If you are a Mediatek Device user then you are on right place to fill your device with Awesome Roms.
This is the Easiest and Fastest Guide to Port any MTK Rom to Your MTK Device.
Things you will need :-
- Base Rom (Stock Rom of Your Device)
- Rom Port (Rom that you are going to Port)
- WinRAR
- Notepad++
Before Porting please Make sure that you are using a Rom of Same MTKxxxx Device to Port.
Take a clean base to port the Rom, it must be bugless.
Porting Guide :-
Now do as Follows :-
First Of all Extract Both the Roms in Two Different Folders and then follow these steps :-

1. Go to /system/etc/firmware in both the roms and drag and drop below files from base Rom to port Rom.
- catcher_filter.bin
- modem.img
- mt662x_patch_e3_hdr.bin
- mt662x_patch_e6_hdr.bin
- WMT.cfg
2. Go to /system/etc/permissions in both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
- com.google.android.maps.xml
- com.google.android.media.effects.xml
- com.google.widevine.software.drm.xml
- android.hardware.camera.front.xml
- android.hardware.camera.xml
3. Go to /system/framework in both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
- com.google.android.maps.jar
- com.google.android.media.effects.jar
- com.google.widevine.software.drm.jar
4. Go to /system/lib/modulesin both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
- ccci.ko
- ccci_plat.ko
- ccmni.ko
- mtk_fm_drv.ko
- mtk_fm_priv.ko
- mtk_hif_sdio.ko
- mtk_hif_sdio_mt6628.ko
- mtk_stp_bt.ko
- mtk_stp_bt_mt6628.ko
- mtk_stp_gps.ko
- mtk_stp_gps_mt6628.ko
- mtk_stp_uart.ko
- mtk_stp_uart_mt6628.ko
- mtk_stp_wmt.ko
- mtk_stp_wmt_mt6628.ko
- mtk_wmt_wifi.ko
- mtk_wmt_wifi_mt6628.ko
5. Go to /system/libin both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
- libaudio.a2dp.default.so
- libaudio.primary.default.so
- libaudiocompensationfilter.so
- libaudiocustparam.so
- libaudiosetting.so
- libaudioeffect_jni.so
- libaudioflinger.so
- libbluetoothem_mtk.so
- libbluetooth_mtk.so
- libcamalgo.so
- libcameracustom.so
- libfmar1000.so
- libfmcust.so
- libfmjni.so
- libfmmt6616.so
- libfmmt6620.so
- libfmmt6626.so
- libfmmt6628.so
- libmhal.so
- libmhalcontent.so
- libmhalmdp.so
- libmhalpipe.so
- libmhalscenario.so
- libmhalutility.so
- libmhaldrv.so
- libsurfaceflinger.so {Black Screen Bug} (if port is successful and only touch is working, try replacing this lib to get the screen back)
6. Go to /system/usr/keylayoutin both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
- Generic.kl (regarding Power Buttons & Soft Keys)
7. Go to /system/usrin both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
- Whole ‘srec’ folder
8. Go to /system/xbinin both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
- libmnlp
- mnld
9. Open /system/build.prop file of Port Rom using notepad++ and put the same values as Base Rom for
- ro.build.display.id=
- ro.product.model=
- ro.product.brand=
- ro.product.locale.language=
- ro.product.locale.region=
- fmradio.driver.chip=
- mediatek.wlan.chip=
- mediatek.wlan.module.postfix=
10. Open /META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script of Port Rom using notepad++ and put the same values as Base Rom for
- symlink(“/system/lib/modules/wlan_mt662x.ko”, “/system/lib/modules/wlan.ko”);
11. Go to /META-INF/in both the roms and drag and drop below files from Base Rom to Port Rom.
12. Internal Memory Fix:
If You Face Bug Something like 0.00B internal storage then you can use this file to fix it.
- In system/etc replace vold.fstab & vold.fstab.nand from base Rom to port Rom.
That’s it, Now you can Add or Remove System App from System/app folder, but make sure that the name of Apps must be without spaces.
Now .zip the Port Folder and Flash it in your Phone with Recovery, before flashing Please Make sure that you have Backed Up up device because in case of bricking i may not be responsible for that.
Source :-
Credits :-
If you face any problem then please Comment.
I downloaded 2 roms and they do not have those folders inside. Only .bin and .img files. I can’t extract those files either using 7-Zip. Help please!
That’s because you downloaded a ROM which is flashable through Flash Tool and not through recovery ! 🙂
i stuck at bootloop .. it just restart again and again. .what should i do?
Just flash another ROM 🙂 If you can’t get to the recovery then flash a rom through Flash tool 🙂
I also got stuck at boot/ or faced a restarting issue. But I fixed it by replacing the boot.img of port with stock boot.img
Is it normal that I dont have exactly both files in the 2 different roms ?
Hey can i port a rom lollipop to jellybean. I want lollipop rom . iam porting lollipop rom from micromax q390 to micromax 2.2. Please do a research and tell me. Ibeg u. Please.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guys you must copy kernal from stock boot.img to port boot.img