5 Challenges of iOS Development in 2020

Developing an iOS application has certainly changed over the years as technology has improved and user function is at an all-time high. iOS is the operating system that Apple uses in its iPhone and iPad products. It is meant to be fluid between both devices, allowing you to bounce back and forth between the two and still have the same user experience.

As the race for developing the next viral app continues, iOS development certainly has its challenges.  Developers run into new roadblocks daily as technology is constantly changing and what worked yesterday may no longer be applicable today.

Must Read: Top Reasons Why iOS Will Dominate the Future Mobile App Development World

When developing an iOS application, here are five of the most common challenges developers are facing.

1. iOS Application Compatibility

Remember, one of the big draws to apple products is being able to have the same experience on multiple devices. Like talked about above, both the iPhone and iPad use the iOS operating system. However, both of these devices function a little differently. Therefore, when developing an app to be used on the operating system, it is important that it fully functions on both devices. You want to be able to stop reading a book on your iPad and pick up right where you left off on your iPhone. This is one reason people become an “Apple family.”

2. Network Conditions

Big problem developers are facing is the need for a strong internet connection for premier app functionality. This is often found in apps that stream videos or offer a lot of graphics. Tweaking your app to be able to still function properly when the internet connection is not as strong is essential to keeping happy customers.

Most times, people are staring at their phones when they are not busy doing something else. This can commonly be on public transportation, in a park, or waiting for something to start. These are all common places that do not have the strongest internet connections. If your app constantly pauses or has to re-load, people will find something else that has the capability to perform in less-than-desirable conditions.

3. User Interface

Something probably less thought of, but extremely important is the user interface – the look of the app. It needs to be visually appealing on a variety of screen sizes. What may look nice on a large iPad needs to look every bit as good on an older generation iPhone.

If it is not attractive on different screen sizes, users are less likely to continue to use it. This is the instant gratification, and everything is beautiful day and age. If it isn’t visually appealing, they aren’t going to use it. Even worse, they will find a competitor’s product that does look good and they will use that instead. Visuals is the name of the game right now.

4. Battery Life

Let’s face it, no matter how amazing the technology on the app is, if it eats the battery quickly, it’s going to get deleted quickly. No one wants to kill their battery using one app, no matter how much they may seem to like it. Apps must be able to not utilize a ton of battery power while they are running, and especially while they are running in the background. No one wants a dead phone.

5. App Store Approvals

Definitely the biggest challenge of iOS development is getting past the App Store approval. The App Store is the place where you go to download your app. Currently there are over 2 million apps for purchase on the app store. There are millions more that didn’t make it.

Stringent guidelines exist for developers to maintain while trying to get their app on the store. Changes are made almost daily to what is acceptable, so getting approval to place your app in the store is extremely difficult. This isn’t something you are going to be able to sneak through on. If Apple’s extensive policies aren’t followed, your app will be rejected. Apple operates under five pillars of guidelines that state the apps must

  • “Be safe
  • Provide a good user experience
  • Ahear to rules on user privacy
  • Secure devices from malware and threats
  • Use approved business models”

Anything that doesn’t mean these guidelines is rejected. If this happens, all hope is not lost. Apple will tell you exactly why your app was rejected, and you can fix and resubmit. Of course, this means more hours and less profit, but it gives you another shot at getting it right. It can’t be successful if it never gets put out there.

Developing an iOS application is complicated and time-consuming but can be lucrative to your business once it is completed. Hiring a competent and skilled designer can make this process much smoother and can help avoid many of these headaches.