Business Success

Traditional Marketing Ideas for Digital Business

As a business owner, you should consider employing a mix of digital and traditional marketing ideas to improve your customer base. Older marketing strategies, when used properly can play a big role in the acquisition and retention of both digital and non-digital customers. This article highlights four traditional marketing ideas for digital businesses.


Consider Promotional Products

The use of promotional products is a marketing idea that has four key benefits for a company. One, customers and prospects will remember your brand every time they use the promotional product. Two, developing and distributing promotional products is cost-effective. Three, you get to reach a bigger audience. This happens when other people see your customers with the branded product or when your customers decide to give the product away to other people. Finally, promotional products boost sales and profits.

Promotional products can be branded mugs, bags, caps, pens, T-shirts, umbrellas, power banks, etc. But if you want to be different, you could share your USP via a custom shaped USB drive. This would be a great promotional product, especially for digital audiences.


Direct Mail

Customers receive so many emails each day and some promotional emails can be overlooked. More companies, including utility service providers, are now using digital channels to communicate with customers, making direct mail less congested. Thus, once in a while, consider sending a direct mail in addition to the weekly or monthly email outreach. And with fewer emails in the box, the chance of your direct mail getting read increases. However, this doesn’t mean that you should do away with emails. When you craft a good email, choose good headlines and offer quality services, customers will rarely ignore you even when their inboxes are full of work and other promotional emails.


Call Clients and Prospects

Calling is a fast way to get prospects to convert and to regain the attention of your dormant customers. When done right, prospects can convert to customers or clients immediately after the phone call. However, for this to work, you have to prepare well before picking up the phone. Customers and prospects will have a lot of questions, and you have to be prepared to answer them all, otherwise, your chances of doing business with them will be ruined. Also, you have to structure your conversation well to ensure that you don’t come out as pushy and to avoid talking about something the client is not interested in.

For phone calling to be successful, start by collecting enough data about the client. Thanks to advances in technology, you can easily achieve this by using software to track customer behaviour on your website and their transaction history. If it is someone who has not interacted with your business before, look for pieces of information available about them both online and offline.  After that, come up with a goal for your phone call, that is, what you hope to achieve by calling the customer or prospect. Set your goal based on the information you have about the individual. Finally, prepare the information you will need to get the conversation going. You need to know what you are offering someone before you call them.



Through networking, you will not only find prospective clients but also business partners and investors. You can network with others by attending seminars and conferences that are relevant to your business. The key to success in networking is taking the time to develop good relationships with other people. Take an interest in the lives, get to know them, and maybe later you can follow-up to see whether they are interested in doing business with you.

Though traditional marketing has been around for decades, it is not an outdated means for getting customers. There are a number of ideas that can be very effective in boosting conversions and sales for your business.