Top 10 Productive Apps for Students
The arrival of iPhones, iOS, Android devices and other computing devices has made things extremely easier. Now, you can look for all your solutions through these devices in the form of applications.
It is not always possible for the students to attend tuition classes. They can also look into the apps to find answers to their questions. In case, you have your queries and you want solutions to them, particularly when you have missed the class, you can certainly consider these apps to obtain the results. Also, practice is an essential segment of any academic, and you can even find tuition assignments through these apps. These apps are too useful for any student and assist in building their career.
Some popular apps for students to use in 2017:
This app connects professionals, students as well as lifelong learners from all across the globe. It offers free online courses from different global universities, educational institutions, etc. Users can choose to browse courses and view lectures from the instructors anywhere and at any time.
This app is really helpful if you have a tendency to forget about your assignments. This app reminds you regarding your approaching tests and assignments that are due.
The idea of a calculator app is not much exciting when you already own a default application in your device. Yet, this app is still popular among the users for its sleek design. It is not only known for its amazing aesthetics but also consists of different scientific functions. The app also offers a calculation history.
It offers a minimalistic design and is quite clean, thereby standing out of all other calendar apps. This app helps you maintain your regular schedule and will keep on notifying you about your tasks-to-do. You can all access it as your Home screen widget.
This is a free application that assists you to stay organized as well as remain productive all the while. You can take notes and create your to-do lists with this app. You may also choose to capture photos and record voice reminders with this app.
Just as the name of the app reveals, this helps users to create flashcards. It is an amazing study tool that allows users to memorise complex phrases and words. You can also use it while studying a second language. It comes with a user-friendly interface that is quite easy to use. It is considered as one of the best apps for students.
This suite is basically a powerful collection of college applications. It consists of Google sheets, docs, slides and more. It also allows the users to take voice, text as well as photo notes by accessing Google keep. Moreover, you can enjoy all the facilities altogether since they will all be tied up with your single Google account. It is absolutely helpful for group projects and the complete set of such collaborative tools make your tasks easier.
This is regarded as one of the best college apps for students. This is probably because the app consists of a note taking an interface and you can actually draw it on. It also lets you attach images from the device’s camera as well as record lectures in the form of audio and video format, whichever way you like. It also arranges the pages of your notebook to provide you with an easier and organized facility.
Certainly, Microsoft provides a wide number of college apps for students. This app helps you access Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, One Note and more in collaboration. Thus, you can work on projects with your fellow mates. All you need is to enter a valid Email address and you will be allowed to sign up.
It is a valuable resource for students that provide a large collection of e-books, audiobooks along with countless academic dissertations. It also offers prominent articles and news resources, government reports and scientific studies, etc to help you stay updated with the latest information.
Students can check their exam updates, Result in notifications in
All these apps are potentially valuable to students!