
Four Ways WhatsApp Has Ruined Relationships Across The Globe

Social Media has been the epitome of revolution in the field of internet. It helps you to connect with different individuals, businesses, and much more.

As well as we compliment the ease in communication that has been brought upon by Social Media, it has been a reason for the downfall of many relationships across the globe.
One Major Player that has simplified the process of communication but also played an equally significant role in the downfall of many relationships.

This article will be taking you through the various features of WhatsApp that have played a part in the downfall.

In this article, we will be taking you through the process of hiding a blue tick on WhatsApp and much more about their other features.


Removing the Blue Tick from WhatsApp:

Here is the process of removing the blue tick on WhatsApp chat as follows:

  1. The first step in the process is to Open Whatsapp or GbWhatsapp download the modded version of WhatsApp and open it. After opening the app, go to settings –Account- Privacy, and disable the read receipts.
  2. Once you disable the read receipts, it will disable the blue ticks but.
  3. You would need to close all the application, restart the device and open the app again.


That’s it the from us on the part of the process that will help you hide blue tick on WhatsApp chat. Well, there have been many cases where people have their relationships ruined due to unread messages and the blue tick.

Now, we will be talking about the other three features that have played a part in the downfall of relationships due to WhatsApp across the globe

Here are the three functions as follows:

  1. Another feature that has hurt the bond is The ‘Online Status’ feature that has put people in situations where one sees a person online but is not replying and hence becomes suspicious of the concerned person.
  2. The second feature on the list is the last seen status or the invisible last seen which puts out the message of unreadiness or unwanting of the concerned person to talk with their beloved one.
  3. Third and the last feature on the list is the Display Picture syndrome where if the picture is not with your loved one, you’re under constant questioning by your loved one on the same.

That’s it from our part of 3 features that has ruined many relationships on Whatsapp across the globe. The features are stated by taking public and publication views across the world on the internet.


Final Words

In this article, we have talked about Social Media Condrum, a significant player in the field, and its features that has ruined many relationships across the globe, and the process of removing the blue tick on Whatsapp.

Thank you for reading the article, and let us know if we have missed out on any process or a fact in the article via the comments section.
The post is in no way sponsored by Whatsapp and its development team.
