Why People Lays So Much Emphasis On Performance Testing?


Yes, the image depicts some of the parts of the above question. Well, in the era of technology, where many programming projects, like software and mobile applications, enter the market almost every day, it is necessary for a development firm to release its products in a unique way and with the best quality. For this, an application needs to experience rounds of tests, in which its performance, ease of use, features and numerous other aspects are assessed.

Checking and refining the performance consistently is crucial if you have a solid determination to win the market and the client trust. Below mentioned are a couple of points that illuminate more about what performance testing is about, let’s have a look.

Key reasons behind the broad inclination toward performance testing:

1) Performance has turned into the key indicator of software quality and acceptance in today’s exceptionally dynamic market.

2) Customers are becoming highly demanding on quality front and have a clear vision of their performance goals.

[Recommended Read: Significant reasons that call for investment in performance testing ]

3) These days, every client is searching for more prominent speed, reliability, scalability, productivity, and endurance of all applications – may it be multi-level applications, client-server applications or web-based app and so on.

4) There is a greater requirement of identifying and eliminating the performance restraining factors to ensure the best quality. It is best to start the performance testing efforts from the earliest starting point of the development project and they should stay dynamic until the final release.

What are the targets of Performance Testing?

1) To complete root cause analysis of performance-related common and uncommon issues and devise plans to handle them.

2) To decrease the response time of the application with minimum venture on hardware.

3) To recognize the issues causing the breaking down of the framework and fix them well before the production run. Issues cured amid later phases of development have high-cost labels connected to them.

[Important Read: Effective ways followed by QA to speed up the software release process ]

4) Benchmarking of the applications, with a view to refining the organization’s strategy towards programming acquisition for the coming time.

5) To guarantee that the new framework fits in with the predefined performance criteria.

6) To draw a comparison between the performance of at least two frameworks.

Methods for doing Performance Testing:

There are two strategies for performance testing and these are:

1) Manual performance testing

2) Automated performance testing


1) Manual Performance Testing: Keeping in mind the end goal to build up an adequate confidence, the response times being a decent indicator of performance must be estimated several times amid the test. Utilization of stopwatches observed by numerous people is one of the most effective and oldest approaches to measuring the test performance. Contingent on the available infrastructure, different means can likewise be conceived.

2) Automated Performance Testing: Many methodologies can be prescribed here. We can utilize the automation programming which can simulate the user activities and can all the while record the response times and different framework parameters like access of storage discs, utilization of memory and queue length for different messages etc.


Performance testing incorporating load testing, stress testing, and endurance testing is crucial acceptance consideration in today’s highly competitive market with profoundly demanding and quality conscious customers. You must incorporate manual performance testing in your development cycle to ensure the quality and performance of your product before its release to make it successful.

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  • Thanks for sharing such useful information about Performance Testing.
    this information is very interesting.
    please keep sharing.

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