
Use Mobile Devices To Monitor Your Networks

Mobile devices, especially smartphones have changed the way people do business today. One of the most powerful things they have made possible is providing on the go network management services. Today, network managers can access core applications that can help them do their work more easily.

Many vendors have already developed Android, Windows, iPhone, and iPad network monitoring apps. Although they do not provide all of the traditional monitoring appliances’ features, these apps are quite advanced. Some of their attributes include alert systems, automated discovery, and policy management.


Advantages Of Using Mobile Monitoring Apps


Almost all professionals today own smartphones and know how to operate them.A good number have other mobile devices such as iPads. Besides, those who do not have the devices can easily access them from their friends and colleagues. Therefore, network managers can easily download and use monitoring tools.


Boost Your Health

With mobile monitoring apps, people can unglue themselves from their desk chairs and monitor their web resources from virtually anywhere. The only thing they need is access to mobile connection or wireless networks. This is much healthier as it may reduce the lifestyle diseases and back pains associated with much sitting.

Boost Productivity

Most people spend their time on their mobile devices. Network managers are no exception. Installing monitoring apps on such devices could, therefore, make engineers more effective, efficient, and responsive. For instance, the moment alertsarrive on their devices, they realize it and respond accordingly.


Using these apps could also create flexible working schedules. For instance, when network managers have appointments or are stuck somewhere, they do not need to worry. They can always monitor their networks even when they are away from their desks.

Also, the mobile apps give users complete control over everything. They can decide whether the apps should run in the background or not. Users are also able to disable the tools in case of excess bandwidth usage. Better still, they can choose the tasks to run and how often.

For some apps and providers, users have the flexibility of choosing the kind of services they would want on their devices. For instance, one user may want to use DDoS monitoring while another uptime monitoring services. Such flexibility meets the financial and system requirements of all businesses.


Overall, mobile network management apps go a long way in complimenting traditional monitoring approaches. With them, network managers can do or have access to almost all the important services that data centers offer. They can leave the rest to the old monitoring tools.

By consolidating collected data locally, these types of Smart Management Applications (SMAPs) reduce network monitoring traffic. Then, the centralized console or manager can only present information and invoke management tasks when necessary.

Improved Visibility

In the traditional models of network management, data centers are in control of all the information. Users have to be at the location to know what is going on. On the contrary, internet monitoring mobile apps allow users to be always aware of what is happening as long as there is access to mobile networks.

Cheaper Alternatives

The highest ranking mobile apps that manage networks are independent tools. They are not simply extensions of larger network management platforms. Therefore, they do not require other software to work. Also, some of them are free while others are cheap. Overall, using these tools is way cheaper than traditional options.

Top Smartphone Apps

Users rate the following apps highly. Since they are either free or cheap, customers can keep on trying them to find out the best of them. However, most of the mobile apps have proved to be helpful in managing networks effectively over time. Some of them are compatible with both Android and iOS.

  1. CIDR Calculator

A CIDR calculatorisan IP subnet tool that network managers can use to determine address ranges of both large and small networks. One of the greatest advantages of this app is that it supports an important element, IPv6. It has a user-friendly and attractive interface. It is a free app.


  1. Eznetscan

This app allows for easy and quick scanning of wireless networks. It is also possible to send a scan and other test results via email.The free version of ezNetScan has features such as ping, service scan, DNS lookup, among others. The paid version can filter results and create graphs from the user’s data.


  1. Fing Network Tools

Fing allows for a quick view of the devices that are connected to a user’s wireless network. It provides the found devices’ IP addresses, names, and MAC addresses. It also allows network managers to run DNS lookups, ping and traceroutes, TCP connection testers, among other things.

Additionally, Fing has a search function that enables users to look up devices by names, IP addresses, vendor, or notes. Apart from being compatible with iOS and Android, it is free. However, it features paid Fingbox accounts that integrate to provide additional services such as merging and analyzing networks.

Start Using Mobile Monitoring

Unlike other internet monitoring tools, the use of mobile apps is simple and straightforward. The relatively high accessibility that this platform offers plus a bundle of other advantages makes it an irresistible force to try out. Anyway, it is inexpensive. Why not give it a try today?