Any user who uses Android Devices as Power User must have come across ADB and Fastboot commands.
Today i am posting this tutorial through which you can install ADB and Fastboot in your Windows PC without Downloading the Whole Android SDK.
How to Install ADB and Fastboot:
Step 1 :- Firstly Download the latest ADB Installer from the below link.
Download ADB Setup from XDA Forums
Step 2 :- Now after downloading Right Click on adb-setup-1.1.exe and chose “Run as Administrator“.
Step 3 :- It will open a command prompt windows with blue background and will ask for “Install ADB and Fastboot?”, hit Y and Enter.
Step 4 :- Next it will ask to install drivers for your device, choose “Y” if you haven’t install device drivers or “N” if you already have installed Device drivers.

Step 5 :- Wait for few seconds till it finishes, to verify you have successfully installed ADB and Fastboot, open command Prompt (Win+R and type cmd in run dialog) and type “adb version” (without quotes) if it returns something like “Android Debug Version x.x.xx” then your adb and fastboot are successfully installed.

If you face any problem during this whole process then please comment.