The Strangest Question that every one want to know is why Facebook Worth is More than $200 Billion and how Facebook Makes Money? But most of us not haven’t paid even a 1$ for Facebook account and how it earns more than 0.5 Billion a month from Users. Facebook don’t use any ads in it but Mark Zukerberg the Founder and CEO of Facebook made it a huge Brand of Like’s which made it more successful.
Do you Know that, Facebook Handles a Huge Corporate World. Just check these few brand success made by the Facebook.
Many Brands around world want Targeted Audience. It has even more easier for this corporate companies to find they customer’s it got the users age, sex, living and his tastes from Facebook. They pay Facebook to Promote their brand or page.
The posts which are targeted to Fans or Friends typically cost $5 Dollars for every 1000 People and for click on the site Avg of 1$ = 1 Click, when it comes to page click’s 1$ = 2 Clicks, these are the average stats of facebook promotions.
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