Mobile Apps

Ionic Vs React Native – Which Is Better for Mobile App Development?

Whenever the mobile app development platforms or frameworks have to be compared, it becomes quite difficult to choose between the natives – iOS and Android, or the hybrid ones – Ionic and React Native. However, the preference nowadays is given to the hybrid over the native applications. The reasons for that are manifold including native-like interface, features, functions, increased profitability, and auditory. The most popular hybrid frameworks in the industry are the two viz., Ionic and React Native. You might have the question in mind why these two, in particular? Are they acting as the base for further mobile app development? And if yes, then which among them is the best? So to let you find the answers to all these queries, this write-up can be beneficial. Let’s get started!

Ionic – An Overview

Being a cross-platform framework, Ionic is used to build hybrid mobile applications and is completely focused on the HTML5 programming language. As the HTML5 framework functions with the help of Cordova and PhoneGap, Ionic also requires them while developing the mobile application.

Android ACommon Benefits of the Ionic Framework

  1. It has an independent environment whether it works with HTML, CSS, JS, or AngularJS
  2. It is very helpful in designing default UI functionalities of the mobile application in the most efficient manner
  3. It is enfolded by the Cordova and PhoneGap
  4. It works easily on both iOS’s Web View and Android’s Web View

React Native – An Overview

React Native is a JavaScript library which is specifically used to build an effective user interface. It is managed and maintained by the expert community of React Native developers across the globe and the leading organizations which include Facebook and Instagram. It allows the app developers to reuse the code which has already been used on any Android or iOS application.

Top Benefits Offered by React Native Include the Following

  1. As it is managed by a strong community of expert developers and organizations, it assists newbie mobile app developers in speeding up their learning and development process.
  2. It allows the app developers to reuse the existing code which makes the delivery of the application faster.
  3. The issues related to React Native can be easily resolved by discussing with various developers of the community from which it belongs.
  4. It works independently allowing it to adapt itself to both platforms viz., Android and iOS.

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Comparing the Two – Ionic Vs React Native

The difference between these two app development frameworks primarily lies in their approaches. Where Ionic is more focused on building the typical hybrid app that performs rendering in the WebView for Android and iOS, React Native is more focused on building a mobile app with a standard UI block. To get a thorough distinction between the two, the following points can help. So let’s begin.

Performance: The hybrid Ionic apps are notoriously very slow, and on the other hand, the RN (React Native) is quite popular among developers because of its speed irrespective of the platform on which it is running. However, the biggest problem it possesses is that, unlike Ionic, it does not support the 64-bit regime on Android.

Simplicity: In this context, both Ionic and RN are competitively strong as they can be recycled whenever required. Their codes can be used for one more time in different variations. However, a small differentiation in this context can be found in the fact that Ionic’s code can be reused anywhere or at any platform after its launch, while in the case of RN, it needs to be recreated on the new platform.

Testing: The biggest difference between the two is in their testing procedure. The testing of Ionic is undoubtedly considered to be more convenient as it can be executed on any browser without any issue. But in the case of RN, one needs to arrange a good emulator or a real device, and its testing is done with the help of Jest – which has zero configurations.

Working: Running an Ionic is similar to working on a CSS framework like Bootstrap. It has a lot of components which are pre-designed and pre-styled. On the contrary, as React Native relies on native behaviours, they do not try to replicate them. The entire styling is to be done at your end. The components which exist natively are available most of the time and finding the non-native components is quite rare.

Final Word

To conclude, it can be said that finding the right framework for your project or the right mobile app development company depends on various elements including the project type, user requirements, acquired skills of your team and so on. Hence, we cannot call anyone React Native or Ionic a better one to opt for.

One needs to analyze both, make a thorough evaluation of what suits you and finally make the right decision. You can get in touch with our mobile app developers for expert guidance in selecting the right platform according to your requirements and project objectives.