Social Networking

How the Social Media Page’s Speed Can be Measured?

Social media now a day is all about speed. Almost all of the social media want that which they have asked for in almost no time and this really shows that the speed matters.  Google has conducted a research and according to that research, half of the visitors of the social media page want the page to get opened within just 2 seconds.

According to the same research, people who experience speed issues with the social media page of any brand, out of 62 percent of them don’t purchase from that brand. It simply means that if the brand doesn’t match such requirements of the customer, the brand might lose its money, its reputation and also its audience.

So below mentioned are some of the important points which are needed to be followed carefully by the brands to maintain their reputation by measuring the speed of their social media Instagram page. In this way, the followers on Instagram can interact more. To have more interaction for the better result, buy active Instagram followers after searching on google for best provider.


Separate tabs for optimization of page speed

There are page speed insights which can be used for measuring and managing the page speed of a social media platform and to some people the page speed insights at the start looks different. Well, there were the days when by entering a URL; the tool would supply you with the set of different parameters like the redirects, minification, compression and more like that. But now, the page speed insight tool has gone through some changes and the evaluation of the website is made based on the two main criteria and that is the optimization and the speed. Optimization is the same to know as it was in the previous version of the tool but speed is now based on two main parameters and that is as follows:

  • FCP which stands for First Contentful Paint and due to it the company can measure that how long it can take for the first visual content to get appealed to the user.
  • DCL stands for the DOM content loaded that measures the total time which is needed for an HTML document to get loaded.


Shifting from lab to field data

The problem which most of the brands face is that the numbers which they see in the metrics like DCL and FCP are not actually the same which are shown by the Google in the speed tab and that is so because of a simple reason that the Google basically incorporates the data from its chromes user report database that means the metrics being calculated are based on the real measurements. Well, the disagreement in the situation occurs when the slow speed on your site is because of the poor internet connection of the speed of the users and it is completely optimized by your perspective.  Google lets you switch your lab data to field and to improve the field data nothing can be done except the optimization of the website.


Optimization of the rankings and scores

Normally in a mobile search, the page ranking on an average lies between the points 1-30 and the optimization there 0.95 is an extremely high point. So by this, the conclusion is driven that optimization is the thing to be focused about.


Avoid Landing Page Redirect

You should avoid landing page redirect if you want to improve page speed score. If you need then you can do 301 or 302 redirects. AS of now, Google supports HTTP redirect and javascript redirect.


Minify resources (CSS and Javascript)

If must minify the CSS file and javascript file. It will reduce the file size and your loading time will be improved.


Optimize Images

Before you upload the images optimize it for web then upload it. There are many ways you can optimize images. Here you read the image optimization guide by Google.


Improve Server Response Time

Server response time is another important aspect that you should care about. According to Google, Server response time measures how long it takes to load the HTML file to begin rendering the page from your server. Always host your site on the optimized server. Also, You can reduce the time by applying various way.

So, these are few tips to optimize page speed score. I would recommend to every marketer to follow this rules because it’s very important things to keep in mind in 2018. This will improve user experience and your conversion rate will be increased as well. You can check this official documentation of page speed optimization rule.
