

    8. False

    Example: “! Today only 50% discount on all *”
    * only applies to the two goods

    Generally this option to raise the cost higher, but it seems too obvious to start with him. No one likes it when they try to manipulate, and certainly not like to be cheated. Therefore, to begin customer familiarity with your letter stands with confidence and not with the desire to mislead his brains.

    Even one letter can hang up on you or branded a cheater – is it worth risking reputation only to the recipient opened the letter?

    9. Spam word

    Example:  “Do you want to get cash for free? We’ll show you how to earn additional income through a home business! ”

    If earlier to email-marketer was only the task force the recipient to open the email, but now everything is more complicated – now part of the letters sent directly to the folder “Spam” (which most people are perceived as a basket with unnecessary letters). Therefore, think about when creating a subject line – and if it sounds the same as the theme of the spam messages that are pouring tens to your email address?

    In order to reduce the likelihood of falling into the spam emails, give up the use of spam words. These are common words and phrases that have even themselves in the subject cause bad associations:

    • money,
    • is free,
    • cash,
    • limited supply,
    • purchase,
    • additional income,
    • home business
    • cheap,
    • rates,
    • credit,
    • creditors
    • bankruptcy,
    • debt,
    • Stop,
    • access,
    • success,
    • chance,
    • freedom,
    • market,
    • subscription,
    • do not spam,
    • instructions,
    • compare,
    • save,
    • supply is limited,
    • Start now
    • do not delay,
    • bonus
    • casinos and so on.

    Such words are, of course, much more, but the logic of you, I think, is already caught. Avoid these words. Even if the letter will pass the spam control, its theme could still cause mixed reactions from the recipients.

    10. No subject

    Example: “.”

    Sometimes mailing leave without any issues. Because all the attention was focused on the text and design of the letters and the theme … who does remember that it was necessary to write a theme?

    However, if you happened to such a disaster, panic is not necessary – just send a second letter is the same, but with a theme. Or even try to somehow beat this unfortunate mistake. But very carefully – the distinction between “who does not happen” and “company that even the subject line can not write a” very thin.


    Source: Timeweb Community

    Editor's Pick

    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya Patni
    Maitreya is the Founder and Chief Editor at Broodle. He loves helping people around him to get through the day to day trouble they face with technology. So that, they can love technology as much as he does!
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