
3 Great Google Analytics Tips to Jumpstart Your Business’ Digital Marketing

If you are already doing digital marketing and the words “Google Analytics” sounds so foreign to you, then we advise you to stop everything that you are doing because you are only squandering your time. You will never get the results that you want if you are not implementing Google Analytics as part of your strategy.

Google Analytics is the most popular tool that many marketers use to measure their website traffic and other metrics. This tool basically gives you valuable information that will correlate to your strategy. In fact, measuring your analytics is one of the benefits of digital marketing that you will not get when you do traditional marketing. So, it is important that you take advantage of it.


Why Use Google Analytics?


If you have a website, it is imperative that you use Google Analytics. Why? Because with the reports that you can get from it, you can improve and adjust your strategies in order to get better performance. In digital marketing, it is important that you always keep your strategies up to date because you always want to stay in the competition.

If you have these questions going inside your head for quite a time now, Google Analytics will finally answer them easily.

  • How many people see and visit my site?
  • Where is my traffic residing?
  • Should I start working on a mobile version of my website?
  • Are there other websites that point to my website?
  • Which strategies that I am implementing drive the most visitors to my site?
  • What are the most popular pages on my website?
  • What are the tips I can follow to improve website speed?
  • What type of content receives the most engagement?

As you can see, these are critical questions that you may have had difficulty in finding answers to. With the features of Google Analytics, these questions are not left unanswered!


Google Analytics Tips for Better Results

Below, we share a couple of tips on how you can use Google Analytics to get better performance

in many aspects of your digital marketing strategy.


1. Analyze Bounce Rates for Better Conversion Rates


In case you didn’t know it yet, the bounce rate of your website is actually a pretty heavy metric that can actually have a big impact on your strategy. Moreover, it is one of the most misunderstood elements of website analysis.

Many people think that bounce rate refers to the shortness of time that a visitor spends on their website. However, it actually refers to the percentage of all the visitors on your website that closes the website after visiting only one page.

It is important that you look at this metric as it tells a lot about the quality of your website. If your bounce rate is high, your audience may not have found value in it. And, you need to remedy this as soon as possible.

Finally, take note that the ideal bounce rate could be between 0% – 10%. If it reaches 20% and above, you definitely need to do a complete audit so you can fix any issues before it gets worse.


2. Analyze Overall Traffic for Better User Understanding


Most articles that talk about a better digital marketing strategy would always say that it is always important to know who your audience is. This is the most important part of making your content strategy effective.

You have to know who you are marketing to so you can target their preferences and present solutions to their problems. In order for you to do this, you need to analyze your overall traffic. In Google Analytics, you can see the demographic details of your traffic.

You can see where they are from, how long they are staying on your website, which specific pages on your website they are staying. Altogether, this will give you an idea about what they are looking for.


3. Measure SEO Traffic Quality for Conversion Comparison

You will most likely say that quality is subjective. What seems like a good quality to one person may not be the same for you. This is what makes it a little complicated and hard to track and measure. However, you can tackle this with Google Analytics.

Take a look at your traffic considering your different objectives and goals. Then, compare them with each other. This will give you an overview of which ones actually work and which ones need improvement.



Google Analytics is a great tool to help boost your digital marketing strategy. It may take time learning all the features but you do not really have to rush things in web marketing. You need to set aside an ample amount of time in mastering the different aspects of it, including measuring and analyzing metrics. Best of all, Google Analytics is actually free!