
Tips to Start a Fashion Blog and Make it Famous

So you need to learn how to begin a fashion blog, huh? Well, I’ve got great news for you. Fashion blogs are huge today.

This post is not only about starting fashion blogs. I’m going to guide you some step-by-step tips for starting any blog in any niche and making certain you do it properly.

Oh, and if you absolutely want to know how to begin a fashion blog this post will confidently blow your socks off!

The best part?

You can build a fashion blog that truly helps people out there by focusing on equality, ethical dressing labels, and be aiding young adults to form much healthier opinions about their body and options for self-esteem.

How to begin a fashion blog: you require few guts!

Let’s not sugar coat everything here – blogging is working hard.

And if you really do need to start a fashion blog you are entering a niche that is so busy and cramped you will fight to even find room to breathe.

The same goes for blogs about blogging, traveling blogs, music blogs, sports blogs and maybe sexy ones.

The competition and the noise are endless.

But there is great news and that is that 95% of those blogs actually suck.

I mean they really suck.

This leaves you with a chance to do something awesome and amazing and unique but, like the paragraph header says, you require few guts. You are going to have to make this work by being clever and various. If you’re not prepared to do that then you can as well stop right here.

So now what?

Remember: this article uses fashion blogging as an example yet can apply to almost any further niche.

The simple steps required to begin a fashion blog


Now that we’ve got the scary learn-the-hard-way-grasshopper lessons out of the way we will get into some helpful matters. Being able to begin a fashion blog and make it really awesome means following these simple steps (there’s more info afterwards):

1. Get a sick domain name and your personal host

Please, please, please don’t begin your blog on Tumbler or Blogger. Those activities are promoting tools for your main blog or website. If you need to truly increase a brand and make a business out of your fashion blog you need your own domain name and blog hosting to be able to begin a Word Press blog. The majority of the best websites do it this way.


2. Find out why you are great first

As I mentioned in the intro-mumbo-jumbo, you will need to know why you are very different. There are a number of fashion blogs out there and unless you do something differently you are likely to get lost in all the noise. You don’t require that.


3. Publish the very incredible (ethical) content your mind can manage

Once your blog is all set up and running don’t merely post thing stuff that you type out in 5 mints and hit submit. Blogging is working hard. Sometimes I take two or three days to write one blog post. You need to make your mind work and truly try to guide people.


4. Network

Make friends. Plenty of them. Make friends with your readers and make friends with other bloggers which are already far more awesome than you and may possibly give you a helping hand. This means increasing an email list and it means being active on places like Google+.

And today you are powerful and famous!

Nicely, not quite.

Let’s get into a little bit much more detail about all those factors.

Vital step: Why you require your own blog host to begin a-rockin’ fashion blog

I’ve written these items in a few blog articles now but it is only very important and we constantly see individuals get it so bad that I require keeping saying it.

A completely free blog is not an ideal choice

If you wish to start a blog that will eventually develop to be a business then you have to acquire your own domain name and web host.



Because that blog is for your benefit.

It will be the place from that you launch each project that you can come up with in the foreseeable future. It will be the place from that you promote all you do and it is going to be how all the huge cats in your market come to know you.

So why can you try to achieve that on a totally free blog host with various other company’s name in it? Can you imagine beginning a restaurant or a store and having an additional company’s name in your shop sign or restaurant label? No chance!


A huge tip about your future

Here is a major tip that I am going to make about your upcoming days. I ensure that this will happen. It happens to everybody who makes this error. This big tip is this:

“If you begin a blog on a totally free host 1 day you will need to move it to a self-hosted WordPress set up.”

That is a fact. And now this time you understand it you should be clever and just avoid the future headaches of a hurting migration and begin your blog in a way that sets you up for the long-term.

How to Start a Blog – A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Set Up
Below is a quick overview of how it works:


• Visit Bluehost

Begin by visiting BlueHost. This is the web hosting company that I recommend for all starters.

• Get your domain name

You can purchase your own domain name via BlueHost on the very first page. Your domain name is what individuals will kind in to find your website.

• Fill out every detail

You then fill out all your information, buy the hosting package (billed annually) and you’ll get quick access to the control panel.

• Install WordPress

Simply find the button called WordPress in your cPanel and press it. It will take you via a setup procedure that will take literally thirty seconds.

• Your blog is ready

Sure, it’s really skin and bones at this time but you are truly ready to begin blogging on your own setup.


What goes on next?

Once you have your completely new baby blog you’re going to be seduced by numerous plugins and WordPress themes. You will definitely want to change things and muck around with your theme and never basically do any content creation. Which is a large mistake?

So, perhaps before you go very much further down the road you want to read the next section.

To begin a fashion blog (or any blog) find out why you are incredible first

If you’ve jumped ahead and begun your brand new blog that’s completely fine – it shows you’ve got passion and power.

But here are some things you really need to consider about making a blog profitable, amazing and completely fabulous.


Being various is being alive

That might sound a bit dramatic however it is completely true. If your blog is the same as all of the other fashion blogs

That might sound a little dramatic however it is totally true. If your blog is the same as all of the other fashion blogs (or travel, music, sports) out there then you will probably fail and give up within a couple of weeks.

If, on the other hand, you understand why you are wonderful and you work tirelessly at making sure that is part of your brand and that you let individuals know why you are various you will find that you begin having small successes.


These tiny successes are extremely important.

For example, you might think of a very cool name for your blog, or a very awesome angle from which you blog about anything. Somebody might notice that name on Twitter or Facebook and offer you a little shout out saying that it is an awesome idea.

That is an extremely, most important thing to have to happen.

Very early on in this blog’s lifecycle, I got an easy Tweet from a gentleman called Rand Fishkin.

He mentioned, “I really like your about page.”

That was it.

Nicely, it simply so happens that Rand Fishkin was/is a big internet hero of mine and getting that easy Tweet gave me a crap-load of power.

If I got my about page perfect surely I could get other items right. Right?

That quote is still featured on my about page.

And I think it all came back to performing something unique.

So, how will you start a fashion blog that is various from all the rest?

• Put your face on it

You are likely to be a huge part of your blog. You write the darn thing! Make sure individuals know whom it is coming from.

• Put your story on it

Why are you writing this blog? Exactly why should individuals listen to you? Tell them your story even if it is definitely, really long.

• Think of a solid and differentiated brand

Your brand is not only your logo – it’s everything that you need to do. It’s everything that individuals think about you. Make sure your name, logo, style, and design all connect and all work together to make your blog unique.

• Take risks

You have to take risks with your content material (kind of like I am now writing an article about fashion blogging for thousands of readers!). Speak about things that matter to you – don’t only try to be like everybody else. This is generally one of the hardest parts of blogging.

All of this comes down to having a very deep understanding of why you are doing what you are doing.

Try and have few concepts of your motivations before you begin.


And then submit the best content material your brain can manage



This is what blogging is actually about.

Even if you’ve made errors in the last sections – chosen a poor domain name or started on a totally free host (ugh) – you can still make it work if you submit damn good content material.


So what does the ideal content appear like?

Well, the best quality content is not really much about how it seems. It might be in a lot of forms like a video or a blog post or an eBook. That doesn’t truly matter.

The perfect content, however, is something that changes a person’s living.

Again, that might sound dramatic however it’s probably not all that surprising.

If your fashion blog is about assisting curvy females then some content that you write might make somebody feel better about them per day.

That is a huge thing. And they will memorize it.

The greatest content solves difficulties. You and your mind should spend considerable time trying to come up with the better and most helpfulness content material ideas that you can think of.

If your fashion blog can help individuals with their lives, promote sustainable and ethical materials and worker rights, support a trying environment, etc. then you are going to make an actual effect on those that encounter your brand. And you’ll think brilliant about doing it.

So how do you do it?

• Make plans

Plan ahead with your blog’s technique. Figure out what individuals might want to see now and in the long term.

• Copy your competitors and then be much better

Have a look at what your competitors are doing to achieve success and then copy them but make it unique, different and much better. No point re-inventing the wheel.

• Get specialist

Specialist photos, videos, graphics – all of these things can make a huge difference to how you are perceived.

• Write, write, and write

Would you like to get better at writing? Well, you have to write a LOT. Write all the time and truly try to find your words. Write long blog articles that give out lots of value.

• Focus on evergreen content

The evergreen content material is useful stuff that stays relevant not for just a week or two but forever. This is an important point to running a successful blog.

• Learn SEO

Search Engine Optimization is annoying however it is an important part of helping you craft high-quality content that gets noticed. I have a guide to SEO for blogs which you could read.

Now, the reason I discussed the brain using this section’s header is really that this stuff should become a seep on your brain in case you will do it best.

The best content is tricky to develop. It takes a number of search engine research and it takes a lot of time to provide, edit and excellent.

But it is extremely important that you simply take the time for you to try and be completely incredible with your own fashion blog’s written content because even if you agree to don’t quite hit it the first couple of times you will still gain people’s attention.

Fashion website case study: Once you’ve completed reading this definitely will be purchased and also see how one female who look over this very content continued to launch a fashion blog and get 17,800 email opt-in members in 6 several weeks!

After which network, group, members

While high-quality content is considered crucial, you really need to be certain that your network, association, community.

I’ve said it more often than not: it’s your fellow workers and visitors and the important relationships that you possess with these particular that could make you famed.


Just how do you do it?

Spy on stylish bloggers

The starting time is to get on Google+ organizations or Twitter search and get started with spying on the best stylish bloggers. Find out who is who and additionally know what that they do.

• Make contact

Slowly start to make contact with to them around their written content. Make them get more opinions and try to make buddies.

• Share content

Start to share their content personally blog. Inform them of that you just gave them and suggest. Try to create a relationship by realizing how to publish e-mail.

• Start discussions

Wherever possible (forums, comment areas, Twitter, etc.) make sure to start discussions. Some of the best relationships I’ve created have come about this way.

• Use Skype

When you get another blogger on Skype then you will generally connect with others for life. It is a fantastic moderate that we don’t use more than enough.

These are some of the main ways I group online but, of course, you can get a lot of other things you can do.

Getting you started in fashion blogging (plus training lessons for the rest of us)

To help out start you on that network marketing process I’ve made a kind of tagged list of some of the best fashion blogs around. Visit these websites; see what they do well then simply get ideas and make get in touch with.

For everyone else who isn’t interested in beginning a fashion blog, I’ve made sure these sites give you a lot of other useful things to look at.


This is a really good example of a blog that doesn’t need to just be a blog. The best way to make a blog is by creating a whole online business around it. They have deeper content ideas and a broad range of articles or blog posts that aren’t just simple lessons.

Style like U

A great example of creating a tribe around a psychological idea. The catch-phrase is “Freedom of expression throughout personal style”. You immediately realize what you’re getting.

Bria Street Studio

A simple blog design with somewhat complicated and “different” strategy to a blog. You’ll instantly notice the professional snapshots – there’s a reason for that.

The Beauty Department and beauty

The thing I love about this site is that they actually almost anything in an infographic/graphical way which would definitely lend itself quite well to social spreading on Pinterest. It also produces a unique brand and design that you recognize immediately.

Bryan Boy

This is the way you build a personal brand and become recognized. Not everyone loves him but he seems to be doing pretty well for himself.

The Standalone Fashion Bloggers

This is an amazing case learning of a website that will be grown and improved by bringing in multiple talented writers to write about one particular topic. An amazing lesson to learn.

The Lingerie Addict (probably NSFW?)

This is the perfect example of someone who has released a blog on a very niche and is thus able to earn money extremely easily by reviewing accessories or solving problems related to those appliances.

Go Fug Yourself

A massive blog with an incredible tact for success. The name is memorable in addition to the content always complements.

What advice would you provide for beginning a fashion blog?

I’d simply adore to draw on the common brilliance of the Tyrant Troops here and also ask what tips or instructions you would gift someone starting a fashion blog or even any blog that could be focused around a particular market or sub-topic? Make sure you leave a comment.