
Top 10 Trends to Watch for Android App Development in 2019

With the advent of advanced technologies, the conventional way of living has transformed. People utilize the latest gadgets that add value to their day to day life and smartphone is one of such devices.

According to Statista, the number of mobile phone users across the world is suppose to pass the five billion mark by 2019. In the second quarter of 2018, 88 per cent of all smartphones sold to end users were phones with the Android operating system, the same source stated.

These numbers prove Android is the biggest mobile app development platform. With Android app development, companies can reach out to a large user base, increase sales, and generate revenue. Through the frequent technology updates, Android allows businesses to develop highly functional, secure, flexible, extensible and scalable apps in order to meet the ever-changing market trends.

Lots of innovations are happening when it comes to Android app development trends. This post covers ten leading trends that disrupt the mobile app industry.


#1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Introducing Artificial Intelligence in Android apps, businesses can improve user experience by enabling customers with personalized offerings. The technology allows businesses to understand customers’ behaviour, journey, product preferences, and many more details. With the data-driven approach, companies can formulate a better strategy for customer engagement by responding to their demands quickly.

E-commerce businesses develop Android apps with AI to explore endless business opportunities, address clients’ specific needs, and generate adequate revenue. Harnessing the potential of AI, organizations can develop chatbot, advanced analytics system, and machine learning techniques to deliver the best user experiences.


#2. Internet of Things

IoT based Android app creates a convenient environment for the users to connect to IoT enabled devices. According to Statista, the number of connected devices worldwide was 15.41 billion in 2015 and it is expected to grow to 75.44 billion in 2025. It is an almost 60 billion increase in IoT enabled devices.

Being the leading OS, Android will be the biggest partaker in this trend. It will be the preferred choice of businesses and developers for IoT app development. The mixture of IoT and Android app can build IoT for Home, IoT for Workplace, IoT for Enterprises, and more.


#3. Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR)

The cognitive technologies enable users with immersive experience by augmenting digital elements on the real world and creating a completely artificial environment as per their requirements. Build highly interactive AR and VR solutions using Android app development services. It helps businesses to elevate the user experience by offering them lifelike visual experiences.

Lots of businesses are using AR and VR applications for marketing, product demonstration, sales, process learning, maintenance and repairing, and more. The enterprise-oriented use cases of AR and VR involve training of products and process, on filed assistance, and so on.


#4. Cloud-based Android App Development

To address the customers increasing demands and expectations, developers have started creating highly complex and feature-rich mobile apps. As the latest Android apps come with a lot of design elements, features, and functions, they require more space on the users’ smartphone.

With cloud-based Android applications, developers can seamlessly run data-driven apps as cloud technology allows for real-time data loading, management, and processing. The essence of cloud-based Android app is its innate behaviour to easy access at any time and anywhere.


#5. Android Instant Apps

Google Play Instant allows users to use an app or game without any installation process. Android Instant Apps are stored and operated from the cloud, so users need not to download them. The key benefit of such apps is, they do not take up extra space on the users’ smartphone. Also, users can eliminate the clutter of unnecessary applications on their mobile devices.

Recently, Google has launched advanced features for Android developers to help them in developing small applications faster and allow users to use them without installing it. Android App Bundle, a new app publishing format of Google, brings businesses a step forward to develop Google Instant Apps quickly. And, 2019 will witness the success of Android Instant Apps for sure.


#6. Chatbot

A chatbot is a very popular technology across the business world. It allows companies to provide intelligent responses to customers’ queries, enable them with the required information, boost sales, and increase revenue. Brands can deliver a better customer experience through instant messaging and close communication quickly through chatbot solutions.

Integrating chatbot in Android apps, organizations can reduce operational cost by cutting down efforts and resources for customer support service. According to Gartner, twenty-five per cent of customer service and support operations will integrate chatbot technology across engagement channels by 2020.

Tie up with an experienced mobile app development company who offers a complete range of  Android app development services to build an application with Chatbot.


#7. Blockchain

Blockchain came into limelight with the rise of cryptocurrency. Recently, it has been observed that a Blockchain Wallet App launched on Google Play Store and heated millions of downloads in a very short time span. It proves that the technology is trending and innovative Android app with Blockchain will get a good response from customers as well as developers.

These days, blockchain has gained more popularity over cloud applications due to its adequate security and viability. The technology keeps the record of customers digital transactions and ensures the security of clients’ information.


#8. Kotlin

Kotlin is a highly popular programing language that allows sharing code between different platforms. It allows developers to build native apps with native instruments and libraries.

The language runs on a JAW and now it is compilable to a native binary through LLVM based backend. This capability can be used to write code for iOS or even other platforms such as Windows, Mac, etc. Moreover, Kotlin allows to create and share the code for business logic, presenters, repositories, etc.


#9. In-app Search

When users open a mobile app, lots of information and offerings are available on different screens of the application. It becomes a challenge for users to find the specific information that they are looking for. In-app search capability of Android app helps users to find exactly what they need. The in-app search will stay as a trend for the long term as it is something users expected and demanded.


#10. Android App Security

In the past, Google was receiving many complaints about breached app security. The apps were accessing users’ personal data without their permission. To address this issue, Google released an Android update with a newly updated security breached app. Now, Android developers are integrating a permission module in the applications to make users’ data more secure. The apps will ask for the user’s permission before accessing his or her personal information. Users have the right to allow or deny any permission.


Wrapping Up

To rock in 2019 and beyond, businesses have to consider all these Android app development trends to meet the frequently changing digital era. Incorporate emerging technologies in your Android app to deliver fast-paced, unified experiences and address customers expectations. Many more Android app development trends will come and pass by, but being a business owner, you need to evaluate the right set of technologies that help you seize opportunities and gain a competitive edge.