WordPress Tips
WordPress is the de facto king of content management systems worldwide and it becomes important to learn some great WordPress Tips. If you want to get into the world of website building and management, you need to learn how to use WordPress on a professional level. Sadly and perhaps paradoxically, it is extremely difficult to find information and high-quality guides on the application. This guide aims to ameliorate precisely that – here, you’ll find all the necessary information to help you start with WordPress and have a solid foundation to continue improving!
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How you approach WordPress, how deep you go, and how much time you spend learning all depend on your goals. There are three classes of people who want to learn WordPress, and all three need different approaches:
professional users are those who want to learn WordPress to create and manage their personal websites. These people couldn’t care less about the inner workings of WordPress or how it manages to make something display on the browser. All they care about is creating a unique website and putting their content out there. Most of the people who use WordPress fall under this type. Here are the things you need to focus on as a professional user:
If you’re not sure you can do with on your own, you might want to use an HTML to WordPress service to see the best results!
When you’re a developer, you aren’t only creating websites for yourself, but you’re also creating websites for clients. What you need to learn as a developer will obviously be much more than what you need to learn if you’re only using Wordpress for personal use:
You need to become even more familiar with WordPress if you want to become a developer for the WordPress ecosystem. For example. If you are thinking about creating unique themes and selling them or you want to create a really useful plugin that will extend the functionality of WordPress, you’ll be classified as a WordPress developer. There are hundreds of thousands of WordPress developers in the world trying to bring the latest features to WordPress users.
In this case, however, you need to be intimately familiar with every part of WordPress. You need to learn its ins and outs. You need to learn how one function in WordPress interacts with another. Only then, you’ll be able to create truly unique plugins for the system.