How to

How to Write a Great Profile for Online Dating

You realize that writing skills are extremely important for the successful professional and personal life. Today, the prevailing way of communication is texting. Most people don’t have enough time for phone calls and face time. For them, texting is the most convenient way of staying in touch. Social networks, text chat rooms and messengers promote this trend. You write posts, exchange messages, communicate. The more eloquent you are in your writings, the more likes you get. Your ability to make a conversation with the opposite sex is also tested and challenged on the dating sites, where to meet girls you need to hook them with an interesting profile and catchy emails. So, how to create an online dating site profile that works?

Online Dating Profile Advice for Men

Have you a flawless page on Facebook? It’s full of content, your photos, and posts? You should treat your profile on a dating site with the same level of seriousness. A lot of men think that it’s enough to register and the show begins. They fill in the required fields in a hurry just to accelerate the process. However, they don’t understand one important thing: quality and fullness of your profile large largely define your success with the opposite sex online. Writing a great profile for online dating requires time and effort, but the result is worth it. It will pave the way for the acquaintance and correspondence and, finally, to video dating with girls and real dates.

There are three key elements that account for the number of women interested in your online profile. Those being the profile information, photos, and your ability to strike up a conversation.

Apart from indicating some basic facts, such as your age, religion, marital status, you should write give some information on your personality. Don’t forget to mention the following:

  • Vivid traits.
    Think about your merits and choose three distinguishing traits of your character. If you don’t find it easy, ask your friends to help you. Don’t write a long list of your virtues – you may come across as too focused on yourself.
  • What you do is the part of your individuality. People choose their jobs according to their vocation, so one of the first questions we usually ask getting acquainted is “What do you do?” Write a few words about your profession and your attitude to it.
  • Even if your job is your main hobby, you must have some other interests. It may be quite weird for a woman to read your section “about me” and not to find any information about what you are passionate about. So, reveal your interests so she can have an idea of you as a person.

What you write is no less important than how you write it. First of all, you should write in an interesting way, for example, adding some humor. It’s necessary to make a good impression on your readers. Other online dating profile writing tips concern your spelling. Women are very sensitive to grammar and spelling mistakes, and even an innocent misprint can ruin her impression of you. So, reread what you write and use spelling check programs to avoid blunders. Not only do you need to worry about your spelling and grammar mistakes but also, you need to remember to take thing slowly. What I mean here is you must not mention anything vulgar like LG vibrators on your profile. If you mention things like sex toys on your profile, most women might have a bad impression on you.

The photos you upload to your profile can tell a story about you without words. So, choose the photos carefully. Your main photo should be attractive and show you from the best side. Make sure it’s only you in the picture. If it’s a group photo, how is she supposed to know which one of those guys is you? According to the dating experts, men who look not straight into the camera but away seem more attractive in women’s eyes. Also, summer photos receive more views. As to the album photos, there should be pictures of three types that depict different aspects of your life. Upload some photos of your travel experiences, add some group photos with your friends, and some pictures featuring you involved in some interesting activity.

Once your profile looks like the best man online dating profile, start sending messages to your matches. A quality profile will guarantee you quick responses from the women. But it’s only part of possible success. Your initial message is meant to trigger a dialog. So, write something catchy – a compliment, a question concerning her profile, etc. Make sure it’s mistake-free.