Mobile Apps

5 Easy Ways To Enhance Your Mobile App’s User Engagement

Given the availability of virtually endless programming languages that render the creation of mobile apps as easy as ABC, now the real challenge in this domain is in amassing and maintaining an engaged user base. And considering the highly competitive environment that we currently live in, it is clear that anything less than a well-grounded approach and comprehensive efforts aimed at establishing a robust user engagement strategy will just not work.

To that end, businesses must closely understand certain facets of user engagement and exactly how much they stand to impact the mobile app’s success.

Let’s start with app store listing or landing page; since first impressions are of critical importance, the business should highlight the app’s benefits and the problems its helps users tackle, instead of focusing solely on its features. Then there’s onboarding and here companies would do well to focus on educating users about their app’s advantages instead of bombarding them with guides and tutorials.

A study found that for roughly 68 percent of smartphone app users, a loading time of less than six seconds is acceptable. Whereas more than a half of those surveyed want a load time of fewer than three seconds. So, speed is yet another facet that companies must tend to in order to ensure better user engagement for their mobile apps.

While there is much companies must do and pay close attention to for better user engagement, let’s take a closer look.


Top Ways Businesses can Improve User Engagement for their Mobile Apps:

  1. One of the most effective ways of converting a user into a loyal customer who is committed to the app is making sure that their first experience of the app is quite pleasant and not marred by even a single hiccup. Simply put, the first interaction should be seamless and simple in order to help set the bar for what they can expect from the app in the future.
  2. It is extremely important to ensure that customers feel welcomed and valued. So, never underestimate the potential of what the simple gesture of greeting them with a personalized note can do. And as a thumb rule, welcome every new sign up with the kind of enthusiasm that is as infectious as it is hearty.
  3. Much like every other aspect of the experience with the app, the user onboarding must also be absolutely hassle-free and effortless. So, make sure that signing up doesn’t become a chore for users and is free from of any functionalities that might give rise to confusion. Also, businesses must make sure that they do not overwhelm users with an overload of information. Just make sure that have sufficient information to find their way around the app’s different functionalities.
  4. As simple and trivial as this point may seem, but one must cater to all types of users — even when it concerns aesthetic functionality. What we mean is that though small icons/buttons look admittedly better than the bigger ones, companies must not forget that the app might have users with varying hand and finger sizes. So, ensure that all the app’s call to action buttons are comfortable enough for all types of users.
  5. Syncing the mobile app with social media platforms is also an important consideration in user engagement strategies for smartphone apps. It must be noted that this functionality may require businesses to use social media APIs for registrations as well as logins. Nonetheless, the fact remains that syncing with social media not only improves visibility but also makes it quite easy for users to register with the application.


Suffice it to say that there are virtually endless opportunities and ways to enhance user engagement, but that can only be achieved when companies have a reliable mobile development company to assist them in their endeavors in the mobile app domain.
