How to

How to Use International Call Forwarding

In this article, we’ll take a look at ways your business can use international call forwarding to enhance your business.

Localization Through International Call Forwarding

Localization is the process of adapting a product or content to a specific locale or target market. When dealing with new countries, the success and acceptance of your foreign business are dependent on how well you adapt to the culture and the way of life.

With international call forwarding, your business can blend into a specific country of your choosing. This is because virtual phone numbers are available in nearly every country in the world. Furthermore, many service providers (like United World Telecom) offer virtual phone numbers that match region/ area codes. Customers appreciate this effort from your business and are more likely to do business with an organization that resembles businesses that they normally interact with.


Reaching New Markets

The truth of the matter is that international call forwarding can be used to reach markets that would otherwise be unattainable. For instance, many foreign telecommunication service providers don’t allow their customers to call outside of their coverage range without incurring a long-distance fee — or having the call blocked outright.

International call forwarding bridges this gap, as virtual phone numbers can be called just like any other “normal” local area phone number. Vice versa, if your business decides to contact customers in new markets with “outbound calling,” the caller will receive a call from a number that matches the area codes that they’re familiar with (not a series of unintelligible digits that seem as foreign as it gets).


No Brick & Mortar Presence Necessary

Because virtual phone numbers use call forwarding technology that helps in creating a “virtual” presence, then it should be noted that traditional methods of business expansion may not be necessary for your business model.

In truth, think of how we handle most of our business interactions — most tasks that require face-to-face interaction can now be handled over the Internet or through phone calls. For instance, most banking can be handled online, utilities can be paid for with apps, and so forth.

With the advent of virtual offices and virtual locations, international call forwarding is a crucial component of your international business strategy. This means that your business can exist over the Internet and offer a way for potential customers in new countries to reach your business by telephone. In comparison, you would have to hire foreign staff, lease or purchase property, follow governmental guidelines, and so forth — all before earning a single profit. With international call forwarding, you can be put in touch with customers and businesses immediately.


Professional Credibility

One of the benefits that come from using virtual phone numbers is the fact that your organization can instantly attain professional credibility. Appearances matter in the global marketplace and your acceptance is based on whether you conform to how business is conducted in a particular country. For startups and small businesses that want to gain a foothold in the most efficient manner, looking professional as soon as possible is a key component of success.

One problem of offering your domestic toll-free number is that it won’t work for international callers. That’s where ITFS numbers (“International Toll-Free Service numbers”) can help you bridge the gap. ITFS numbers allow your business to offer toll-free service to international customers with a phone number that retains the look/functionality of toll-free numbers but also ensures that customers aren’t charged or blocked, which is something that separates amateur organizations from professionally-run organizations.


Add-Ons and Functions

In addition to the benefits inherent in the international call forwarding capabilities of virtual phone numbers, there are a number of add-ons that you can add to your business that can exponentiate how you reach foreign audiences. For instance, if your business is in the finance or banking sectors, you can use call recording to back up calls so that your business complies with international regulatory committees. Another example can be found in “time of day routing,” where your business can route calls to different locations based on your time-specific preferences.

For a full list of add-ons, upgrades, and available virtual phone numbers, visit United World Telecom’s website at

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